
  1. Vivo_Et_Vincam

    The Dredger's Conflict

    Upon the day of February 23rd, 307 AC, House van der Veer has been called by many a House to join in the Colonial Conflict, stating that the other side is immoral, unjust, and wrong in their convictions. Of course, both sides to this argument have worth within their own right. House...
  2. Vivo_Et_Vincam

    Public Address: The Disowned

    To the people of Regalia, Upon the day of January Thirteenth, House Longsae met within the compounds of our estate to discuss the dishonorable acts of another of our blood. After a long debate over a course of action and a tally of everything he is responsible for, the following decision...
  3. Vivo_Et_Vincam

    Longsaean Companion Company ( L C C )

    The Longsaean Companion Company IC INFO The Longsaean Companion Company, known by most as the LCC, is a primarily financial company of the Regalian Empire, mostly centered in the Holy City of Regalia, and the Barony of Valdepoort, with some extension to Ithania. Owned by the noble House...
  4. Nathan

    In Search Of A Tutor

    Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire is looking for a Professional Tutor in the subjects of Ithanian Culture, Language, and History. As well as Noble Etiquette and the history of prominent Noble Houses in the Archipelago and Ithania. This tutor will be assigned mainly to his eldest daughter, Hyacinthe...
  5. Crineas

    ⚶ The Azure Guardians | Von Rahm Noble House Guard ⚶

    The Azure Guardians | von Rahm House Guard History Forged in the grit and blood of Opper Calem and hardened from its many skirmishes and conflicts stretching for centuries, the Guardians hail from a time of the ruination of an entire kingdom in the hands of foreign invaders. Left...
  6. Mid_exe

    Writing Doll Services

    *A handwritten pamphlet was posted on the nearest notice boards saying the following in a soft writing* If you are in need to send a letter to someone you care about or a relative, our services may be of help to you. With our highly trained writing dolls who can write down what you wish to...
  7. Mortisian

    Academia Dei Intellect

    If your mind is made up of matter, than how can you have mind if you do not matter? -Deo dei Termini 306AC :History: The Academia dei Intellect is a newly found Guild whose origins date back to the early days of this century in 300AC, where the more scholarly minds of Termini gathered together...
  8. Mortisian

    Eyes Of The Mountain ( Termini House Guard )

    The Eyes of the Mountain Dei Termini House Guard The Eyes of the Mountain are a prestigious group of individuals who serve house dei Termini. The Eyes serve the dei Termini’s as house guard. The house guard provide the family and its associates with protection, security, and perform various...
  9. Svyatogorye

    Looking For A Life Partner

    To the respectful Ladies of Regalia, I hope today has met you with warm spirits. I write today at a simple request for a simple man. I, Lord Inquisitor Albus du Pont of the Crimson Inquisition have found myself in a predicament where I find myself with no time to be in search of a wife. With...
  10. Mortisian

    On Recent Events; A Statement From House Dei Termini

    I, Lord Deo dei Termini of Termini, state upon my oath to the Regalian State and upon my loyalty to the Imperial Spirit that the gold retrieved from the Peirgarten estates in Lorhauser was intended to be shipped to the Peirgartens personally. However, the vile House Winslough intercepted and...
  11. Mid_exe

    Black Vipers - Celyreos House Guard

    History The Black Vipers are a newly formed House guard for the Celyreos family in 306 AC, their recent creation after the Celyreos’ rise back into nobility. Ageing back to 289 AC protecting this house was very important for the loyal and devoted guards. Acting notably different to that of the...
  12. Last_Link

    House Carwell

    House Name: Carwell House Words: "Bleach your banners." Family Sigil: A wounded sparrow in flight. Family Colors: Brown and Grey Culture: Anglian Religion: Unionist Political Stance: Conservative. Family Niche: Military. Family Values: Duty and Strength. Business: Farming and military...
  13. BillyTheScruffy

    ✊ The Regalian Brotherhood ✊

    With the onset of female only clubs, Duke Rodderick Howlester has saw it fit to establish The Regalian Brotherhood, a club exclusively surrounding male interests for men, by men. The Brotherhood itself is open to any and all men of all class and humanum race, and actively promote activities such...
  14. Havsbris_

    House Miramonte

    Theme music: La fortuna favorece a los sabios House Motto: “Fortune favors the wise.” Culture: Daendrouque Trade: Lumber and Naval Service The family makes its money primarily through selling Girobaldan ship lumber, and many members are members of the Regalian Navy. House Colors: Red, Orange...
  15. Eternal_Wrath

    Tines Of Silver, Guard Of House Norwood

    The Tines of Silver are the House Guard of the Norwood family. All citizens of the Empire are eligible to join the guard so long as they have citizenship and/or serve in the military under the banner of Regalia and Unionism. If you qualify as with these parameters, go on and apply! Charter...
  16. AntonVoron

    Noble House Bolshekov [ Vladno Nobility]

    House Bolshekov Family History ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ I - Yeomen of Novyyzamok II - From serf to noble blood III - Hetmen of Fólgorod & Gdensk IV - The New Nobility ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ I. Yeomen of Novvyzamok (205 AC. - 225 AC.) Yeoman Yaroslav Bolshekov The...
  17. S

    Declaration Of An Abolishment Of Nobility

    When in the Course of history, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's the Divine entitle them, a decent...
  18. Ryria

    House Dachwig

    House Name: Dachwig. ‘Dach-wig.’ Culture: Alt-Regalian Crest: A coat of arms with the Calemberger White Ferret front and centre, gold accents and other decorative pieces surrounding it. Words: Sword or pen, we conquer all. ‘Stift oder Schwert, wir erobern alle.’ Colours: Burnt Wine, Black...
  19. seoulmate

    Restless Nights

    The crowded tavern full of people, a woman in red beckoning her over to a booth. Walks in the park. Fuzzy images flashing in her mind. A stab, a bite, and broken fingers. Blurs of flowers littering her vision. A bang, screams, and a bright light blinding her sight. Amelina woke with a jump...
  20. G

