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Played Character Suzenvaela Felariell |♡| The Extravagant Roseborn

This character is actively played.


will carry the team in roblox
May 6, 2019
Reaction score



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"Oh, darling, darling - are you sure that's like, the current thing?"
[| The Socialite of the Courts |]


" Hallelujah, oh mercy me! Confess your sins and get down on your knees ─ & I'll be good to you if you're good to me.
And we can go on and on and on and on
on and on and on and on! "
" I put a little twist in my hips, (Here we go.)
Kiss on my lips, (Here we go.) -
Ice on my wrist 'cause I'm hot and I'm dancing! (Here we go.) Caught that romancin'! (Here we go.)

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|| CHARACTER INFORMATION || to note one's identity..ೃ࿐ 》
|| « FULL NAME » | Suzenvaela Eyfa Felariell Bel-Ireavaal-Solleria Elasis.
Day to Day | Suzenvaela Felariell.
Meaning | Suzenvaela is derived from the names Suzë & Vaela, Suzë means 'lily' & Vaela means 'lotus'. Eyfa is derived from the name Eva, which means "life". Her surname is Felariell, which bears no IRL meaning. In standalone, her name is: Suzenvaela Eyfa, from the family Felariell, who is from the county of Ireavaal nestled in Solleria - with family loyalty to Regalia.
Address As | ❝I have a title for a reason, darling.
» Countess Felariell | Matriarch & titleholder of her blue-blooded family.
|| « HERITAGE » | Lanlath; Godborn of Sapphora.
Starborn | Star of Calmness.
Culture | Despite being Lanlath, Suzenvaela is heavily indulgent in the Haute Ithanian culture.
Ancestry | Suzenvaela's mortal mother is Saelleia Felariell, a Lanlath woman who has emulated the Ithanian culture. Saelleia is a devout of Sapphora; and considers herself loved by all. Despite the gossip revolving around her, she is commonly seen in Ithanian courts - as well as shrines to Lady Sapphora.
|| « AGE » | Twenty-four cycles.
Birthday | The morning of May 31st, 288 years after Cataclysm - when dawn was breaking.
Astrology | Gemini.
|| « GENDER » | Female.
Pronouns | Strictly abides by she & her.
Preferred Terms | Feminine. Miss, madame, lady, sister, wife, etc.
|| « OCCULT » | Suzenvaela is a Godborn of Sapphora & a Mageborn aligned with the Void.
|| « OCCUPATIONS » | Found below.
Countess of Ireavaal in the province of Solleria, nestled in the Regalian Empire.
Matriarch of her family, House Felariell.
Adhérente of the Hoterie Order.
Hostess, Suzenvaela loves hosting parties & considers this an occupation. All of her parties are dedicated to Sapphora in some manner.
Diplomat, Suzenvaela's familial trade is diplomacy, and she considers herself skilled at this.

|| CORE CONCEPT || to note one's personality..ೃ࿐ 》
|| FAITH |To struggle is to find faith, and I have found it.
Overall Outlook | Suzenvaela is an adherent of the Estelley Faith - primarily living in the image of her mother, Sapphora. It is in Sapphora's name that she hosts parties & gatherings, of course for altruistic reasons such as bringing community together, but for having some form of influence as well. She, of course, respects the Empresses & the Ordained of the Pantheon as is mandatory, but does not pay mind to the Vowed - other than that she also has a distinct respect for Sinnavei.
Personal Patrons | Suzenvaela considers Sapphora to be her primary patron, but respects the Empresses & Ordained of the Pantheon as a whole. She has a distinct fascination with Mana.
|| IDENTITY | Oh, look at you! I think you'd, like, look so much better in pink, though...
Who am I? | A young flawed & flamboyant woman who was passed down the title & matriarchal position of her family, Suzenvaela is what it means to be involved in the highest societies of the Regalian Empire. Extravagant taste and always chasing the latest gossip, she indulges in nothing short of the best - of course, while remaining approachable & hospitable. Currently, Suzenvaela functions as a support tactician character.
What are my goals? | Suzenvaela yearns for acceptance in the City, but isn't afraid to express herself & her heritage as a Godborn & Lanlath, refusing to bend on who she is. She advocates strongly for the rights of magic, Arkenborn & Godborn - and more often than not, recommends that illegal Mages that truly seek to redeem themselves speak to the Aelrrigan Order. She functions as a hostess as well, and commonly hosts parties & whatnot dedicated to Sapphora.
» MBTI Type | ENFJ-T | The Protagonist.
» Alignment | Lawful Neutral.
» Enneagram Type | The Host | 2w3.

|| VISUAL INFORMATION || to note one's appearance. .ೃ࿐ 》
|| TYPICAL APPEARANCE | Darling, I was born beautiful.
Oddities & Mutations | Suzenvaela possesses the remarkable traits passed down from her divine mother - as of present, she has three large serpents in her locks & golden eyes with softer pink flecks in them. The snakes are usually fastened to her hair as decorative accessories & appear scaled - they only come to life during high emotions or whenever spoken to. Her magic revolves around makeup & attire, as well as roses - so per custom, oddities that are in-line with the themes of her magic can manifest.
At a Glance | The Godborn stands at a height of six feet & four inches; possessing a curvaceous figure with no blemishes or scars in sight. She has soft, golden-hued hair that naturally falls to the small of her back that's typically straightened & styled to be wavy - possessing three thick serpents that seem to blend in her locks. Suzenvaela has brilliant colored aurum eyes; flecked with a soft pink, almost appearing rose gold at a glance. She has porcelain, healthy skin - typically having cosmetics brushed on her visage. She is typically donned in expensive, revealing gowns that are blue or pink, as well as indulgent jewelry. She has sharply shaped acrylic nails; painted a similar shade of whatever outfit she is presently donning.
|| SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | Super pretty, riiight?
Eye Color | Dazzling aurum, flecked with brighter pink petals - creating a radiant rose-gold appearance.
Skin Color | Porcelain, with a few beauty marks spread along her visage - and of course, cosmetics to bring out her outfit.
Hair Color & Style | A golden pristine blonde, which is typically elegantly styled with accessories & very long in length.
Height | 6'4", or 193.4 cm.
Body Type | A healthy body type with some body fat, and is curvy by default.
Clothing Style | Expensive gowns that are some manner of revealing - typically pink in color. Commonly has a fan to accompany!
Art Albums | Art Gallery | Outdated Art




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" How to be a heartbreaker; boys they like the look of danger!
We'll get him falling for a stranger,
A player, singing I lo-lo-love you!
At least I think I do!

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    || One unspent point.

    || Strength: 01
    Athletic: Steady Body

    || Constitution: 01
    Shielding: Shield Bunker

    || Wisdom: 07
    Command: Degrading, Attack, Defend, Resist, Champion
    Chem: Hyperfocus, Technique Parry

    || Faith: 02
    Cleric: Sacred Revive, Siphon

    || Magic: 02
    Adapt: Shapeshift, Wardrobe, Mindcontrol (Free, Godborn)
    Magic: Revive, Smog (Both Free, Lanlath)

    Suzenvaela is a noblewoman who prefers to avoid
    combat as much as possible, though is extremely capable
    of supporting her allies when they need it in battle.

    She is diplomatic and has experience in governmental
    office, & she is commonly around the Ithanian Bloc.

    It should come as no surprise that she has proficient guards.

    || Languages: Many.
    Native Language: Altalar
    Fluent: d'Ithanie & Common

    || Hobbies & Talents: Mechanic.
    Magic: Void Magic structured after floral life, beauty & influence.
    Athletic: She trusts no one other than herself to keep her in shape.
    Alchemy: Limited to only cosmetics.

    || Heritage Mechanics: Fully Lanlath

    || Godborn Mechanics: Sapphora Godborn

    || Guild Mechanics: Hoterie Guild
    Persuasion Dice: Rolls 12

    || Mercenary Company Mechanic: Callëlassä Mercenary Company
    Solo Mechanic: Fin'ullen Mechanic 5

    Suzenvaela is a diplomat & to make matters more great
    for her, she is a daughter of Sapphora - earning a spot in
    the Estelley Faithful as a confidant & friend through her
    birthright, but through putting in genuine effort as well.

    She finds herself a friend to most, but wronging her earns
    scorn not only with most of the Estelley Faithful but the
    Ithanian Bloc as well.





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Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll.
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all!
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored,
I'm the girl you'd die for.
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|| PLOT HOOKS || reasons to engage. .ೃ࿐
DAY TO DAY: Most commonly seen things.
» Suzenvaela is a Countess in the Regalian Empire & matriarch of her blue-blooded family, House Felariell. She currently serves the Regalian Empire as the face of the Progressive political party, and prefers to work with families that even somewhat support her ideals or share her distaste for Dictats, Purists, and/or the Lothar Order. She currently strides alongside the matriarch of House Mecatl to represent Floral Court politically - and is commonly seen in that district.
» Suzenvaela is typically seen around the highest society, mingling with aristocracy & Knights. She is most commonly seen around Elven or Ithanian nobility - participating in gossip or theatrics. Presently, she is one of the Core Four of the Ithanian Lobby, alongside Auriane Belrose, Fabienne du Poncaire, and Fiorenza Lemieux. She is commonly a theatric menace along with those three.
» The Roseborn is a strong adherent of Estelley, taking large strides to be a recognizable figure of her faith without being seen as an Ordvaan - and includes worship of the Empresses & the Ordained in her day-to-day life. Suzenvaela commonly seeks guidance from other Ordvaan she knows of, or offers her own guidance to the leading figures of the Estelley Faith. Because who will protect them & help them, whilst they help everyone else?
» It should come as no surprise that Suzenvaela is a daughter of Sapphora. Other Roseborn are welcome to reach out to her, but they do not have the privilege to call her 'sister'.
BACKGROUND: A fruitful past.
» Suzenvaela was once the Minister of Law, and typically hovered around the then State Governor - Countess Fabienne du Poncaire until their dismissals. She loved that ministry position to bits - and adores the former State Governess as well.
» Did you hear? Suzenvaela attended three Ithanian academies: A magical academy named L'Académie Ancienne de la Étude-Magique, an adminstrative academy named Regalian Statesman Academy located in Vixhall, & a diplomatic academy named Collegiate d'Évraux - and she was regarded as one of the most popular women in all three of her academies. She excelled at her performance, albeit with much stress - and was most commonly seen around popular Ithanian women, participating in gossip or in study groups. Maybe your character knew her, saw her around - or heard the most juicy gossip from her, even!
» There is a reason that Suzenvaela stands her ground against Lothar Knights & the Purist populace - the only ones truly able to get under her skin and make her lose her temper. Rumor has it that supposedly - a group of awry Darkwalds took matters into their own hands and purged some of her family members - but, at least it led to her seizing the matriarch position & gaining the title.
» Rumors circle the Countess - the most notable whispers are her supposedly being an Allorn Spy, or less common - when she owned the Nook & Cranny Tavern. There are few people who speak about her owning that tavern, but it was a chaotic mess. The Countess adored it, though, until she signed off ownership.
MISCELLANEOUS: Small facts - or rumors.
» The latest gossip says that the Countess is a little too close to an Aelrrigan Knight by the name of Galhan Nalvaan - who swears that it's a professional relationship. Everyone seems to believe differently, though!
» Suzenvaela is still - after many months - battling accusations of being a sympathizer or spy for the Allorn Empire. Maybe your character has heard of her family supposedly being Allorn sympathetic - or maybe your character participated in the gossip.

By Marbbies on Discord!


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  • Update 4/19/24
    • due to sapphora lore update, shifted suzy to be more of a tactician while also remaining a diplomat
    • invested a full 7 points into command pb, removed 2 from faith
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Update 6/1/24.
  • Aged up 1 year. Happy birthday Suzy :]
  • Killed all proficiency points except Safeguard. I barely participate in CRP anyway.