
  1. Scribbe

    House Deceres

    House Deceres A lilac-eyed bear clutches a similarly coloured bolt of lightning against a rising black sun; older depictions of the crest lack lilac eyes and the lightning bolt entirely. Name: Deceres (Dess-eh-res) Colours: Maroon, black, lilac. Culture: Imperial. Symbols: Bears...
  2. Scribbe

    Played Character Lyonel Peirgarten

    Character Information Names: Given: Lyonel Peirgarten. Chosen: Itzmalli. Nicknames: Hunter Race: Maquixtl Culture: Chantli. Archon Lineage: Hunter/Aegis. Age: 31 years. Born: 3rd May, 281AC. Gender: Male. Eye Color: Glowing purple. Core Concept Religion & Piety Lyonel is a strong follower of...
  3. Rochelle_

    Deceres Design - Tailoring & Alterations

    All are welcome to the grand opening of Deceres Design, a family-owned tailoring shop located at ascendencylane6, directly to the left of the Black Tower! Ran by Anneke, Araidith and Alistair Deceres, we specialize in clothing and fashion of people from any and all social status, race, age and...