Character Information
Full Name: Levi.
Age: Unknown
Gender / Pronouns: Masculine (He/Him)
Religion: Faithless
Occult: Demon (Abyss)
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Glowing white irises, surrounded by black sclera
Scale Color: Murky blue
Hair: Twin horns and fins
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
"Art by Pierre Fabre, Malombre"
The spring dusk gleamed over Regalia, just before darker twilight. It's salty breezes kissing the harbor littered shores. It was this bustling night that three establishments referred to as the Nook and Cranny, The Dragon, and Barrows and Tavern Teahouse, were...
“Stars hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires:
The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be
What the eye fears, when it is done, to see?”
Milo's hands curled into fists,nails digging into the palms of his hands as he tried to keep calm in the damp cell. He had been caught. Again. It was the third time this week and he was getting kind of annoyed at the fact he couldn't pick a pocket like he used to. Another guard shuffled past his...
The Crowthorn
Secret Crime Syndicate
"Rich men want to believe they deserve every penny they've got, so they forget what they owe to chance.
Smart men are always looking for loopholes. They want an opportunity to game the system."
Who are we?
The Crowthorn are a group of criminals. We...
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