character creation

  1. Sorc3r3ss

    Played Character Aurora | The Dark Lord’s Child

    Character Information Full Name: Aurora Heritage / Culture: Slizzar Age: 23 Note, most Slizzar found in the world are Slizzar born tens of thousands of years ago. This is because Sarakand exists in a warped time-bubble where time can pass slower or faster than the world around it...
  2. Sorc3r3ss

    Shelved Character Random Character Ideas

    All Random Characters will be placed here. Character Information Full Name: To Be Determined Heritage / Culture: To Be Determined Age: To Be Determined Birthday: Birthday: To Be Determined Year born: To Be Determined Gender / Pronouns: To Be Determined Orientation: To Be Determined...
  3. S

    Adapting Existing Characters To The Lore?

    Apologies if this is the wrong section for this post. It didn't seem like the characters section was meant for inquiries. But would anyone have tips for adapting an existing original character to better fit the lore? Specifically: - human characters who's hair and eye colours don't match any...
  4. Elekkitty

    Could Someone With Knowledge Of Races Assist Me?

    I didn't know if I should post this in the character creation section because I didn't see any other normal posts, and I thought it might be disallowed. Sorry in advance. Anyway, I'm new to MassiveCraft and I'm attempting to create a character. The race thing really threw me in for a loop. The...
  5. ElderShrub

    Roleplay Character Tips And Tricks

    Character Tips and Tricks Heya Roleplayers. I’m just making this thread to share a few tips, ideas and methods I use to try to make interesting characters. These aren’t big nor complex enough to make into separate posts, so I’m just going to lump all these little things here. This isn’t a...
  6. Airrail

    Archived Idea For New Character Sheet (and More)

    Hello, everyone! So I've been on MassiveCraft for quite a while now and decided to make a character sheet to verify my long time favorite character, Harnor. However, I saw the reason people don't do character sheets on this RP, and why magic was wiped out. Everything on the character sheet...
  7. YouDontKnowJack

    Abandoned Character Adoption Center

    So many awesome, well thought out characters get abandoned over time as new races come out and new events happen. This thread is for someone to pick up those characters. Please post the character you don't want to use with this template - Name: Race: Age: Occupation: Morality: Application (If...