Character Information
Full Name:
Heritage / Culture:
Note, most Slizzar found in the world are Slizzar born tens of thousands of years ago. This is because Sarakand exists in a warped time-bubble where time can pass slower or faster than the world around it...
Full Name: Lomaharsana
Race / Culture: Devata Slizzar
Age: 37
Gender / Pronouns: Nonbinary, he/him
Occult: Nerocanto Greater Vampire
Core Concept
A predatory and elusive vampiric Slizzar bent on taking advantage of the weak in a twisted pursuit of power. Charming and enchanting towards their...
Full Name: Elvira Grey Zzmirznov
Race: Isldar (Life)
Age: 150
Gender: none
Eye Color: Light Lavender / Pink
~Core Concept
An Isldar noblewoman raised as a Crown Witch, alongside her twin Elvarin.
They were both raised with the Isladr who sent them to many crown witch covens and the...
Ernst Haeckel, Lake Singkarak, circa. 1901
Music for your reading.
[A hopeful declaration]
Digmaan Bahtera is an Allar and Hadaria-themed Digmaan (sometimes including Slizzar things!). It crosses the line between a house/family, and an organization/interest group. Marquis...
Landscape/Raja Ampat (Indonesia) by fahrianur
Music for your reading.
On the morning of June 20th, 310 A.C., small notes slipped under the doors of the Allar residents of Digmaan Hall, and those out in the city. Invited to the Memory Garden, they find Marquis Harta sitting upon the...
☽☼☾ Public Discord ☽☼☾
The Nessrassian Collective is a recently developed subsect of the Nessrassian Faith, providing all those within its ranks with a haven to worship the Ssepston, as well as provide guidance and support for the Slizzar of Regalia. Headed by Varszira Zzazsei, the Nessrassian...
"I am a fool...what have I done?"
It had been a long time wandering for the restless Sihndar, Torlian Krakaine. He was a traveler now, a bounty hunter. A man who put wrongs right across the world, while his son remained...
Even though it was practically the middle of the day, the Slizzar celebrated with great fires, drink, and dance for hours upon hours, well into the evening. The various members of the Ophid Union were spread out along these beaches, all worshiping and celebrating in their own unique...
Their boat was not the only one, but it was perhaps one of the largest. All around them along this sandbar-like island were Slizzar. Many had already shifted into non-Human forms, their colored showing itself and making up a discolored rainbow. On other nearby islands, other Slizzar...
The ship had been paid exceptionally well for the simple task it had been given. Any moral quandaries the captain and his crew possessed had likely been silenced by that bit of extra Regals in their pockets, though it was most certainly not a bribe. It had all merely been an...
A large paper would be posted on the notice board, bearing the following advertisement:
Patriotic Navy Personnel, Alchemists, Maiar, Slizzar, and other volunteers who have the:
ability, acclimation, skill, and wherewithal to partake in naval and underwater activities, including...
Rinus's Art!
Hi there! I'm Rinus, I haven't logged onto the forums for a good....year and a half, so I felt that another new art thread might be appropriate. I'm a digital artist and I reeeally like some of the slizzar concepts so I sort of went on a bit of a binge of drawing them like..a few...
The man contemplated whether to send his rant to Countess Black, he didn't rip it or burn it because this was what he needed.
'Last night, with no children around, I had got into a fight in defence of another almshouse employee. All this during a riot, now as I wondered upon the streets and...
House Mestu-Zara
"Unity and Faith; Peace and Progress"
Yanar (Allar/Slizzar seedlings) - Slizzar
~General Information~
House Religion: Faith of Estel
House Motto: "Unity and Faith; Peace and Progress"
House Trade: Cosmetics and Herbs...
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