
  1. JuliaFaye

    Played Character Arianwen Petrou

    Full Name: Arianwen Petrou Race / Culture: Half-Aontaithe Ailor, Half-Fin'ullen Age: 28 Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/Her Occult: Hunter Archon, Drakken Marken Overview When she died, Arianwen persisted as a Primal Revenant. She spent much time in thought, introspecting and relearning her own...
  2. War_pig

    The Conflict

    [OOC] Hey gamers, decided to do a little lore story from the perspective of Ailred and the choice he has been given by the Sword of Caius. There are themes of madness, insomnia, and PTSD so if those trouble you, please don't read it if you think it'll trigger you. Otherwise, enjoy...
  3. WingedJade

    A Hunt Of Justice

    A Justice Silven sits in a small inn, a sword with cyan runic carvings sitting next to them captivating their attention momentarily before they put ink to their paper. To the Qaarn, or Caius, worshipper that attacked me last night, Your blatant ignorance and recklessness has earned yourself...