
  1. Kyll

    Preserved Sheet Kyll Fratre

    Basic Information Full Name: Kyll Fratre (Assumed, real one not known) (Pronounced as Kee-ll or Key + l) Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Half Ailor (most likely Fridurfolk) and half Altalar Sexuality: Heterosexual, but some asexual tendencies Preferred Weapon: Bows and shortswords, and...
  2. indyfan98

    The Holy Order Of The Shadows

    Rumors have been spreading about an assassins guild, though most believe this to be just a rumor. However, some fear for their lives, checking what they have done to anybody, making sure they don't have a target on their back. Unknown to them are the rules this guild abides by: 1) Protect and...
  3. AnimalisticArts

    Oás’llen Cre Elläs Leos’as (order Of The Roses)

    Oás’llen Cre Elläs Leos’as Order of the Roses The Oás’llen Cre Elläs Leos’as is led by none other than "The Master". His face has never been seen, he wears a cloak 24/7. He is known by the members of the group as Báilass’inä Nёs, or the Black Dancer. He is essentially the Pawnmaster of the...