
  1. Reverend_Ludolf

    Epistle To Fellow Preachers

    Epistle to fellow Preachers Epistle addressed to the various congregations of the Unionist Faith March 30th, 308 AC Brother Curates, esteemed Reverends, and Prelates of high distinction within the Church of the Radiant Eye, Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender [formerly Imperial Orthodox...
  2. Wumpatron

    Unionist Conclave Bull | 1/7/308 Ac | Holy War

    Spirit's peace and benediction to all who walk in the will of the Spirit. The Imperial Orthodox Church has summoned the Unionist Conclave on the date of January the seventh, 308 AC with the proposal of declaring Holy War on the Drixagh states who have declared open rebellion against the...
  3. Iknay

    Truly Unionism Has Fallen

    The room was dark and was only lit by a burning candle. Wilhelm sat crouched in his chair as he was writing an epistle to the Reverends in the Archrevery of Salvation. It was written in his home language, though he was not quite satisfied. He had an appointment that day to meet with someone who...