Player Stories

OOC: This is the first Lore Story for my character Andreas Myrslin, so please understand this is meant to deliver a more in-depth feeling about the character, so some mature themes such as depression, loss, anger, and abuse may be present. You have been warned. Drip. Drip.. Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip... Silence echoed down the long twisting sewer tunnels as Andreas could only hear the sound of dripping water or some other kind of liquid in the place he had kept to for nearly five entire decades. He had been wandering these old decrepit tunnels for years and all they provided him was a source to begin his repentance. The memory of his beloved children and wife dying on that fateful day of the slave rebellion haunted him akin to a...
Memories are strange things. Some stick with you, forever imprinted in your mind like a brand. But there are others, fleeting things that quickly pass into oblivion. But to most, memories are things that remain to oneself. Personal things, that can only be shared through stories. But to others, they are a bit easier to share, though it requires the use of arcane methods. A young Altalar, hardly ten years old, perched on her knees in front of a man. This man shared the same long, dark blonde curls and light cobalt blue eyes with the child, leaving little doubt that these two were related. Perhaps even father and daughter. The man held the child's small hands in his own, gently guiding them up to his temples. “It’s alright,” He mumbled...
[Music Theme] It was a bitter cold start to an autumnal day, the rain clouds were closing in on the bustling city of chatter and foot steps. The wind howled and the tree’s yearned and groaned against the elements, a flurry of red and orange leaves fell to the feet of a familiar ginger altalar, stepping out into her small enclosed yard, a sole withered tree grew in the centre and a mere stone bird bath sat beneath it, shimmering as the water rippled against the wind. Approaching the bath her fingertips travelled against the circumference of the edge, peering down upon her wavy reflection “Oh Val, what would he say?” She mumbled under her breath, her nose wrinkling slightly, wafting away her reflecting with a little flicker of her...
The wind was gentle, yet there was the occasional howling breeze in the air. The sky was dark with stars dotted among the night sky, which is normally the time where most of the people in Regalia would be asleep. Only the crunching of footsteps against the snow-coated street could be heard. Unable to sleep, Milo Shinseki sat up in his bed, his crimson eye glowing faintly in the dark bedroom. He peered to the one occupying the other bed; a female Altalar with hair that nearly matched his eye. She was currently asleep, or at least he thought. For all he knew, she could just be laying there with her eyes shut. Nonetheless, Milo stood and made his way to the open window in their shared bedroom. He looked back to be sure that the nelfin...
((The paper is crumpled and bloodstained, making a some words nearly unreadable. The penmanship is fairly well but looks a bit sloppy)) Gwel, I don't know how long it has been since that night in the Re*l*. So much has happened, things have changed. I know that I'm being hunted but I p*omi*ed myself that I wasn't going to hide from the 'cl*c**r'. The thing is Gwel, I trust the devil inside you, Andrew inclu*ed. You show* me a pi**e of my tr*e self, so I wa*t to meet you in b***e c*u*t before da*br***, bring An**ew if he's available. I bel**ve it's time I come forw**d and tell b**h of you t** tru*h. I would've wro** it in t*is l***er but I'm ****ed that so*eo*e else m***t re*d it b***re y** get the c***c*. Pa** *f me h*p** ****- ((This...
--- --- Though hardly noticed by most, the truly most important member of a household is the servant. Who else would there be to keep the dishes clean and the floors mopped, the papers stacked neatly and letters delivered on time to pages? Rarely were they noticed saved when called upon to fill a brief task, but regardless they saw everything. The Harhold maid was just as any others, hardly noticed by her employers, but it was no issue. She dusted the tables and occasionally fed the dogs, fixed the tapestries of red or polished the jewelry of the house ladies. Of course, there are the daily things that distract from exact schedule, and today was no different. There came a light knocking at the estate door as the maid was sweep out...
Adam Patrova had lost his wife, son, and daughter. Prior to that, he had lost his mother and father to a village fire. Adam wanted to die. But a familiar stranger came and told himself everything would be fine. Now, he was situated in Regalia ten years later. He had married someone new, almost received a new son, and reunited with his brother. He was happy again. Soon, Adam caught a vampiric curse and was forced to flee Regalia. On his travels, he was ship recked and never returned to Regalia until five years later. Upon returning, his wife was afraid of him. She hated him. She despised him. Even though he thought she would be happy to see him again, he was wrong. On top of that, his brother, his best friend, was no where to be...
This poem is a mixture of a hunt of Quin’s as well as his life story, linking his past to what he is now. It all happened so fast. From one end, was the little snorts and rather adorable wails of a baby. On the other, the huffing and snorting with horns tilted in the air, followed by a crack in the sky and environment quite rainy. Through the beginning of walking, with slight stumbles and requiring assistance to stand, There was the thumping of hooves in the mud, branches yanked down and moved by a hand. Each stone tossed resonated a wave in the waters by shore, a tranquil splash in the ears of those near. From water trudged and waded through splashed, the desire to hunt was quite clear. From learning to tie a knot, and how...
“Andrew is gone. He left.” Fen’nan stared at the note on the Nook notice board in silence for a moment before she snorted and scoffed and she spat at the board, as Andrathath had spit at her feet earlier that night. “Yeah bloody friggin right. He’s just being dramatic.” She snapped aloud. Of course, there was nobody around. It was the earliest hours of the morning, the air was cold and crisp, the Nook empty. Any person should’ve been sleeping. But the nights events had kept her up all night and she abandoned thoughts of sleep, and when she was certain Milo was asleep, she slipped out of their shared bedroom, dressing into dark clothing before slipping out an open window. Somehow she’d found herself here. She stared at the short note...
┌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┐ x └╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┘ Dear Andrew, I know what you mean now. When you told me you were sorry about what is to come. I forgive you, even though I can’t stand the feeling of you not in our bed. I know you had to leave but I wish you would’ve given me a proper goodbye before. It’s the least you could afford me. I don’t know what is to come from the future, what is to become of the city when you are gone. I want you to know that I love you. I know I’ve said this a million times by now, but my love for you transcends anything I’ve felt before. You are not only my husband. You are my other half. My drinking buddy. My smoking buddy. My best friend. If you haven’t caught on yet, this isn’t a letter you will be...
“You save everyone. But who saves you?” The clang and crack of metal against stone sounded throughout the cavern. Breathing heavily and grimacing against the pain spiking up from her injuries already, she knew that this might be her last chance to end the battle. A battle that had been raging on for hours, or perhaps only a mere few moments; she had lost track of time the moment she had risen the shield up around her companion. It had been a constant game of cat and mouse, the warring pair changing roles as one took the upper hand over the other. One moment she was catching a soft spot in the serpent’s scales and the next she was being slammed against the wall. Her body ached and begged for her to rest, but she knew she couldn’t, not...
Asan was sitting on a log, looking at the fire in front of him. The ember starts to spark up from the charred logs. He had gave it to Fen. Why did she need it? He didn't know and didn't care. "Be glad that ya my friend, I'm giving ya a discount," He hears himself speak. That was a bloody lie. The smell of burnt flesh was obvious. He always smelled it when his father always ruined his mother's catches. "Are ya serious? Ya know how long it took me to track that down?" He still hears his mother's disbelief even now. He smiles, as his jaw hinges awkwardly, only for it to get cracked open more with a fist. "Yer bloody smiling? I knew yer were crazy Arrow. But to this extent? It's surprising." The burnt smell wasn't coming from a...
A cool, nighttime breeze blew through the smaller bedroom, sending a trail of goosebumps across her bare, pale scarred arms, she gave a slight shudder, but made no effort to slip under the bedsheets, lying on top the made bed and staring at the ceiling in quiet thought as her fingers idly ran over the smooth surface of the glass vial in her hands. Fen’nan Solaveira glanced over to the bed opposite of hers, to the male who slept on the bed, his back to her, dyed blonde hair peaked from the covers and she briefly wondered if he was awake, or if she should wake him just to complain about the open windows in the bloody fall, or if they were gonna invest in some actual glass windows when winter came. She stared at the sleeping, or assumed to...
Perhaps [Irrespective of the story this is a stunning performance to listen to.] I do not have answers for those wishing to know: how, why, what happened in the space of those fifteen minutes. I do not think you will find any peace in knowing, so, please… do not ask. It will not alter how it happened; what is done, is done and nothing will change that. Knowing remains reserved for those that were there, it is now their story to tell, to mould as they see fit… The truth is that it does not matter what happened, this was not my story... It is the story of another child who will grow up without her father, perhaps another man will take his place, perhaps she’ll never open the letter on her nineteenth birthday… It is the story of a...
Music ((OOC NOTE: This happens after A Nightmare to Remember, this is NOT a continuation of it.)) A Rogue in Love It's another dark October night and Connak lies awake again, this time in a foreign bed with his new lover. With the nightmare still haunting him, he can't clear his mind. The rogue can't help but to gaze at the Kathar laying beside him, studying his face and body. From the stillness of the air and the soft crackling of the torches that hang on the wall, a soft whisper can barely be audible. "Is this what love feels like?" Connak whispers to himself, trying to be careful to not way the man beside him. As the Manathar thinks to himself, his mind is flooded with a number of thoughts. Three relate to the man he's with, one...
The sound of rain, tapping against the window by her desk refused to let Merril think straight. It refused to let her gather her thoughts, to even think of what had happened. How everything went so wrong, so quickly. How in the span of an hour, friendships were destroyed, and people's trust in one another was broken. How there was nothing she could have done to stop it. Merril's hand tightened into a fist, as she raised her arm, to wipe at her face. Tears weren't fitting for this situation, she muttered to herself. But they kept coming, no matter how much she wanted them to stop. Wiping them away once more, she looked down in front of her. A quill, and a sheet of paper. All that was written on it was a single sentence. Merril...
The brisk spring afternoon had started to melt away the frosty blanket to reveal the flora in a field not too far away from a home. It wasn’t anything special, thick sturdy logs to support the frame like a mother bear with her cubs towards any danger. — ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━ Ocean blue eyes looked through the window to see autumn hair lounging in the field as it contrasted yet belonged within the flowers, watching the little one lay amongst nature brought a smile to the woman’s pale rosy face, an even greater smile as she looked behind to see a not so older boy carving an animal beside the fire, she wasn’t sure where her eldest had gone but she knew he wouldn’t get into trouble unless his siblings provoked it. She continued to...
Music It was a cold night in the Crown Isles, a Nelfin pacing towards the harbor under the bright full moon, frantically reciting formulae. The Corontium breeze sweept over the cities cold, dark blue shores and coastal structures. With it, the clashing of waves collided with the built in structures on the coasts edge, weathering with moss and lost sediments. An occasional seagull called overhead in the distance. Along the night harbor was that Nelfin of sun kissed skin tone, now perched atop a barrel in waiting. As he waited, the busy sounds and celebrations of sailors became audible, operating cranes and laborers at work to load a ship preparing to set off to Fendarfelle. He peered down into the waters below him, visible through the...
A litter of grey clouds sprawled themselves across the Regalian skies as the assaulted the city below with pelting bullets of rain. Safe from the elements was a Manathar, tucked inside a fire heated home in the middle of Emporium Court, hard at work. First is subject was removed of any undesirable liquids before being bathed in chemicals. As the night progressed he found his hands hard at work, conducted with grace & precision, ensuring each black thread was sown in his perfect image. One by one, his new found ‘doll’ would find string like threading hanging from each of its limbs, each supported by the rafters of the house. The clock on the wall released a consistent pattern of ticking throughout the night as the Manathar moved on to...
Song to set the tone. Repeat if necessary ((OOC NOTE: This happens on the 6th of October)) A Nightmare to Remember It's a dark and dreary October's night and Connak lies awake in bed. The soft tapping of the rain against the attic windows is the only thing keeping him from going mad. It always feels like yesterday when he was back home in Hallonq, peering over the cold and bloody corpse of his fiance. "Alessa, I miss you dearly." He quietly whispers to himself as he clutches her locket. The Manathar lets out a soft, somber sigh as he tries to fall asleep, only to have the nightmare from that horrific October night twenty years ago. Minutes pass, and the nightmare begins. It starts off the same every time with Connak kneeling over...
╘════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ Song - Dear Wormwood He was right, death was warm. Blazingly so, her entire body felt like it was burning up. She had been shocked when she had felt his Javelin pierce through her very being, just when she had felt she was going to escape him again. The fall had been long, dreadful, hearing her enemy fall with her from the side. When she had hit the ground, there was darkness for a mere moment before she’d sputtered out a harsh broken breath. Wildly opening her eyes in a struggle to feel as if she wasn’t slipping away. But she was, this was the end, she had known that. She had always been afraid of closing her eyes, for what might meet her at the end she was unsure of. It would...
╘════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ Song - Dear Wormwood He was right, death was warm. Blazingly so, her entire body felt like it was burning up. She had been shocked when she had felt his Javelin pierce through her very being, just when she had felt she was going to escape him again. The fall had been long, dreadful, hearing her enemy fall with her from the side. When she had hit the ground, there was darkness for a mere moment before she’d sputtered out a harsh broken breath. Wildly opening her eyes in a struggle to feel as if she wasn’t slipping away. But she was, this was the end, she had known that. She had always been afraid of closing her eyes, for what might meet her at the end she was unsure of. It would...
The day began as any other. The morning was soft and cool, a silken warmth draped over the city. It was a beautiful day, the kind the woman would have insisted to go and write outside in, spending time with those she loved and basking in the weather. Today, it did not warm those who she cared for, and cared for her in return. The warm air did not melt the ice in their hearts. A place was soon chosen for her funeral; far from where she died, a beautiful place, flowers and a river beside it. They could mourn, even without a body. They took her there as the day fell, cool air settling. The effigy was wrapped in a soft, clean white dress, flowers and beauty woven into her golden hair. The doll appeared as if she was asleep, at peace...
He sat at his desk, the quietness of the estate calming him. He'd glance to one particular letter, the condition of the paper catching his eye. The name on the front read, "From Zahir, your Nephew." Fudail furrowed his brows in confusion, thinking to himself; What? This can't be true, my sister never had a child.. from what I can remember at least… He opened the letter, reading it aloud to himself; Dear Mister Bashshar, My name is Zahir, and I have reason to believe that I am your nephew. Upon my mother's death five years ago, I have learned a lot about where I've come from. My mother's name was Aisha Bashshar, and I found out you two were siblings. When you get the chance, please write back, thank you. Spirit Guide, Zahir. A...
DAWN "It's Jae'an, right?" Nothing good ever followed that question. Jae had just recently joined this mercenary band and he was already making enemies of those who had been put off by his loud mouth and explosive temper, putting him on alert for in case anybody wanted a fight. The Sihai turned around to find a hulking man stand before him, his features and teeth signifying that he was a half-orc. Somebody like this already seemed to be trouble, and Jae was sure that something was about to happen. However, when he looked down, he saw that the half-orc was holding a tray in his hands with two small cups sitting on top. "Yeah, that's me, need something?" Jae asked, not sure what was happening. The half-orc smiled and sat down on a...
DUSK As rain softly fell, pattering against the cobbleworked sidewalk, final steps and a set of keys pressing into and turning in a door was heard. As it softly opened a house which would be a new challenge for the Sihai. As while he made up the steps quiet, steps slowly trailing up he opened his quarters. Seating himself, a hollow feeling of both guilt, emptiness and a lingering feeling of failure. As a result of such, Ki’s quiet sniffles both from weather and emotions took up the dead filled silent room. As tears began to slowly stream from his eyes his wrist wrapped to immobilization. As he peered to his desk, his love, his books, notes, years of analysis. It all felt meaningless now, it all felt as if it didn’t matter anymore. As...
Eclipse Once the door downstairs had closed, all that could be heard throughout the house was the faint sound of sniffling coming from the short Sihai. Her hand slowly rose from her injured arm to brush her hair back and away from her face, a tired sigh escaping her. She’d slowly ease herself down into a seat near the pool table, letting the silence sit in around her. Her minds far away as her thoughts consumed her, a small frown on her features. What was most odd about it was the blank look on her features before a shaky breath escaped her. However, once that occurred the floodgates opened as she sobbed quietly, tucking her knees closer to herself on the couch. A strong wave of emotions seemed to happen all at once for Kai...
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Her eyes were like the spring waters that bubbled deep within the forest, where the snow melted from the ground and the air steamed. Warm, inviting pools of crystal clear blue that not a soul could deny. When she spoke it was as if all the worries in the world were carried away by a spring breeze. None could match her in quality of tone, like the ringing of bells foretelling of a calm day. Even the steps she took were filled with grace and to be touched by her hand was like the first snows of winter that fell gently to the ground. She was born to those who called ice capped peaks home, those who spoke to the ancient of ice and wing, those who sung to the very soul of the world: an Isldar. One of thousands who would live for...
Sorry. It was a word people expected her to say. A lot. ‘Apologize, Fen’nan. Don’t be disrespectful, Fen’nan.’ They told her these things, over and over again as if some day she might magically change. Like she might wake up one day and decide to be a different person. Friggin boom! Magic shite or whatever and done. A whole new person. Stupid idiots. Not her fault she did things they didn’t like. Get in line really, she thought, everyone else disapproved of her actions. Maybe she liked it like that. It was good, really, to be hated. People that love, people that enjoy and cherish you, were only at risk of being leverage for her enemies to use. She could not afford them. She had said sorry just three times in the eighty-six years of...
The crunching of leaves and the light breeze of the wind that was blowing through the forest. Birds singing as the sun started to climb up over the horizon. Flowers blooming in response to the sun’s awakening. Along those, the crunching of grass beneath footsteps. They were at a slow tempo, accompanied by the occasional deep breath of the forest wanderer. He’d been walking for hours, dragging around two sheathed eastern blades. He faltered his footsteps, slowing to a stop. Leaning his back against the tree, dropping his blades, he slid down into a sit with his arms resting at his sides on the grass. He appeared to be rather young; perhaps a teenager. Despite his exhaustion, he couldn’t get himself to rest, leading to the young...
A Robin with Falcon Wings Crisp sea air greeted Novellia every morning and kept her company during the nights she couldn't find peace in her sleep. She was used to it, letting it be a source of comfort for lonely times in the waking hour of the night. She rested her arms on the railing of the balcony. The winds swept at her hair. Her shoulders relaxed as she closed her eyes to savor the moment. It would be interrupted. Ode, a kestrel of brown, black, and gray feathers came about. He perched himself on the railing, caressing his lady's hand as she went to give him a pat. She smiled at the bird. "Thank you, Ode. It's been a while since father sent a letter back. Oh, I hope it's more stories." Her hand would unlatch the protective...
Immersion Music This story is canon, however it was wrote on a whim when I was stuck on how I want to play Taen. I’m very bipolar asf for when/how/why I want to do something with my character and I believe the smaller things that trigger myself set me off a bit. I’ll still be playing Taendross casually, however I plan to set her as a side character for less situations like this. Woop. Anyway, enjoy the story! Winter was coming. She knew of this, yet it left scars and reminders of the home she’d left behind. Her feet lead her throughout a dark sunset, free hand wrapped around her lantern as she began to make her way to rest on a bench overlooking the bridge of New town unto Old. Her toes cringed and curled from the salty smell of sea...
A fighting ring just like any other, with participants just like any other. One would easily be expected to assume that nothing out of the ordinary was going on here, in this somewhat creaky downtrodden arena in one of the peripheral districts of the city. It was far too dirty to be the Imperial Isle, there were far too many Ailor for it to be in the Allar District, and there were far too few guards present for this not to devolve into some sort of rowdy mess if one of the betters lost all their money and decided to try and fight it back with their fists. Mu-Zac stood on one end of the circular ring, truthfully just a randy pit with wooden planks to separate the interior from the crowd, and on the other end stood two Ailor, each with a...
“Sadi’s at it again... ” “Who’s the unlucky target?” Two young Altalar walked along the clean stone walkway, murmuring to one another beneath a canopy of trees, hedge-trim bushes rising above them on both sides, the manor courtyard garden bustling with life. From blooming flowers, to succulent fruit trees and chirping birds, to the smell of freshly-cut grass lingering in the warm, summer air, it was an exquisitely magnificent sight. Rounding a carefully trimmed rose bush, they stopped, the small Teledden boy lifting an arm, pointing to something ahead. The Suvial’s chocolate colored hues followed his fingers direction, where the path fell away and the hedge bushes ended, both of their gazes fixing on the thin, rapidly moving girl...
Shane pulled his helmet over his head, knocking his knuckles lightly against the metal after it was securely pulled over his face. The younger woman besides him shook her head with a snorted laugh, pausing her own activities to lift her daintier hand and offer her own knock against his helmet. Scattered across their couch, various vials and bottles sat in separate piles, awaiting to be sorted into the open pack nearby. Winifred turned her gaze back down to them, away from her father as she pondered where to put what. All the while, Shane removed his helmet once more to glance it over, sitting down onto the empty edge of the couch in order to rub a cloth against it, shining the metal. “Promise me you won’t go getting yourself hurt...
For what felt like hours, tons of soldiers, possibly thousands, fought in battle. Their enemy, which the majority appeared to be Kathar, was what likely occupied many soldiers on the battlefield. One of those soldiers was no different; a Central Altalar, standing among Field Commander Jared Kade, was to block off the remaining Shenath from retreating. The Altalar warrior, Holden Soliseum, clutched his steel warhammer, preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. Suddenly, however, Kade had decided to lead a charge into the threat, which proved unsuccessful; his undoing was met when the Shenath began firing magical particals at them. It appeared that they were desperate to escape, as the cross-fire was wild within the Shenath...
[Ambience] A warrior, that’s what she was. Right? Tough, fearless, unstoppable, an iron fist in the midst of blood-soaked battles. Well, she wasn’t so much of a warrior now, acting like a true coward pressed against the rugged bark of the tree behind her. Torn, bloody, tear-filled eyes whisking around as blood spilled from her side. She’d fled like a coward, hid like a scared child. The pain of it all was almost too much to handle, how could she have been so foolish? Everything she’d beared herself through and yet here she was, fallen in the dirt, blood-like tears dripping slowly from her cheeks. Void forbid she had emotions, Void forbid she ran, Void forbid she lived. The feeling of betrayal, the utterly broken heart she carried...
[Theme Song for setting the scene] The golden curled leutz sat upon an antique rocking chair, slowly yearning forwards and backwards upon an open balcony. Gently coo-ing a bundle of linen with her cradled arms, the retired knight hummed in a lulling voice, her eyes shut in a relaxed and care-free manner. Thriving in the peace and quiet she had been graced with. A gentle breeze drew on the woman’s attention, looking over to the stunning countryside views that the Chateau had been blessed with. Overlapping hills of green and trees, shimmering blades of grass dancing in time with the wind, birds flying over head singing their own songs in unison. The day was perfect, calm and the woman couldn’t put a single fault to it. She enjoyed...