
  1. WingedJade

    Played Character Royal, The Shadow-eater

    ════════════════════════════════════════════════ ════════ » ・❥・ « ════════ ════════ » ・❥・ « ════════ ════════════════════════════════════════════════ CHARACTER INFORMATION ✧ ∥ Full Name | Rhelana. » Names, Nicknames, Titles | Royal, The Shadow-Eater. ✧ ∥ Heritage | Bene Vixit. ✧ ∥ Age |...
  2. Nirnro0t

    Preserved Sheet Fallon Lënwrynis

    “Are monsters born or created?” Full Name || Fallon’urla Phyrra Lënwrynis Nicknames || Fallon, Fal Age || 76 - Physically appears to be mid-twenties. Gender || Female Race || Moon Vault Isldar Sexuality || Bisexual Preferred Weapon || Iron, bastard sword. “What doesn’t kill me better...
  3. HuskyLeader

    Returning Flight

    Days had passed Silver had finally met his parents, he took time to do some shopping for those back in Regalia and spent time relaxing and getting to know his family once more. He was happy again, something he hadn’t truly had for a very long time. All the worries in his life had gone and, he...
  4. Magivore

    The Last In A Line Of 12

    A link of music to set up the mood: This is a tale from a man who had retired from the war upon the mountain, but not the war within. Atop the peaks of Ellador stood a regiment of Dwarves and Orcs that kept close watch over the main entrance, just above the ballistas. It was a normally easy...