
  1. onlyathot

    The Issue W/ Dulofall

    As it stands, and one of the few who play a Dulofall character, I think it's fun! However, there are a few (lot) issues that I have come across IC and OCC: Pheromones People either flat out ignore the attracting and disarming effect, OR they underplay the whole "makes the Yanar attractive to...
  2. Devoruku

    Jardín De Hojas Caídas - ( Yanar Community )

    "The fallen leaves sway in the air like fair maidens dancing in their bright golden dresses. Oh how I long to see the autumn trees flutter their branches of their ruby wings and bring peace from the chaos of the summer heat. Fallen leaves show the moment that nature takes its rest and prepares...
  3. Devoruku

    The Funny Notion Behind Ironic Character Coincidences

    Hello there my name is Devoruku and today I thought id like to share some funny coincidences I found between my current favourite character, Elliya Nyin, and some lore in the Massivecraft Wiki that could be "connected" to her if a time arose. First I need to explain my character, Elliya Nyin is...
  4. J

    Yanar Questions

    What exactly is ovalating? Do Yanar go to any of the schools? if so which ones? How do Yanar and parents work? Like do they have parents or siblings?
  5. Devoruku

    Archived Lore Update: Nenya + Large Scale Yanar Event

    Hello, my name is Devoruku and today I wish to bring up quite possibly my favourite two lore pages on the Wiki - the Yanar and the Nenya. Nenya: I have been playing massive for a while now and I am fast approaching my third birthday from joining - ever since I discovered the wiki I began...
  6. TrashCanFicus

    Be Nice, Be Kind

    One day, in her Bakery, Ke'wince was cleaning and a poem came to her, though nothing written. It came from her mind, her words came out fluidly and with passion and filled with creativity. Anyone passing by could hear her words through the quiet and warm evening. When I was younger, a child...
  7. Devoruku

    Elliya Nyin's Sweet Cakes And Confectionary

    Hello and welcome young and old to Elliya Nyin's Cakes and Confectionary ~Our Products~ Our confectionary is well known in Regalia for its divine cakes ranging from our "Void Forest Gateau" to our charming "Lover's Delight" in which is baked and served fresh in store each day. For any of our...
  8. TrashCanFicus

    The Rose And Lilac Cafe

    The Rose and Lilac Bakery As the wind gently blows against the sweet scented flowers One could almost sit down for hours As they took in the most wonderful scent And the beautiful aroma had taken their nostrils for rent An open eye would seem to notice A door open, not needing much focus Those...
  9. Eccetra

    -=[ House Haaven ]=-

    "Like the trees who sway with the wind, neither do we break." ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Race: Primarily Yanar Culture: Imperial Religion: Unionism [Some Fated Faith] Politics: Left Centrist Business...
  10. AlysaPotato

    House Mestu-zara

    House Mestu-Zara "Unity and Faith; Peace and Progress" ~Nationality~ Yanar (Allar/Slizzar seedlings) - Slizzar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~General Information~ House Religion: Faith of Estel House Motto: "Unity and Faith; Peace and Progress" House Trade: Cosmetics and Herbs...
  11. seoulmate

    Seoulmate's Art Doodles

    This is just a place for me to dump my sub-par art! Critiques welcomed as I am still learning a lot of things regarding drawing.
  12. Eccetra

    Heiwynn Family

    ✿ The Heiwynn Family ✿ "Your typical farmers; the last of the Nenyarina." This thread is vastly outdated and awaiting update! Please contact @Eccetra and @Caelamus directly for inquiries. Lineage: Yanar, Avanthar, Cielothar. Hometown: Surya Cëllio. - Southern Daendroc. Trade: Primary...
  13. Omnomivore

    [wutienda] Say Goodbye To The Florae ♪♫♪

    I had a little fun once I re-found my missing Mic. A song parody based on Wutienda's creation of Essiphuale to corrupt the Yanar. https://soundcloud.com/omnomivore/wutienda-say-goodbye-to-the-florae
  14. Xerxes145

    Xerxes Tries Art!

    Yup... I tried some concept art stuff to help with skinning, and some stuff popped out. Like, actually decent art. Oh, who am I kidding, this is really a trash thread. I made these on OneNote using the pen and highlighter tools. It's not really supposed to be used for art, as you can see...