
  1. Hemingway7

    Lifeguard Decree Of Jan. 23, 310 Ac

    The Lifeguard Office reports a stagnation of registrations given the New Year, which is to be expected given holiday celebrations. At that, the Lifeguard Officer wishes all to have had a very happy holiday season. Despite that stagnation, some noble houses remain unprotected by house guards...
  2. Hemingway7

    Lifeguard Decree Of May 28, 309 A.c.: A Guide To Palestry

    Official Palest Guide ((Palestry is a difficult IC relationship to maintain because it is a lifelong arrangement that requires consistent activity between the noble and palest. It isn’t something to take lightly, both IC and OOC. You should hold off on swearing an oath of palestry until you are...
  3. Hemingway7

    Lifeguard Decree Of May 12, 309 A.c.: On Palestry

    On May 11, 309 A.C., Ducal-Minister Bancroft of Draakenrust appointed Sergeant Howland of the Viridian Order to the position of Lifeguard Executive. On Palestry: Palestry is the act of a noble and a “palest” swearing themselves to be one for life. The noble provides every expense for the...