
  1. Nathan

    La Légion De L'aigle | House De Letoirneau's Guard

    La Légion de l'Aigle, formerly Le Regiment de Tonnerre, is the combined Security Services and more commonly House Guard under House de Letoirneau. Being founded by Ser Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire in 306 AC the Guard is rather new, yet strives for ongoing success. The Legion is made up of...
  2. Arhbi

    Played Character Louis Delmotte

    Full Name: Louis Bernard Delmotte Race/Culture: Regal Ailor Age: 47 Religion: Unionist with Draconism Syncretism PROFICIENCY Strength: 7 Bruiser Point Buy Bruiser Slam Bruiser Tackle Bruiser Flurry Bruiser Agony Bruiser Rampage Bruiser Feint Melee Point Buy Pinning Throw Diving Tackle (Ailor...
  3. SnashuuPomaymay


    @your favorite person who plays an Ithanian. Doesn’t matter if they’re a born Ithanian, were raised by Ithanians, or simply act like an Ithanian. This image must be seen by them. owo notices your baguette
  4. Miss_Silver

    House De Letoirneau

    Important note: This family thread is incredibly out of date and will be getting a thorough overhaul when I actually have time to do so! Bare that in mind while reading all of this through. The sigil of the De Letoirneau family. The golden eagle (along with the Givrais Thunder Bird) is one of...
  5. AntonVoron

    House D'goss

    Musique History. Francois d’Goss. Patriarch of House d’Goss. Origins. House d’Goss, so named in honour of the de Gosselin Dukedom from whence it came, is an Ithanian Aristocratic Family originating from Saint Lumiere in the isles of Basta. The family can first be found in record in the...
  6. ContestedSnow

    House Du Langelier

    Knightly Crest of Philippe du Langelier Basic Information Name Du Langelier. Origins Pays Sud. Religion Unionist Divine. Class Knightly Commoner. Political standing Moderate Nationalist. Family History TBD Biology du Langelier men Men of the du Langelier family are...
  7. P

    House Clios

    - House Clios - (Still need To finish Sigil) - What We Stand For - The Clios’s are well known for their love of games and hosting events which include nobles and on some occasions commoners to make things extra interesting, they primarily look at life as a game which they must win in...
  8. Mid_exe

    ~= Celyreos Wine And Dine =~

    ~~ Celyreos Wine and Dine ~~ Bonjour and welcome to The Celyreos Wine and Dine. Here we serve many drinks going from sweet meads to pass-out vodkas. However, we would like to introduce our beloved Ithanian wines and dishes. Our goal is to make all guests from all over the world feel a warm...
  9. ZiggyStarDusted

    House Celyreos

    Welcome to House Celyreos, this is what we're about! . House Celyreos was created three years ago, constantly ducking in and out of the noble scene. Recently, we have been trying to make a comeback and enter the title system and contribute to the community. Originally from Ithania, the Ithanian...
  10. Lizmun

    Langlais - Tucker Family

    Basic Information Race Ailor Culture Champagnard Ithanian and Colonial Ceardian mix Class Poor Commoners Languages d'Ithanie and Common Faith Old Gods and Unionism Symbol A great oak with an eye carved into it Motto "A Tucker's hands are never idle" Business Physical labor and Craftsmenship...
  11. Reaganism

    House D'ortonnaise

    Veillons au salut de l'Empire. Once the 2nd most prominent noble house in Regalia, the d'Ortonnaise aim to rise back into their place within nobility an reassert their control over culture, military and the court. The d'Ortonnaise pride neutrality, diplomacy and loyalty to the Empire...
  12. Posidem

    House Ombre

    “From Shadows We Grow; Strong as Oak; Reaching for the Stars” A view of the family's ancestral home of Oakclyff from below. Past An ancient Daendroque clan, the family can trace its roots to that of the oaken tree that graces their sigil. They had arrived upon one of the finest ships of the...
  13. taintedly

    House Grimaldi (being Rewritten)

    ~House Grimaldi~ rewriting this later Culture: Dressolini, with small Ithanian influences. House Colours: Black, red, and blue. House Sigil: A flying owl, symbolizing knowledge. Religion: Unionism Business: Alchemy and hair products. Political Party: Lemtos Lethargic Centrist. Magic Types...
  14. Ryria

    House D'eluise

    Art by @Samfari [Any questions about the lore? PM me ig or on the forums!] From the western coasts of Ithania, House d’Eluise bred itself within the high life of Citoye culture among the finest cities of the landmass. At its beginnings, the family were merely wealthy aristocrats, owning no...