
  1. Scribbe

    Preserved Sheet Anairac Talanoor

    --- Character Information Name: Anairac Talanoor Formal Name: Anairac Mesec Talanoor Bel-Saal Alloren-Ilha Faial Heritage / Culture: Faiaali Fin’ullen Elf Age: 27. Born: 9th October 285AC. Gender: Male. Pronouns: he/him. Religion: Estelley. Occult: Mundane. Character Occupation...
  2. FatDumplingGrace

    Crime Family House Laenari

    House Laenari >Family Name: Laenari >Origins: >Culture: Fin'ullen or half-Fin'ullens, with mixes due to adoption. >Alignment: Chaotic Good/Lawfully Evil >Family Motto: >Family Colors: Gold, black, deep blue, snow white. >Values: Seizing power, The Void, Strength and Brutality. >Religious...
  3. CanadianNeighbor

    Shelved Character Aurielle Luxford

    ╔══════════════════════》- ‹⋅ ❂ ⋅› -《══════════════════════╗ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ || -----------»«----══════〚⤄〛══════----»«----------- || || -----------»«----══════〚⤄〛══════----»«----------- || ████████████████████████████████████████████████████...
  4. Stellarrix

    The Sollerian Reserve

    REGARDING IC FLAVOR TEXT.. The Sollerian Reserve, established by Sol Maess Mene’lainn Cassintojei on the 11th of May, 310AC, is an Altalar collective established with the intent to maintain and preserve Est-Allorn culture and sentiments within the Holy City. It will serve as a safe place for all...
  5. Scribbe

    Art Auction Blushing Fin'ullen Auction

    who doesn't love a blushing boy this one is a bust with a matching head for a skin Blushing Elf Min. bid: $7.50USD. Buyout: $25USD. Rules -Bidding ends either after 24 hours have passed since the last bid or when buyout is reached. -Winner of bid should contact Scribbe#7549 through...