
  1. Scribbe

    Preserved Sheet Ba'llua Con'taja

    Ba'llua Con'taja Basic Information Full Name: Ba’llua’ajo’te In’con’cie’on’al Con’taja la Co’ssolei’ci’on tel Bac’ie’olla Common Translation: “Stalwart bulwark against the corruption of the Void”. Nicknames: Ba’llua Con’taja, Ba’. Aliases: Ben. Age: 35. Born: 9th February, 271AC. Gender...
  2. Rassidic

    Preserved Sheet Zarisstra

    Basic Information (Required) “I don’t have much to say. Sorry.” Full Name: Zarisstra Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Drowdar Sexuality: Straight Religion: Unionist Convert <- Drowda Faith of Estel Skill Information (Required) “Oh, I suppose I know a little? Don’t expect too much.” Total Points...
  3. Eternal_Wrath

    Preserved Sheet Durlyn Do'ana, The Demon Slayer

    "Beyond our ideas of right and wrong is a field. I will meet you there friend." Basic Information Full Name: Dujjlyn’saen Do’ajña’veonossie Alias: Durlyn Do'Ana Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: Drowdar Main Ambition: To cleanse the world of the Void’s presence Religion: Drowdar Faith of Estel...