
  1. Infinatum

    The Imperial Times ~ Issue One

    Friday, 24 May, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue One NEW GOVERNMENT APPOINTED - LORD CHANCELLOR CONFIRMED His Imperial Holiness, Alexander I, has appointed a new government to carry on the business of the day: Lord Chancellor: Constanze du Brierust. Secretary for the Army: Garth Viduggla...
  2. Llatzerus

    The Regalian Tribune - Fourth Edition

    The fourth edition would swiftly circulate through the streets, like any other recent paper. The Tribune office would then later release a statement that it was decreasing it's paper length to a single page, in order to facilitate stories that must be released sooner than they have enough...
  3. Llatzerus

    Let's Talk About Newspapers.

    I'm making this thread today because as many know, I endeavor to run a server-based newspaper. I had been intrigued by the idea, and motivated when I saw other server-based newspapers slowing or shutting down altogether. Earlier, in the discord noble discussion, the topic came up. I've heard...
  4. Llatzerus

    The Regalian Tribune - Third Edition

    A new edition is spread all around the city, to every doorstep and countryside estate available. Additionally, the Regalian Tribune office is re-opened and the Tribune requests support, be it by tips, sources, or perhaps donations and endorsements. The primary way a business could help the...
  5. Llatzerus

    Looking For Sources!

    Several posters are placed around noticeboards within the city, featuring the following text. The Regalian Tribune is looking for sources and informants! Bring to us any true recent stories you might have, and you'll be paid well if the stories are usable in the next issue of the...