
  1. KrakenLord01

    Played Character Baldewin Braunschweiger

    Character Information Full Name: Baldewin von Braunschweiger Race: Wirtem Ailor Age: 54 Gender: Male Eye Color: Green Core Concept Baldewin is a Wirtem Everian who strongly believes in his mission in spreading Dogmatic Unionism, out of both devout piety and a need to prove his worth...
  2. NebulaePrimo

    We All Have A Role To Play

    From the desk of Dr. Amdilin dei Savarolesta Vultragon Celate In these trying times, I know it can be difficult to access a Celate when you need one. So I am writing this in the hopes it reaches people who need this message but have no other way to receive it. I have heard from many good...