dwarf community

  1. rimacutem

    Tarlok's Crimes Against Dwarven Kind

    Posters were to be found around Regalia, written in dwarven and common I Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin Khuur summon all dwarves of Regalia to meeting over matter of Tarlok's crimes against creations of Duindin Tarlok has confessed that on Jorrhildr he commited forced symbiosis. Eating...
  2. rimacutem

    Appeal To All Followers Of Duindin To Not Serve Metropolitan

    Following posters were found primarily in dwarven district, but also found their ways by wind or thievery to other parts of the city My name is Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur I am ordained as priest of Duindin, I have been educated in lessons of Grebor And I appeal to all that praise...
  3. DolittleGuy

    Preserved Sheet Rundraek Dimbraid

    Character Information Full Name: Rundraek Dimbraid Race: Ruin-Khuur Dwarf Age: 47 Gender: Male Eye Color: Coal black Core Concept Main Ambition: To find a platform in which to showcase the art of his people, and bring said peoples along with him into luxury. Religion: He follows the tenants...
  4. Gochnipunchni

    The Naming Of A King

    For the second time in as many days, stone tablets would be passed out to all the dwarf folk of the city, given forth this time, by a group of Mithorrin, dressed all in blue robes with golden runes on them. In sharp Dwarvish runes, they state: "After two weeks of consideration by the city's...
  5. Gochnipunchni

    The Children Of Duindin: The Calling

    Etched into a series of stone tablets that have been delivered to every Dwarf in Regalia by a fleet of fast-footed messengers, the following message can be read in the sharp runes of Dwarf-speak. "To my Brothers. My Sisters. The Faithful of this city who walk in the footprints of the...
  6. Altalar

    The Bristled Boar Tavern And Emporium

    Ambiance The scent of freshly baked bread and roasting meats could be smelled throughout the streets, as the sounds of cheerful cries echoed on long after they’d been called. A sign could be seen hanging by the tavern which read out. “Welcome to the Bristled Boar Tavern & Emporium, here. You’re...
  7. rimacutem

    Wulf's Art From Different Artists

    Just some art I got from different artists over time I got this one during comicon in Prague, some artist was giving out art for people who donated to charity And this art was done by SnashuuPomaymay. Got right hairstyle and beard unlike the first one, but not thick and wide enough for a fat...
  8. rimacutem

    Meeting Of Dwarves

    Posters written in dwarven dialect would be found on Wraith board, Nook board and in main streets of Imperial isle, New town and Old town Seeing that dwarves are coming back into this cursed city, I, one whose family has lived in here for four generations, am inviting all dwarves and half...