black hand

  1. Carlit0o

    Second Notice, Master Of Secrets

    ♩♫♪ A notice in your possession... Simple, straightforward, and more bland than any other flier or poster plastering its info in comparison. Within your possession was a simple note from the Master of Secrets. How you received it left to your imagination. Clearly created via printing press...
  2. Birdsfoot_Violet

    Mistress Of Secrets Proclamation 01

    Mistress of Secrets Proclamation 01 No adornments or rich gold leaf graces the stationary of the letter, regardless of whether it finds itself in the hand of a personal courier that passes it to a particularly discerning Noble, or if it is glossed over by a peasant in the dimly lit alley of the...
  3. Ryria

    A Bounty From The Desk Of The Secretary Principle

    Attention, all ye who reside in the slums! All ye who hide within the dark corners of the city! By order of the Principal Secretary, a bounty has been placed upon the Demon Mage 'Ichabod' effective immediately. If you should find yourself in the presence of this individual, proceed with...
  4. Eccetra

    The Black Hand

    Whispers echo through the back alleys of Regalia, passed from mouth to dirty, pricked ear. Rumors of the infamous Black Order: faceless cloaked operatives, silently stationed the darkest corners of the Holy City--the eyes and earpieces of the all-knowing Emperor. Criminals and devious...