Crime Family House Laenari

Discussion in 'Roleplay Families' started by FatDumplingGrace, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. FatDumplingGrace

    FatDumplingGrace Refugee

    Aug 28, 2022
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    House Laenari

    >Family Name: Laenari
    >Culture: Fin'ullen or half-Fin'ullens, with mixes due to adoption.
    >Alignment: Chaotic Good/Lawfully Evil
    >Family Motto:
    >Family Colors: Gold, black, deep blue, snow white.
    >Values: Seizing power, The Void, Strength and Brutality.
    >Religious Inclination: Morrlond but other Void Gods are accepted, a small shunned minority follow Dragon Worship.
    >Stance on Planes: Acceptance toward Void, anti-Estel, tense acceptance toward Undead, neutral on Old Gods, anti-Unionism.
    >Languages: Common, Altalar.
    >Trade: Smuggling and gambling.


    Family Lore

    Founded in the City of One Hundred Docks, the head family member, Iliathorr Laenari, sired five children to all run the family namesake, that being speakeasy's, gambling rings, and bars. One particular bar was wrote to Iliathorr, that being the Lackadaisy Speakeasy, a joint effort to smuggle illict goods. At first it was small, contraband weapons and armor, but then grew to something more grand. Iliathorr, disliking the heavily Unionist pro-military Empire, returned to his roots as a Magi, dabbling in teachers and trainers, often buying and adopting magi-spark children to usher them into safe homes. When Iliathorr died, his oldest son Finwe took over and sired five children, continuing the legacy. While the rest of the family have spilt off into their own ventures, the Finwe family remained heavily involved, until Bel'Yalaune made the decision to head to Reaglia. At first, Bel'Yalaune disliked her family business and soon tried to leave, but was swayed back by the tug of Morrlond. Recently however, she's found herself moving more toward Dragon Worship, and is waiting for Nidr to come home and take the rightful spot as head leader.

    Family Business

    The family strictly does gambling and smuggling, most notably drugs and strong booze, well over the legal limit. Opium is not unheard of either, and they use their vast connections to the underground to make, buy, and sell such. Other members operate their own ventures, but only as a front for more smuggling. This can include information as well, and the family as a small network of spies, aspiring to be such like Prince Leopold.


    Family Lines

    Red | Unplayable

    Gray | Dead

    Green | Playable


    -Bel'Yalaune Laenari: Youngest daughter to Finwe, aged 30, married with no children. Currently the black sheep of the family due to her disinterest with the crime side and turning into an Archon. @FatDumplingGrace

    -Meara Laenari: Daughter of Rhuidhen, age 70, Silven. [Played by Milk_Ghoul]

    Finn: Adopted younger brother on Yalaune's side, age 18. Ailor. Currently the Family Advisor and second head of House.@Non_Player_Char

    Damian Kinlish: Adopted younger brother on Yalaune's side, age 22. Ailor. Currently the Family Head and Guard @LordArs3nalXYT

    Zolo Baker: Adopted younger brother on Yalaune's side, age 25. Ailor. @Renajaka

    IC Guidlines

    >Characters in the Finwe family are expected to be loyal Void worshippers, with the other family branches, it is possible for your character to deviate (or through adoption). Though, you'll be the black sheep of the family.
    >Exist/Undead mutations are not allowed, being a Geist is not allowed. Void mutations and being a vampire is acceptable.
    -Magic is heavily encouraged and is widely accepted in the family.
    -Family or adopted members are allowed to leave, but if you do chose to leave, there will be a reason IC'ly stating such. If I cannot contact you on why your character left, a reasonable reason will be made up.
    -Having 'real' relationships with Cahal or Exist citizens will be heavily judged, unless it is for spy networking.
    -Character's are expected to have a general form of decency, we are a smuggling group, but we also tend to be nice about it!

    OOC Guidelines

    -Most of the house is unplayable, how do I make a family member?: DM me and we'll slap your character on their somewhere.


    Discord Name/Tag:
    Name Idea for your character (or pick a character from the list/character you already have):
    Adopted or Biological?:
    Character's Age:
    Character's Race:
    Tag @FatDumplingGrace

    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 FatDumplingGrace, Dec 26, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023

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