
  1. KK134

    Cool Character Recognition

    Hey everyone! I got this idea from an old thread I found but here's how it goes: We've always wanted to find out how other people think of our characters so this is meant to do that in a fun supportive manner. So how it works is you respond to a previous post by using the reply feature listing...
  2. ArtisticPlanet

    Art's Art Shop

    Art’s Art Shop OLD SHOP. CLOSED. Instagram - Peachieeenerd Welcome to my snow themed art shop! It took a bit of convincing to myself to actually make this since I don’t really think my arts good enough for it but here it goes! Will draw Light Romance, Light gore...
  3. B


  4. The_Holy_Raptor

    Character Idea's And What To Do Now.

    so I've recently ground to a halt on the ol' rp side of things. As in I've just been sitting around in events not actually participating and just running around Regalia. I seriously want to stop this as soon as possible so I can start roleplaying actively again. Now I know it's my characters...
  5. AncientBean

    Bean's Art Revival!

    Hello everyone! This is where I will be posting my new art and taking requests! I'm looking forward to doing a lot of art here. I will be doing anything, portraits, full or partial body, inanimate objects, monsters, flora and fauna, you name it! All of my stuff is done in a traditional style...
  6. LadyLekku

    Maggy's Custom Dolls: Come See How To Get A Free One!

    Heya So this thread will serve two purposes. One, to show off the dolls I make. I crochet a lot and dolls are about the most interesting things I design and do. The second, and the reason for that click bait title, is that I plan to write some pattern guides and sell them as pdfs. But to do...
  7. Anseran

    Massivecraft: Opposite Universe

    Greetings!! As the title so boldly suggests; I'd like to know what your character would be doing in their respective opposite universe! It could be opposite gender, personality type, etc. Maybe they made different choices that would have developed them in a different manner. Whichever the way...