asshole supreme

  1. Carcalla

    Preserved Sheet Enki

    Name - Enki Lok-Ningishzida Age - 42 Race - Eronidas Gender - Female Sexuality - Bisexual Eye Color - Glowing Green Eyes | Geist Weapon of Choice - One-Handed Mace Religious Views - Enki is very religious, in fact, she trained to be a shaman after establishing herself as a successful smith...
  2. Lucky1443

    Preserved Sheet Freyja

    Basic Information Full Name: Freyja Age: 22 Gender: Female Race: Ailor Skill Information Total Points: 22 Racial Bonuses: +10 Unarmed Combat Skill Combat points: +10 Fast blade skill Knowledge points: +6 Underworld Knowledge Body points: +6 Rogue Training Body Shape Total...