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Played Character Soren

This character is actively played.


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score

: ̗̀➛ Full Name: Naeem Hami Eazim
--: ̗̀➛ Commonly Referred to as: Soren
: ̗̀➛ Race / Culture: Skyborn, Scripter Dominant / Founder
: ̗̀➛ Age / Birthdate: 21 | December 14th, 290
: ̗̀➛ Pronouns: He/She
: ̗̀➛ Occult: Archon (Artisan) Mage (Dragon God Magic)
: ̗̀➛ Occupation: Shoprunner, Technician, Alchemist
: ̗̀➛ Faith: Draconism


: ̗̀➛Soren is a pacifist at heart, and currently completely incompetent in any forms of combat. Mostly stoic, he tries to keep good standing with most, even if he doesn't see them positively. A master technician with internalized self doubt as he hopes to one day create something truly unique, even if aided by magic.


: ̗̀➛Soren is a below average 5'5 (165cm), with an androgynous look, ruffled long brown hair, small pointed ears, and can be seen with a neutral resting saddened expression. To his back, he has a metal plate, with a folded up Azraqtech arm, that sometimes will be seen assisting from over his shoulder. Occasionally, he might also be seen with a pair of draconic wings, that he can make visible at will.


: ̗̀➛ STRENGTH ⊢⊣ I
⥽ [Athletics] Force Toss
⥽ [SKYBORN] [Training] Iron Will
⥽ [FREE] [Tech] Tech Ghost
⥽ [Tech] Tech Assimilate
⥽ [Adapt] Wardrobe Pack
: ̗̀➛ WISDOM ⊢⊣ III
⥽ [Medical] Medical Revive
⥽ [Medical] Medical Rescue
⥽ [SKYBORN] [Chem] Technique Parry
⥽ [Chem] Chem Bang
: ̗̀➛ DEXTERITY ⊢⊣ V
⥽ [Roguery] Disguise Pack
⥽ [Roguery] Fleet Footed
⥽ [Roguery] Sharp Reflexes
⥽ [Roguery] Escape Artist
⥽ [Roguery] Improvised Attack
: ̗̀➛ MAGIC ⊢⊣ III
⥽ [Adapt-Magic] Safeguard Pack
⥽ [Magic] Magic Cleanse
⥽ [Magic] Magic Shove



Alchemy Hobby
Technology Hobby
Medical Hobby
Magical Talent


Altalar/Nehtalar, Zahram, Sign Language, Common〈Known〉
Sofaal〈"Key" Phrases Only〉


: ̗̀➛ Soren isn't hard to approach, but he has a reclusive personality. He prefers conversations kept short and to the point when asked questions from someone he doesn't know.
: ̗̀➛ Soren is accepting of anyone to an unhealthy degree, as most Skyborn would be; but even with Dragonkin before he considered becoming an Archon.
: ̗̀➛ Soren has a 'photographic' memory, which has helped him draw almost lifelike drawings of others or things, and is well practiced. One of his favorite activities related to this includes drawing up maps.
: ̗̀➛ Soren is getting used to holding it down in fights with his tech or magic, but he tries to avoid conflict where he can. He prioritizes biotics for work, and is fully able in almost all forms of tech.
: ̗̀➛ Soren as a newly turned archon, is in the process of learning how to control his magic past what he has been able to teach himself, and is open to teachings related.
: ̗̀➛ Soren currently runs a shopfront called the Winding Wares: Trinkets and Tonics out of his home. He likes to be a reliable source of tech and alchemy for any community he's a part of.
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Character Information
  • Full Name: Naeem Hami Eazim
    • Nickname: Soren
  • Race: Qadir
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Sandstone
Core Concept
  • Soren is, at heart, a true pacifist. He always tries to help others around him using his skills as a Qadir, even if they might not deserve it. Though he seems to always show kindness and may be a bit clumsy, he is very capable, as shown by how he uses his tools, and can be extremely selfish when left to his own devices.
  • Is an atheist, doesn't judge others for their religious beliefs, unless it is anything clearly seen as corrupt, though doesn't speak out against it. (eg. Void Worship)
  • Strength: 0

  • Constitution: 2
    • [Crafting] Metallurgy Craft Pack
    • [Crafting] Thread Craft Pack
  • Wisdom: 7
    • [Society] Archive Wisdom Pack
    • [Artificer] Medical Pack
    • [Artificer] Communicator Pack
    • [Artificer] Mech-Suit Pack
    • [Technician] Mindblock Pack
    • [Technician] Mending Pack
    • [Technician] Mech-Suit Pack
    • FREE [Technician] Memblock Pack
  • Dexterity: 3
    • [Roguery] Reaction Pack
    • [Roguery] Balance Pack
    • [Roguery] Escapist Pack
  • Magic: 0

  • Charisma: 2
    • [State] Diplomat Pack
    • [State] Clumsy Pack
  • Medical Patent
  • Foam-Mix Patent
  • Body-chem Patent
  • Hair-chem Patent
  • Common Patent
  • FREE Servo-golem Patent
  • FREE Biotic Patent
  • Addiotic Patent
  • Berserk Patent
  • FREE Appliance Patent
  • FREE Momentum Patent
  • Lifegiver Patent
  • Lifecreater Patent
  • Hacking Patent
  • Mindslave Patent
  • Common
  • Faraddi (Native)
Appearance Information
  • Soren is a short 5'7, with messy long brown hair and tanned skin. Very odd fashion, just kinda wears what he thinks makes him stand out more, nothing too "fancy" though.
  • Soren also has a third robotic arm that is attached to his back, and goes over his right shoulder.
Life Story
  • Soren was born from Azzam Hami Eazim and Zaida Hami Eazim in Farah'deen though his family was nomadic so he did not stay there for long.

  • In his youth he had worked on his own designs and wanted to create something on his own. The young boy had started to work desperately on his own creations even to the point of working on himself. At some point, he was successfully able to attach a new limb onto himself. Despite his parents' dismay at such the young boy decided to keep it as it proved to be a worthy discovery as it helped him complete designs and tinkering up ideas faster.

  • Because of his personal discovery in his youth, Soren had worked harder to overcome his discovery. He has worked day and night trying to appease everyone around him. He wished to impress his parents, his family and friends, and even the people around him he didn't even know. Though overall he wished to impress himself, he wanted to go above and beyond his own mind and find and chase that excitement of a new discovery. Through his constant studying and reading he was able to finish up his school around the age of sixteen. He didn't care about the social scene and was more serious about his work, soon earning his nickname as Soren (meaning serious). When he arrived at Regalia Soren had become a totally opposite person to what he was in his homeland. Acting clumsy or outspoken in some parts, though in the reality of it- Soren would put up this act to stand out. Perhaps to get others' support and financial aid for his own work.

  • Now in Regalia, he introduces himself as Soren instead of his birth name, embracing the name and working towards striving with his own creations and ideals in Regalia.
[Society] Archive Wisdom Pack

Please include which pack you are taking. You have an option between several on this page

  • Medical Patent
  • Foam-Mix Patent
  • Body-chem Patent
  • Hair-chem Patent
  • Common Patent
  • FREE Servo-golem Patent
  • FREE Biotic Patent
  • Addiotic Patent
  • Berserk Patent
  • FREE Appliance Patent
  • FREE Momentum Patent
  • Lifegiver Patent
  • Lifecreater Patent
  • Hacking Patent
  • Mindslave Patent

You can pick one more technician/artificer special. This is not mandatory.
Please include which pack you are taking. You have an option between several on this page

You can pick one more technician/artificer special. This is not mandatory.

@RunicScrawl Updated Archive Wisdom Pack, and added Chassis Patent, as I think it might add to something interesting down the line since I had the extra space even though it will most likely never be used.
I know character sheets are being updated, but I wanted to push these out before then just so I didn't have to worry about disparities between my doc and this post

-Replaced both Mech-Suit packs with Mercy and Mechwalker Technician packs.
-Added to core concept in the first part about him being awful at fighting
-Added more in the Appearance Info part of his addiotic arm, having it to more than just exist has been much more interesting.
-Added sign language in languages (this doesn't change anything) and will edit his backstory slightly soon.
- Replaced Archive Wisdom from Society with Stimboost from Technician
- Replaced Disguise with Parkour from Roguery
- Added Vampire changes
-Replaced Clumsy Pack in Charisma/State with Unarmed Expert in Strength/Athletic
-Replaced Diplomat Pack in Charisma/State with Agitator Pack in Charisma/State

-Predator Pack
-Power Hex Pack
-Betrayer Pack
-Meddler Pack
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- KIT NOW FULLY UPDATED TO REFLECT THE NEW PROFS UPDATE, too many to list them all as everything has been almost entirely replaced
- Separate spread added to reflect when under vampirism
- Removed Automaton Sheet for now, updating now to reflect changes to self played automata
-Finally updated to remove Charisma, and change abilities accordingly to make him weaker by splitting up categories that make sense
-Added Occupation

Expecting to have to update again to reflect Qadir integration in to Ailor
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All in accordance with the Qadir update
- Character Information fixed some
- Core Concept and Appearance Information updated/reworded most of it
- Proficiences updated to reflect ic events (eg Puretek Wrath), and Shielding now fully possible with Shieldtech racial ability with Tech Defense/Gadget Combat.
- Religion (Guided Unionist) added next to Faith.
- Faraddi > renamed to Zahram now
- Plot hooks added! More to come, maybe.

Expect some other minor tweaks soon :)
Temporarily fixed proficiencies, expecting to do this again within a week or two
Notable, Medical Point Buy > Tanking and Shielding due to Shieldtech no longer existing as an ability, and added Firearms
and with Unionism update, no longer Guided
Converted to an Archon 11/10 (November 10th 311 ic)

Updated all categories and added even more plot points :) more aesthetically pleasing too
Updated some small bits and wording throughout off of the Skyborn update, Scripter / Founder half :)
Made many updates, including color updating, fixing the religion to Draconism, and changing other details / moving the profs to be more Dexterity based.