La Cocina Basqulierra Daendroque Cafe
Who we are ?
Founded January 19th, 308 by Regalian resident of Daendroque origin, Xamanito Juarez, La Cocina Basqulierra is a casual restaurant and cafe serving signature and authentic dishes from all over Daendroc, especially those from Xamanito's...
For all Daendroque born or found,
In the spirit of our collective heritage, by blood or choosen bond, I want to extend my invitation to all daendroque and their extended families for meetings. Community is important and even if we do not all dwell in the same districts we should still be able...
[!] An aging, yet highly fashionable Daendroque man stands outside the Golden Willow, selling copies of a glossy and colorful magazine for four regals.
We cordially invite you to our wedding.
On the 20th of December, Florence of House Amaya and Simone of House Playero shall celebrate the beginning of the unification of our families.
The union shall be declared in the Daenlock District at 9 PM EST, and all people present at the Crown Isle are...
Formed in the Summer of 308 AC, The Sanar Vida organisation, or Estellian Triad, is a group formed of members of the Estel-worshipping races existing in Daen. The understanding between these races is a powerful testament to how peaceful coexistence exists in this world. It is for this reason...
La Cocina Basqulierra Daendroque Restaurant
Who we are ?
Founded January 19th, 308 by Regalian resident of Daendroque origin, Xamanito Juarez, La Cocina Basqulierra is a casual restaurant and cafe serving signature and authentic dishes from all over Daendroc, especially those from...
Pamphlets are stuck up around Old Town and Daenloc. All seem to be written in Daendroque, evidently not meant for those unfamiliar with the tongue.
La Hermandad De Toros Y Rosas
(The Brotherhood Of Bulls And Roses)
This is a call to all daens, man or woman, half...
All credit to the artist Barry van Gerbig, Jr.
House Calvara is founded on the belief that the strong shall rule the weak. Its founder, Reyes Calvara, led the House to glory through his innovative guerilla warfare campaign against the elves, building a slave trade empire in Daendroc. With...
Theme music:
La fortuna favorece a los sabios
House Motto:
“Fortune favors the wise.”
Trade: Lumber and Naval Service
The family makes its money primarily through selling Girobaldan ship lumber, and many members are members of the Regalian Navy.
House Colors:
Red, Orange...
Louder than the rest. Stronger than the rest. Better than the rest.
【El Toro】
A Daendroquin Tavern.
Mere steps away from the Golden Willow, El Toro is owned by Florinda Cuevas Kraus and originates from Kilarallis, Daendroc. The tavern offers Daendroquin snacks and serves drinks imported...
House Cuevas
Family Information
Family Culture: Daendroque
Origin: Kilarallis, Daendroc
Languages: Common (English), Daendroque (Spanish)
Wealth: Generally ranges from borderline poverty to middle-class
Religion: Old Gods
Business: Daendroque cuisine
Family Colours: Navy blue, sanguine, and...
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