Celebration of Reclamation
The Count di Licatta, Dante Benedicto Salvatore, sponsored by the Court of the Duke of the Vultarin Hegemony, cordially invites to his personal Estate, the House of the rising Sun.
Meant to celebrate the still...
A announcement is posted within the papers, accompanied by a depiction of the Salvatore family crest.
It is with great pride that the Salvatore family announces the successful conclusion of their long campaign to reclaim the lands that rightfully belong to their heritage and culture. The...
Salvatore Family
"Denaro è potere"
Licatta, Montania
Gold and Red
Azzizzari (Cantaluna)
Open to all / Neutral
Source of Wealth
Procurement Services, Finance Management, Logistics, and Pharmaceuticals
Design & Theme
The Salvatore Family...
House Salas
“Nunca golpees primero” | “Never strike first”
The Salas family is a true Tierravera family with a rich history of military progress and contributions. They recently...
| House Croy |
“Beacon on the Abyss”
| House Song |
"There'll Always be an Eaton"
Sung to the tune of: ♩♬♫♬♩
There'll always be an Eaton | While there's a country lane | Wherever there's a cottage small | Beside a field of grain
There'll always be an Eaton | While there's a busy street |...
"We Hold The Wall"
House Culture: Gallovian
House Religion: Unionism/Old Gods
House Seat: Sturnworth Castle, Penfork
House Title Level: County
House Colors: Forest Green, Black, Silver
House Motto: "We Hold The Wall"
House Values: Loyalty, Perseverance,
House Political Stance...
The Concordat is an assembly of the aristocracy with the purpose of evaluating and proposing policy considerations. Currently, the Concordat merely serves an advisory role as a convention of the nobility. The Concordat is focused on supporting the Regalian State and...
You find this pinned to Regalian notice boards throughout the Crown Isle. Showing the titleage above stating:
High lords of the Regalian State. I hope this notice finds you in good health, during this time in the Regalian State, I find myself confined to my office with abundant paperwork and...
Crest made by Ghirko! Layout from the Fristadvlom family thread. Thanks for @CrimsletMonarch who made the original & allowed me to use it!
Etymology: The name “Ramoran” originates from the Sofaal word “Ramawa” meaning “Revenge”, with an applied suffix to denote “the one fulfilling revenge”...
"Strong in Arms and Will."
{Basic Information}
Family Sigil: Norrvakt warrior holding a skewered beast head over a burning Old Gods tree.
Family Title: N/A
Family Culture: Mixed
Family Religion: Varies Per Individual
Family Colours: Faded Teal, Green, Silver & Black
[Subject to change...
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