Preserved Sheet Lyra Ae’lenin

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Lesser Noble
Nov 2, 2018
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Lyra Ae'lenin
| The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it from you. |
| Theme Song |

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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Lyra Ae'lenin
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Dwarf
  • Sexuality: Unspecified
  • Preferred Weapon: Stave
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❝Confidence is ignorance. If you're feeling cocky, it's because there's something you don't know. |

Skill Information
[ Total Points: 50 Prof + 10 Hobby = 60 Total ]

Core Skills
  • +20 Stave combat | Invested
  • +6 Unarmed combat | Invested
Talent Skills
  • +5 Strength training | Invested
Hobby Skills
  • +10 Theatre art | Hobby
  • +15 Brewing Art | +10 Invested, +5 Racial Boost
Body Shape
+30 bodystat (31x1+10x0.5= 36)
  • Toned body shape
  • Average body fat
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Special Abilities/Spells/Mutations
  • Half-Dwarf Racial abilities
    • Honed Skill 1
    • Home Upgrade 1
    • Shrewd Insight 1
    • Great Force 1
    • Gate Smash 1
    • Honed Skill 5
Languages | +9 Invested
  • Dwarven Dialect | Learned from parents
  • Modern-Altalar | Learned from parents
  • Common | Learned from childhood
  • Kathar Altalar | Learned from linguistics knowledge
  • Suvial Altalar | Learned from linguistic knowledge
  • Ibeth | Learned from linguistic knowledge
  • Anglisch | Racial ability Honed Skill 1
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| ❝Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you. |

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Platinum-Blonde
  • Hair Style: Very long
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Light, flowy
  • Height: 4'8"
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| Be messy, complicated, and afraid- but show up anyway. |


Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Logician
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel 3/10
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| You are the artist of your own life. Don't hand the paintbrush to someone else. |

Life Story
Childhood (0-12)
  • Lyra Ae'Lenin, born in the city of Regalia on the 8th of March, 282 A.C. She grew up in a peaceful household, her Altalar mother loving and doting, while her father, a Dwarven man, was the more playful one. As she grew older, her mother taught her to read and write around the age of five. Lyra's mother, a very studious woman, was adamant on Lyra studying as much as she could, despite only a child. With this, Lyra missed out on a lot of her younger years of her childhood, holed up in her house spending most hours of the day studying on how to read, write, and speak in multiple forms of languages. Once she turned ten, she had already learned three other languages, though not fluent, she knew the basics. The young girl only knew studying, not how to communicate properly to others or get her emotions across in a lighter fashion. She was very blunt and up-front, so when she finally did start going out of her house more, the other children avoided the emotion-lacking little girl.

Adolescence (12-20)
  • As Lyra grew more into her pre-teen years, she felt very neglected and alone since the other children never enjoyed being around her, or playing with her, thus ending with Lyra running away back into her house, only hiding away even more. She grew up in isolation, other than her mother, who had become harsh and strict towards Lyra, urging her to continue her endless studies, to expand her knowledge. Her mother's dream for Lyra was for her to become a scholar- But Lyra, herself, did not want that, so conflict was never far between the two. Her father, who had always seemed too busy for Lyra as she grew older, started to come around more. He started to teach Lyra how to fight and defend herself, and how to do other tasks he deemed necessary to know. Lyra felt a lot more at ease when she was outside, sparring with her father, compared to the suffocating feeling of being in her room with her mother always lingering over her shoulder. Once Lyra was into her mid-teens, she had learned most of the languages she knows as an adult, and how to fight with a wooden stave. Soon after this, her mother got pregnant with Lyra's little brother, which left Lyra a lot more time to do what she likes as her mother was busy dealing with the pregnancy. Lyra started to go out again, traveling around the city and meeting more people. Lyra was able to teach herself how to communicate in a more understandable manner than her blunt, forceful way before. This went on until her brother's birth, in which Lyra helped take care of the infant boy, finding a certain sense of happiness in it. She was the one practically raising the little boy as she usually spent much more time around him, the two growing an inseparable bond. She taught him how to walk, how to talk, and how to read and write once he reached that stage as well.

Adulthood - Present (20-27)
  • Lyra matured quickly, a fluent speaker in almost all the languages she had been taught and studied, as well as a skilled user with her fighting stave. She also learned how to handle children with the time spent with her younger sibling, the two almost always side-by-side, unless Lyra was busy doing something. On the side, she learned things like how to fight with her fists, or how to make drinks, despite never having drank alcohol herself, and how to be careful in less supervised areas of the city. Her mother had never completely gotten off Lyra's back, though still made sure Lyra was taken care of, such as paying for Lyra's house when she was old enough and wanted to move out, and lended her money when necessary. Lyra adored her family more than anything, especially her younger brother, who she visited often. Lyra is still more introverted than some, and had troubles conveying certain emotions, but she's still improved in those aspects, and found herself a job in a Cafe with many other people she respects heavily.

The End

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Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but the lifelong attempt to acquire it. |
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@CanadianNugget Everything seems to be in order except for your character's height. Please Correct this, the minimum height for Half-Altalar is 5'6"
@CanadianNugget Everything seems to be in order except for your character's height. Please Correct this, the minimum height for Half-Altalar is 5'6"

I did some changes! I thought it wasn't fitting her overall character so I changed her race to Half-Dwarf and I change her perception to +7 since she wouldn't have the boost! I also added Anglisch to her languages for one of the Half-Dwarf's racial abilities as well as +15 in Brewing Art! :) Hopefully the math should all still be correct!
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Hey! I made some changes to the amount of languages she knows and some additions and removals in her combat profs! The math should still all be the same, changes made in red!

Sorry for the tag, I also completely reworked her life story, the rest is the same other than the stave changes!