
  1. Crineas

    Preserved Sheet ☸ Theimund Von Rahm || Admiral Of The Rahm ☸

    Theimund von Rahm Eldest son of Hamelin von Rahm and Elizabeth Black, he is a boisterous intellect educated in matters of admiralty and governance under the keen tutorship of both his parents. Having an emphasis on action over words, he can be frequently found championing his causes and...
  2. _Owlet

    A Silent Cry

    It had been almost 2 years now, 2 years since the incident of Ernesta losing her hearing in her left ear. Immediately after that her whole life changed, and she always tried to keep a positive outlook on things, but sometimes the sadness revisits her mind and she wallows in it for some time...
  3. _Owlet

    The Silken Glove Society

    Ladies Dedicated to Strengthening the Crown Isle. Introduction The Silken Glove Society is purposed to draw ladies of the peerage together through social affiliation and appreciation for fine cultural delicacies. Our Goal A single word to soothe tempers against political necessities-...
  4. SnugglyKittens

    Preserved Sheet Elsa Sundenn

    Basic Information ֎ Full Name: Elsa Sundenn ֎ Age: Thirty-Two ֎ Gender: Female ֎ Race: Ailor →Velheim Culture ֎ Sexuality: Heterosexual Skill Information ֎ Points: 32 (-10 to Battlemed, 22 to Allocate) → +10 Mace (10 from Battlemed), → +15 Surgery (10 from Battlemed, 5 from Points), → +10 Small...
  5. Crineas

    Rationality Must Prevail

    TO THE INHABITANTS OF CALEMBERG, BRISSIAUD, HAWTHE, OSTERWALD AND GREATER REGALIA In accordance with the meeting between Everhardt, Alaire, and d’Vaud with Rosendahl in absentee due to family issues on the 12th of June, 306 AC, does these Independent and Neutral lords of the Eastern Regalian...
  6. Crineas

    On The Contrary

    A public reply to Gaston Du Loic from the desk of Hamelin d’Vaud. Brought to the attention of denizens that concerned it. You likened me to a Songaskian? You say that I am unfit to rule? You say that I spit venomous words? What more outlandish lengths will you take beyond seven...
  7. Crineas

    Commonwealth Agreement Of Eastern Regalia

    Commonwealth Agreement of Eastern Regalia To the denizens of Regalia, in times of plight and strife, peace may become victorious, and allow the Commonwealth Treaty to stand as a testament to the annals of time; we needn’t draw arms against men of the same faith, whilst risking our respective...
  8. MarquisAlex

    Imperialisation Declaration

    Imperialisation Declaration Penned by Benedict d’Vaud, House Patriarch of that Comital Name, Minister of War Affairs & Count of Erbtaublierwald, 29th April 306AC. Let all those with sight bare witness to this declaration. A shroud of cultural disunity has loomed and enveloped over the Regalian...
  9. Mortisian

    A Note From The Ministry Of War Affairs

    Deep within the halls of the Ministry of War Affairs, a missive was drafted between three scribes and one incredibly good looking Dressolini Lord. To those who find themselves skilled with their words, persuasive capability, and above all their tact and care for the tasks provided, we from the...
  10. Crineas

    Preserved Sheet ☼ Hamelin Von Rahm ☼

    Hamelin von Rahm The Insular General Basic Information (Required) Full Name: Hamelin von Rahm Age: Thirty-Seven years of age. Gender: Male. Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe Skill Information Proficiency (37 Free Points) +22 Marshal Knowledge(+22 Free Points) +10 Threads Knowledge(+10...
  11. MarquisAlex

    Salvation From The Shore

    Salvation from the Shore Stuck with the sea to their back, an Elven Army to before them and no plan in place to evacuate them from their fate, the Cadar's Wing continue to find themselves between a Rock & a Hard Place. Will the Spirit grant them salvation from their plight? Contents...
  12. MarquisAlex

    An Oath Of Vassalage

    AN OATH OF VASSALAGE Penned by Benedictus “The Silver Bear” d’Vaud, House Patriarch of that Knightly Name, Imperial Ser of Opper-Calem, 15th March 306AC. Improvidus, Apto Quod Victum These are the Words of House d'Vaud. In the Common Tongue: "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome". I, the House...
  13. MarquisAlex

    A Precarious Position

    A Precarious Position When one-hundred and fifteen thousand men are taken from the region surrounding the Elven Cities, to be deployed in the Avanthar Crusade, the Cadar's Wing find themselves in a precarious position. Contents Lack Flames Hoofs Slaves Sand Lack of food, lack of...
  14. MarquisAlex

    For Fear Of Corruption

    For Fear of Corruption Penned by Benedictus “The Silver Bear” d’Vaud, House Patriarch of that Baronial Name, 26th February 306AC To His Imperial Holiness’ Ministries & to the Noble Lords and Ladies of our Glorious Empire, A Vile Seed has been planted within our midst, one that if allowed to...
  15. MarquisAlex

    The Assault On Colael

    The Assault on Colael The Assault on the Elven City of Colael by the forces of Houses Piergaten, Ravenstad & d'Ortonnaise, under the banner of the Cadar's Wing, Commanded on the field by Lt.Col Benedictus d'Vaud. Contents Smoke Ember Blaze Steel Blood Smoke rose from the several...
  16. SnugglyKittens

    The New Arrival

    It had become easy to overlook now what she had in life. Sat upon the swing that hung in her family's estate gardens which allowed her to peer out over to the beach and the ocean, the d’Vaud turned Ravenstad sat in contemplative thought. She had been in Regalia for years now. There were times...
  17. SnugglyKittens

    A Union Of A Raven And A Ram

    Erwald let out a quiet exhale of breath as he ran a hand through his fiery hair in his usual stressful manner. The day had finally come. Standing in front of the altar, he glanced towards where his older brother, Medard, was situated behind it in preparation for the ceremony. The siblings...
  18. Dardy

    Preserved Sheet Lyiie'leina Trae'nne

    『♪』『♫』『♬』 『Basic Information』 Birth Name: Lyiie'leina Trae'nne. Current Name: Lyiie'leina Trae'nne Rhysgaht. Age: Seventy-four. Gender: Female. Race: Käyth Shenath. Main Ambitions: To return to her home in the Shadow Isles. Special Permission: None. 『Skill Information』 Proficiency...
  19. MarquisAlex

    The Silver Bear Of Opper Calem

    The Silver Bear of Opper Calem Prologue: "The tougher d'Vaud" is how I introduced myself to him, as we firmly shook hands in the Golden Willow Regalian Tavern, alongside his radiant wife. What begun as a simple invitation to the Open Forum would suspiciously strike a spark, like those to...
  20. HeyoBiggums

    The Public Apology Of Lena D'vaud

    ON THE PUBLIC NOTICEBOARD AND ALL AROUND REGALIA, THESE FLIERS WOULD BE POSTED! I, Lena d’Vaud an Ex-Crown Protector of the Violet Order, wish to apologize for my great failures on twenty seventh of November. I failed to protect nobility, I failed the Violet Order and what it stands for, I...