character sheet

  1. Conflee

    Preserved Sheet James Arament - The Hand

    Basic Information (Required) Full Name: James Arament Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human, Ailor Main Ambition: Wealth, and Fun. Wishes to, at some point, break into the Imperial Palace, just to prove he can. Basic Information (Expansion) Position: James is doing decently, considering. He is...
  2. PinUps

    Preserved Sheet Ēdlenor Ūle

    Basic Information Full Name: Ēdlenor "Eed" Ūle Age: 38 Sex: Male Race: Talar Main Ambition: Ēdlenor's main intent in his life is to train his mind to the max. He wanted to fully understand everyone one he met to the point he know everything about people's emotions and become one with his own...
  3. MangoMiata

    Preserved Sheet Zenzik Me'tho

    Basic Information Name: Zenzik Me'tho Age: 71 Gender: Male Ambition: Zenzik simply wishes to lead a simple happy life. Race: Zenzik's mother and his father were Talar. Special Permission: Expert in fire magic. Collared Visual Information Eye Color: Dark green. Hair Color: Sandy blonde...
  4. Ragnio

    Preserved Sheet Ahram Ihstal

    Basic Information (Required) Full Name: Ahram Ihstal Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Songaskia Main Ambition: Knowledge, since Ahram never really got the chance to see the world and learn about other countries and cultures before he was able to escape slavery. Special Permission: Spirit...
  5. Pugsly10

    Preserved Sheet Olski Skaar

    Basic Information Olski Skaar is a thirty-seven year old male Ur. Olski was born to Apir, and Mearah Skaar. Apir, his father, passed away in Ellador trying to keep the sacred lands away from the Thylan. Olski’s dear mother, Mearah resides in Ellador where she tries to keep doing her husbands...