
  1. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Call For Aid

    By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte A Call for Aid Following the disastrous events which transpired yestereve, I have convened with my advisory cabinet to deliberate on what is the next best course of action for the Regalian State, and we have unanimously come to the following...
  2. Carlit0o

    Foreboding Visions

    ♩ ♪ ♫ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Heavy laughter filled the halls of the assembly building. A light hearted jab back and forth what it may have seemed to the crowd of blurred faces above was all but too real. Venomous, silver...
  3. mochha

    House Kehlen's Misfortune

    A post was created upon the board, in big, red text was: Below, was neatly written text stating: Disrespect and dishonor is a slippery slope considering there are relevant and irrelevant sides to the stories, but actions concluding from House Kehlen have no side. No pity, and no honor to their...
  4. Carlit0o

    Memorandum For All Regalian Nationals

    "You will support my unification... or you will get... Nothing." ♪ (music for your enjoyment to read with) Foreword: This document has been made public for the people of the Empire to bear witness to the legitimacy of this Covenant. This is a document submitted to the State Council and shall...
  5. BillyTheScruffy

    State Council Proclamation: The Summoning Of The Blue Eyed Kade Dragon

    Various government runners could be seen spotted sprinting throughout the city, pinning up notices on every prominent noticeboard, even proclaiming aloud the contents to all around House Kade of Anglia By the request of the Supreme Chancellor of the Realm Rodderick Howlester, you are hereby...
  6. LumosJared

    ⚒︎ Emperor's Ember Forge And Smithy ⚒︎

    Walking along Main Street would fill a Regalian with many wonderful sights and sounds, smells and even senses. All were brought to attention as the sight of a stone building right next to the Golden Willow was smoking from within, the sound of steel on steel echoing into the city, the smell of...
  7. Walrusaur_


  8. R

    And So Did Burst His Mighty Heart

    In light of recent events, another peasant boy like the one who put up "A Patriot's Plea" would sent out into the dusk night, his pay rattling about in his pocket, a stack of posters in hand, this time a caricature of High Society at the top, a rather demonic figure at the group's head. O...
  9. xJomax

    An Open Letter To The Bastion Guild And Their Captain

    OOC: @Valentinian @Lore This post has gotten out of hand, and mistakes were made in editing and such so it's all gotten dead silly.
  10. xJomax


    After a good response to my open letter, I was contacted by Wulfric of House Birkwood. He told me his intentions to create 'The Peacekeeping Guild of Regalia'. A political party which opposes violence and tries for a more democratic Regalia. Though Kirkwood remains Jingoist, the Peacekeepers...
  11. TheBioverse

    A Red Deserter's Muddied Boots

    Though the drizzle of rain washed away at the blood of lives lost and bodies dumped, the battlefield always seemed to remain the same - or so a once young man realised. Though having truly wandered to the front lines of seemingly constant conflict only months prior, there was a nostalgia to it...
  12. Doc_Cantankerous

    Writ Of Inquest Of Duchess Palatine Astrid Kade

    Posted upon the many signs and notice boards of the city would be a sheet of crisp, white parchment, marked with a Radiant Eye and bearing the white wax seal of the White Order. Let it be known, that Palatine Duchess Astrid Kade has committed grave transgressions against the Creeds and Laws...