
  1. V

    Archived X

  2. Enderren

    Archived Potential Mob Spawn Tweaks

    Recently, I've started construction on an underwater dome(With proper go aheads from staff) The problem is, the guardians spawn like rabbits underwater. I have two ideas to help with this, since everyone knows that guardians are annoying to deal with and kill. (A) A new mob truce trait for...
  3. ThatGuyOnMyBlock

    Archived Send Mobs Through Portals

    The title pretty much says it all. I have a few mobs that I would like to move (pets and stuff) but they would be a huge pain to dig a 2x 3x tunnel and to move them through it with leads and stuff. Also it would be nice to be able to move pets to different worlds and the like (It should not be...

    Archived Stop Darkroom Spam (suggestion)

    1. Allow players to configure messages you get by killing mobs, such as [XP] ones and [Money] ones: — disable either [XP] or [Money] at the same time or only one — send messages to the action bar instead of the chat 2. Send mcMMO related messages to the action bar instead of the chat: — This...