
  1. CelestialBoba

    A Love Letter

    One night was enough to let the fire of self loathing and self worth snuff out. She was tired of wondering and worrying if she was ever good enough. Good enough to be a friend, a leader, a lover, and enough to be that beacon that others can rely on. She searched through herself and through her...
  2. PresentMediator

    The Truth Within The Truth Ministry's Library

    [At approximately 9:15 PM CST on the fifteenth day of October] A journal was presumably 'snuck' into the archives of the library. Within was an array of scripture to Estellon. Those with keen eyes or those who pay attention to the countless records of the library would surely be able to find...
  3. One-Eye

    Unionist Essays: A Revelation On Offenbarung

    Unionist Essays: A Revelation on Offenbarung By an Acolyte of the One-Eye Preface The Colonial peoples of the Regalian Empire hold a firm grasp of what it truly means to be a Unionist which follows the Great Way. We see the Farmer grows grain for the Miner, who mines ore for the Smith, who...
  4. Yigit

    The Helerian Guard Of The Holy Synod

    The Helerian Guard of the Holy Synod Table of Contents ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ SECTION I - INTRODUCTION SECTION II - RIGHTS AND DUTIES SECTION III - HIERARCHY SECTION IV - RECRUITMENT ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ SECTION I - INTRODUCTION The Helerian Guard of the Holy Synod...
  5. TheyCalledMeKiko

    The Divine Militia

  6. Salier

    The Helerian Guard

    Frieden und Segen The Helerian Guard Cohortes Helerii INTRODUCTION The Helerian Guard, was re-established during the summer of 306AC under rule of the militant High Reverend Volckamar III and the governance and overseeing of the Guard was placed into the hands of the Reverend-Minister of...
  7. K

    Night Of Sweat And Spirit

    Upon one humid evening in the Holy City, Reverend Buhr traveled about the several assorted chapels that dotted the landscape. Patting his forehead away of sweat with his handkerchief, the Reverend would remain silent, eyes shut, simply breathing as the anticipation grew. Without warning, whilst...
  8. K

    The Bailiff Of Weidingsdorp

    Upon the closure of mass the Reverend Buhr would provide a final anecdote on the topic of faith and duty. "Sweet iced crystals rained from the heavens in a graceful dance upon the bent roofs of hay packed cottages. Inside characters of individual stories spoke, touched, and broke that to...