Preserved Sheet Camilla

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neighborhood milf lover
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
egirl applebees


"The Seven Works of Mercy" - Michelangelo Caravaggio

Chosen Name: Camilla di Epostella

Nicknames: Cam, Camille,
Age: Thirty-Two
Birthday: 27th of July
Astrology: Leo
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Sihai Ailor

Affliction: Mentor Archon
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Married
Preferred Weapons: Glaives

"The quality of mercy is not stain'd:
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. it is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."

"Mercy" - William Shakespeare [from 'The Merchant of Venice']



Proficiency Points:
– [4] STR
› Technique Parry
› Knockback Sweep
› Unyielding Strike
› Force Toss
– [0] CON
› [ N/A ]
– [2] MGC
Ŗ̴̪̈̄͞Ȧ̶̵̗̳Ḋ̤͇̮͙ͥI̶̴̗̗̦͍ͨͭ̉͢͟Ȧ̶̵̗̳N̰̜͉͔ͬ̽͢T̷̫͉̰͕̒́ MAGICKA .ೃ࿐
› Radiant Push
› Radiant Feather
– [7] WIS
› Attack Command
› Focus Command
› Overwhelm Command
› Chase Command
› Resist Command
› Enchant Protect
› Enchant Mimicry
– [1 DEX
› Diguise Pack
– [0] FAITH
› [ N/A ]
– Common | Semi-Fluent (Learned)
– Dressalo | Fluent (Parental)
– Wai'lan | Fluent (Parental)
– d'Ithanie | Fluent (Tutored)
– Altalar | Fluent (Tutored)
– Sinnyaed | Fluent (Tutored)
Special Traits:
Half-Sihai | Racial Abilities



"Charity" - Anthony van Dyck


Eye Color: Vivid violet
Originally: Deep blue
Hair Color: Raven black.
Hair Style: Grown to mid-back and often braided into messy locks, decorated with beads
Skin Color: Fair and freckled
Clothing: Form-fitting flowing robes with Altalar influences.
Height: 5 feet (152 cm)

– White, smooth horns on her forehead, curling along the side and top of skull
– Violet scales scattered against hips, waist, shoulders, beneath eyes, along cheeks, and upon brow.


"O why your good deeds with such pride do you scan,
And why that self-satisfied smile
At the shillings you gave to the poor working man,
That lifted you over the stile?"

"Charity" - Charles Lamb




Lawful Neutral
› As a member of the Peerage and a longtime member of both the Violet Order and the Regalian Metropoliton, upholding the law and unspoken honor regardless of belief is of high importance.
Turbulent Protagonist
› Camilla prides herself on her helpful and positive attitude. She is continuely set on the act of the mercifiul approach when faced with decisions others might make too harshly. Violence is never the first resort.
As an Archon, Camilla actively worships the Air Dragon, Serevena. There is often an air of doubt of her devoutness. Lost in her own mind, her religion eludes her.



"Portia Wounding Her Thigh" - Elisabetta Sirani



↬ Camilla was born to a Sihai woman and a Dressolini Ailor father within the di Epostella county. Here she was spoiled by her close and distant relatives. As she grew up, Camilla fell into line with the Dogmatic Sect of Unionism and found herself tutored on etiquette and her soon-to-be duties.


↬ As Camilla came of age, she was sent to a local Pavisa Academy. Here she learned the art of ranged mastery and diplomacy's importance. Graduation came swiftly, and she was soon sent into the City for both experience and to create connections. Here she joined up with the Violet Order.


↬ Years in the city came and went, and soon Camilla met an early demise, becoming an Archblood. For some time she lingered in confusion, struggling to find her place within Regalia proper with the sudden affliction. With her new turn, she learned the ways of a glaive. Another choice came and went as the Dragons mass-converted the Archblood and Dragon Wardens into Archon. She decided to stay, lingering at first without a Patrron, only to find herself connecting with Severena and converting toa White Dreamer with the assistance of a fellow Archon.


↬ As her path cleared, Camilla found herself with the title of Countess and soon married to Avaineiral Rilynnlues. Starting a family, the duo kept the di Epostella last name.


"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole.
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul."

"Invictus" - William Ernest Henley
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Hello! Here is my review!

  • Personality
    • Please add another sentence to each paragraph- try to keep around a minimum of 3 - 4.
    • On the second paragraph, add a negative trait to help fuel her character development and balance the positive traits.
    • Under the third paragraph please elaborate how Camilla behaves around and views her family and friends, how does she act towards friends? How is her relationship with her parents and siblings? Please go into detail! Similarly to the first paragraph, this one is a take on those close to her as opposed to strangers.
  • Life Story
    • Why did her, what seems to be, Imperialized mother send her off to live with Avanthar? How did she react to the Avanthar and how did they react to what they may consider a traitor who lives in Regalia? Keep in mind Avanthar have a less than positive view of Regalia after the events of the ranger crisis, given Regalia essentially betrayed the Avanthar for the Orcs- and they were at war with the Daendroquin Ailors subject to the Regalian Empire.
    • Where is the tribe she was sent to located geographically?
    • What were Camilla's motives to imperialize after being raised around more traditional and loyalist avanthar?
    • How did Camilla react to the Imperial Dragon and Synod killing the Avanthar 'princes' and plunging her people into chaos? Does she doubt the Synod and Unionism for their actions against her people and family? Does she struggle with this internally but keep it secret as she's a knight? Go into detail about this! There's a lot of potential for progression!

Be sure to tag me and mark edits in blue when you're done!​
@Caelamus Made a few edits to her Culture Points and her life story! Quick summary:

  • Camilla adopted a child somewhere in her adulthood.
  • Swapped some Smithing points and sacrificed a few painting points to be put in Horticulture.
  • Added another piece to her 'Current' section of life story.
All edits are made in purple!
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omfg your theme songs are literally exact copies of my playlist wtfffff <3
Cultural Points

55 Points to spend.

✗+25 Nature Care Sciences (+25 - Points)

✗+10 Literary Arts

✗+10 Visual Arts (+10 - Points)

✗+10 Metallurgy Arts (+10 - Points)
Cultural points no longer exist, there are only flat proficiencies now that can be spent into either artistic or combat related things, she has essentially just 55 points to spend. Things like nature care and literary arts must be bought like regular points now.
✗Physical Stat: .90 (Capped at Muscular)
Racial bonuses are not accounted for in the final physical tally!

✗Modern Elvish - Fluent

✗Alt-Regalian - Fluent

✗Common - Fluent

✗Daendroc - Fluent

✗Skodje - Fluent
Languages now work differently, a character may now only know common and their cultural languages from either parent. If both parents are from a culture that speaks modern elven, then she will only know modern elven and common. Or if one speaks Faraddi, then she will know Common, Modern Elven and Faraddi for example. Please indicate the sources for each language and which was learned from points-- I would also recommend adding another 2 points to her linguistic skills as knowing ten doesn't particularly benefit the character, it goes by a basis of one language every six points.

Sorry! Over all everything else checks out! Tag me when you're done sunshine!

Edits have been completed! Kept Daendroc and Modern Elvish as her base languages and added common.

Her stat is now .50
Last minute update.. Made Camilla more of an archer. Stat still remains the same.
@Caelamus Hey there! I decided to rework Camilla into a Dressolini Ailor instead of Avanthar. I updated it to fit the new personality questions as well. Formatting may change just a bit since I uploaded on my phone.

Do I need to retag if I just update the format / aesthetic once approved? I have no clue
Okay reaaaal fast, I'm actually going to be aging her down later today and changing to the core list instead of the personality questions! (My bad, should've waited on the tag)
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Hiya @Caelamus! I adjusted her points to fit her new age (30), added in the Ailor prof, swapped her personality questions & added onto her life story! Think that was all unless I missed something..