
  1. R

    I. Fall

    ==══━━━━━━━━━━━━══== ==══━━━━━━━━══== Thirteen years ago… ══━━━━══ Danny never quite realized how much he hated the ceiling until it was spinning above him. He didn’t even see the punch that had sent him reeling to the oaken floor, but he sure as hell could still feel it. Two marks from...
  2. Nirnro0t

    Monsters Exist In Light Too

    A cool, nighttime breeze blew through the smaller bedroom, sending a trail of goosebumps across her bare, pale scarred arms, she gave a slight shudder, but made no effort to slip under the bedsheets, lying on top the made bed and staring at the ceiling in quiet thought as her fingers idly ran...
  3. _Owlet

    Mi Sol

    [Theme Song] 275ac - Chrysant War Loud crashes and screams echoed outside the crumbling shelter. Valeyra let out a quiet whine “They’re getting closer, mi amor.” She commented, before looking down to the severely wounded soldier resting upon her lap, carefully she drew her fingertips along...