Preserved Sheet Calypso Kato

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<3 <3 <3
Jan 6, 2016
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☆: *.☽ .* :☆


"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion,
for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."

☆: *.☽ .* :☆

[✫ Pinterest ✫]
[Face Claim: Kiko Mizuhara]


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»Given Name: Carolina Maya Kato
☆»Chosen Name: Calypso Kato
☆»Nicknames: Cal, Aly, Greg, Carl
»Age: Twenty-Six
☆»Birthday: September 13th 281AC​
☆»Star Sign: Virgo
»Race: Estling
☆»Culture: Daendroque
»Sexuality: Bisexual

Break gender norms, find a tight knit group of friends and help Catalina with her business.


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»Proficiency -
☆»10 Stealth Rogue Skill
☆»7 Dextrous Rogue Skill
☆»5 Burgling Rogue Skill
☆»4 Musical Arts
☆»4 B
odycare Training

»Body Shape
»Body Stat: 4 x 0.5 = 2
☆»Body Fat: Low Body Fat

☆»Daendroqin (Native - 10/10)
⋆Preferred language.

☆»Wa'an (Second Language - 8/10)
⋆Learned from her father at an early age, being adequate enough to converse, however lacking the knowledge of how to read and write in this language.

☆»Common (Third Language - 8/10)
⋆Literate, but with the difficulty of certain pronunciations and words & their meanings.


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»Eye Color: A subdued brown.

»Hair Color: Naturally dark brown, but vigorously bleached and dyed to a blue shade.

»Hair Style: Worn down and loose, reaching down mid-waist.
»Skin Color: Pale Olive
☆»Tattoos: A cat hidden beneath her ear, a sleeve of roses on her right arm trailing onto her collarbone, and a snake design all inked on her skin; slithering up from above her belly-button and its head ending on her chest.
☆»Scars: A scar on her upper right thigh, and various scratches found along her left hand.

»Clothing: Neutral colors, usually wearing pants and shirts.
☆»Accessories: An assortment of earrings, rings, and bangles on her mid arm & wrists.
»Height: 5'7
☆»Weight: 122
☆»Body Build: Sinewy


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☆»Chaotic Neutral

»Personality Type


To strangers, Calypso can come off as quite cold at first, this may be due to her sarcastic nature and deadpan sense of humor. However, they'd soon come to find that the woman is truly quite fun, always looking for a good time in those she meets, acting as though strangers were her bestest of friends. However, she can at times seem rather reserved and secretive, as though she's constantly hiding something or scared of oversharing too much. Cal can also come off as bold both with her actions and opinions, she's always calling for all the attention to be on her rather than others. Her snarky wit can at times come off as quite mean and rude to the more sensitive of people, though to Calypso that tends to be all the more fun.

On the inside, Calypso is quite confident in her own skin and has no prevalent insecurities over her physical image. However, the scars from her past are still quite strong in her mind, and often the woman finds herself regressing back to old habits and behaviors whenever she feels vulnerable. Her family situation at first left her feelings alone in the world, but now it seems to have spawned a deep determination within her.

Friends would know her to still be the fun and outgoing woman she is with strangers, however they're surely more acutely aware of her cunning and deceitful nature. Calypso is always searching for an adrenaline rush from everything she can, and this often leads her to twisting the truth in many ways, at times sending people on wild goose chases whilst she reclines back and watches. In addition to this, Cal is rather protective of her closest companions and would do anything for a friend in need of her help. She tends to be more caring around them, too, often making sure they aren't taking her at times harsh words to heart. On another hand, family would certainly find her to be quite reckless and idiotic, this is likely due to her past actions. Family and Calypso simply don't go together anymore, hence why she doesn't speak of them, unless it's to complain. Calypso is rather flirty to strangers, but does not intend on finding actual lovers.

Cal's morality could certainly be considered Chaotic Neutral, her pure greed for success driving her to ignore what's right and wrong. Calypso seldom cares about how her actions affect others, and unless the choices she makes are detrimental to herself or her friends, than she will do anything to achieve her goals. Her ideals are often haphazard and not well thought out, though she seems to value freedom and glory. At times, it's almost as though she enjoys others' demise as long as she gets her way. However, she does tend to seek justice in other aspects of the world, whether that be for animals or for women's rights, Calypso generally seems to be a mess on the moral front.


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»Cal's blunt nature often gets her into trouble, whether it be with strangers or her own friends. Whatever comes to mind, is often just spat out into words. The plain-spokenness the woman has has resulted in many fights and people to dislike her, which makes up for a hard time for Cal to make friends.

»Calypso is to be considered an addict, both for drugs and drinking. With a past of dealing and dabbling into drugs, she soon became off track from her addictive personality, as the rush of such narcotics brought her such joy. She has gradually gained back control over her addiction, but still struggles with it on a day-to-day basis, fighting withdrawals, and still being occupied with drinking.

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"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind.
Be led by the dreams in your heart."
Bites her nails
Has a tendency of digging her nonexistent nails into her palm when mad

Playing the guitar


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»Calypso does not get along with any of her family members, and in turn does not keep in touch with them.

»Although adopted, Sidressa, Catalina's "daughter", is deeply loved and cared for by Calypso; being said that she is her "niece".

»Catalina de Grizio is Calypso's most treasured friend, and although they are not blood related, Cat acts as a sister to Cal.


»Because her personality does have some sort of an acquired taste to some, Cal has a bit of trouble getting along with certain people. Lou Clemens, a current roommate of hers, is particularly fun and enjoyable for the blue haired woman.

»Through Catalina, Cal has met Amelia Scarlette, a flamboyant and fun friend that holds a soft spot for the woman.

»From her youthful days in Catalon, Calypso has grown quite fond of Lorelei Luxford, and sees her as a real character that she enjoys being around.

»Fynn (i forget his last name)


»A new roommate and potential friend, Dionsio Harmon, intrigues the blue haired lady from his goofy nature, in which she intends on becoming closer with.

»Maizhi Luxford (sry if i spelt it wrong)




»A rude and cruel man in the eyes of Cal, Louis Delmotte-- which was once seen to be a potential "love" interest in order to earn an extra bit of coinage; Calypso ultimately hates the Ithanian, despite her odd attraction to him.

»Mateo Silva

Future Hoes



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»Carolina Maya Kato was born on the 13th of September in 281 AC to Akeno and Patricia in Catalon, where her parents had met a few years prior. Her father being Sihai had come with a price, despite her parents love, their family would often be tainted with prejudice due to the contrast between Akeno and Patricia. Calypso was the first of four children, the Kato's weren't well off to begin with, and now having four extra mouths to feed would indeed take a toll on their monetary status. Despite this, Caly's early childhood was filled with joyful memories surrounding her family life and life in general.

»During her later childhood years, Calypso's father was often away at work, trying his best to keep their mouths fed as her mother scarcely took up jobs as a guitarist, playing at local bars for extra coinage. From the competence of her mother playing and practicing the guitar around the house, Cal had observed and eventually picked up playing the guitar herself to allow for free time to pass. From a young age, Caly was strangely inclined to interact with the more questionable people of Catalon. Even as a child, Calypso felt the pressure from her parents to keep their already tainted family name clean, and as she grew older it almost seemed as though this pressure broke her. She was a troublemaker from day one, often hanging around the ruffians and causing chaos around her neighborhood.


»At the ripe age of Fourteen, Calypso was taken under a man named Eliseo's wing. The young child often aided him in his smuggling business, though at the time she was vastly unaware of what exactly she was doing, Calypso helped sell the goods to his clients, a child being naturally quicker and quite the bit more deceitful to most people. Calypso would continue helping the man into her teen years, and as a thanks to her many years of help, Eliseo would teach the young girl what he'd learnt from an Undercroft tutor, essentially passing on his shady wisdom. It was almost as though she saw Eliseo as a guardian of sorts, despite his crooked ways. She eventually managed to talk her way into getting a cut of the money, which she then gave to her parents under the guise that she had a waitressing job out of town.

»Calypso's situation only got more dire as time went on. It'd all started with Eliseo's business, but soon it became stealing, drinking and starting fights around town. This strongly deteriorated her relationship with her parents, they almost shunned her and refused the money she brought in. Calypso was heartbroken with their disappointment, but she was too far in to back down now, and so the fifteen year old started going to new extremes. At such a young age, the woman found herself trying the opium she stole from her employer, finding solace within the brief escape the substance offered her. During this time, Calypso met Catalina de Grizio, and the two became known as a troublesome pair to their community. For a moment, it seemed as though Calypso had someone who understood her completely and utterly, the two bonded over the following year.

»Eventually, at 16 the two went their separate ways. Catalina had been hauled off to care for her aunt, and Calypso's mother decided it was time her daughter be taken down a few notches. And so, after a brief intervention, Calypso was sent to her aunt's farm outside of Catalon. Her aunt and uncle were much stricter than her parents, and this either disciplined her slightly, or simply taught her to be conniving in subtler ways. What it certainly did give her, however, is her love for animals. During the next ten years, Calypso would stay on her relatives' farm, essentially leaving her old life behind for a brief moment of bliss.


»After maintaining contact throughout their separation, at twenty-four Calypso left with her childhood friend to Regalia. In a way, the change of location was freeing for Cal, it was during this time that she changed her name and dyed her hair, almost switching identities for the new city. Away from her family's control, Calypso was able to return to her old ways once more. Though subtle, the woman now found it much easier to cause trouble and the like though she knows she'd have to quit such ways permanently if she ever did wish to prove her parents wrong.


☆: *.☽ .* :☆

"Courage is feeling fear, not getting rid of fear,
and taking action in the face of fear."

☆: *.☽ .* :☆


[special thanks to @zuwuwa for designing n lit rally everything else ily]​
Last edited:
Hello! I'm claiming this for a review, expect a response soon!
Review incoming, duck and cover!
  • First off, your proficiency points are off, as she should have 31 points total, you listed her as having 36
  • Please list her body stat for me!
  • Please remove the body build from the visual information section!
  • Also, her life story still mentioned the Ch'ien-Ji, could you edit that to Sihai for me?
Please make your edits in a spooky color and tag me @Rochelle_ when you're done!
Review incoming, duck and cover!
  • First off, your proficiency points are off, as she should have 31 points total, you listed her as having 36
  • Please list her body stat for me!
  • Please remove the body build from the visual information section!
  • Also, her life story still mentioned the Ch'ien-Ji, could you edit that to Sihai for me?
Please make your edits in a spooky color and tag me @Rochelle_ when you're done!
all done! edits made in the spookiest color i could find thanks!