Share Your Massivetraits Builds Here!

I kind of made a more refined and non-premium friendly list, for the sake of organization. This one I was more satisfied with, because there is a place for everything.

  • Average Human traits:
    • WaterDrinker (+15): Water is essential to most organisms.
    • HealMeditation (+30): With some rest, it should heal a bit.
    • [Weapon(s)]Inept (-20): Having had trained with other weapons, or have not trained in any weapons at all, you find this weapon difficult to use.
    • StarveWater (-25): Swimming isn't common knowledge; some would find some difficulty in the water if they get tired from trying to stay up.
  • Optional Human traits:
    • Harvester (+20): You've worked as a farmer your entire life. You've picked up methods of yielding more crops.
    • StealStrike (+30): For some people, this is their only source of income.
    • StealRevenge (+30): They stole your possessions; time to take it back.
    • [Weapon]Adept/Resistant (+50): You trained with this weapon your entire life. You know how to use it, and you know how others will use it.
    • Speed/Jump/Haste (+50): You are a rather agile person.
    • HealthBoost/Absorption (+50): Some people can take a much larger beating than others; you happen to be one of these people.
    • *Holy (+50): You are a priest; you have power over Unholy beings.
    • *Carnivore/Herbivore (-20): Some people limit their diet, or are simply just picky.
    • [Weapon(s)]Vulnerable (-50): You don't have the fastest reflexes.
  • Neutral Emote Traits (Premium Exclusive):
    • *Burp (+10): Your body needs to get rid of that swallowed air somehow.
    • Love (+10): Self-Explanatory.
    • Magic - Optional (+10): Some magic can be heard.
    • Shriek - Vampire (+10): This blood-curdling screech comes naturally to most vampires.
  • Vampire Traits:
    • FeedStrike (+30): As a Vampire, you have to acquire blood somehow.
    • HealAlways (+40): Your Vampirism allows you to heal at unnatural speed.
    • Speed/Jump (+50): You have heightened strength as a Vampire.
    • HarmSunlight (-60): The keratin in your skin starts to burn in the sun; as do you.
    • Unholy (-75): You are infected with the Sanguine curse; you are an Unholy being.
Class suggestion:

The Traveler:

Archery, Axe, Unarmed inept (By only using a sword to fight off foes on your travels. You have not learned how to effectively use other weapons

Mining Fatigue (With lack of experience in the mines. You lack the stamina to mine.)

StarveDarkness (As a traveler night is bad, and you should have a properly lit shelter before the sun sets.)

Absorption (Sometimes lacking food pays off. Your body has adapted to creating energy with less food

Jump2 (Nimble from all of your travels. You can hop like a bunny)

Speed2 (Your travels has increased your stamina and speed. You can now run like a gazelle)

FlyWater (Boats slow you down. You decided learning to swim would be the best option.)

Note for non prems, you can down size jump and speed and lose the ineptitudes
I use this build, it makes building, moving around quickly and getting rid of blocks insanely easy. What usually would take me 15 minutes to do can now be done in 5 thanks to this.
ArcheryInept-20(I never use unarmed or archery)
I've been enjoying these premium builds quite a bit.

Peace Time 150/10
About as protective as running around the faction in a pair of pajamas, but it's been pretty damned comfortable.


FeedSunlight (light just a tad too expensive)
Haste2 (could swap Haste and Speed, but then I get clumsy)

/t set AxeVulnerable UnarmedVulnerable SwordVulnerable Unholy FeedSunlight FeedDark FlyWater Speed Haste2 Jump2

The Enduring Carnifex 150/10
This guy is a bit of a tank. The Starve can be annoying, but it can be swapped for harmwater depending on the forecast.



/t set Unholy UnarmedVulnerable MiningFatigue StarveDarkness AxeExpert AxeResistant Absorption2 HealthBoost2 HealStrike WitherStrike

The Unholy Archer 135/10
Lots of fun in the minigames.



/t set Unholy UnarmedVulnerable MiningFatigue ArcheryExpert HungerStrike NauseaStrike HarmStrike PoisonStrike StarveStrike WitherStrike


Edit: Switched the /t a commands to one /t set
Last edited:
Axe PvP Kit
Positives (Total 300, 5 traits):
AxeMastery +50 (More damage dealt)
AxeResistant +50 (Less damage taken from axes, which is the most popular weapon)
HealthBoost2 +100 (Getting 4 extra hearts is helpful)(Premium Exclusive)
PoisonStrike +50 (Poisoning the enemy really helps)
SlownessStrike +50 (This + poison can be REALLY annoying to an enemy)

Negatives (Total 160, 5 traits):
Herbivore -20 (I only eat crops like carrots or bread anyways, so this is an easy negative trait to handle)
ArcheryInept -20 (I have never used archery on Massive before because I've found the lag makes it hard to hit people sometimes)
UnarmedInept -20 (Don't often use unarmed, no need to normally)
UnarmedVulnerable -50 (Not many people use unarmed, and even with taking +25% more damage, it deals so little damage I'd probably be fine)
MiningFatigue -50 (Generally not needed to break blocks in PvP, so this should be fine)

300 - 160 = 140 Trait Points (150 is maximum for Premium players)

5 + 5 = 10 Traits (Maximum for Premium players)
So this is premium only? Do premiums get any perks? Also I heard there is speed 2 couldn't this save inventory space aswel as you don't have to botter to throw speed pots. Anyway, this seems a very good one :D. Btw: Doesn't mining fatigue lets you hit slower?
The Explorer/The Seafarer:
I tend to default to this kit, particularly when exploring. When in danger of raid, I'd suggest comprimising some of the debuffs in favour of remaining PvP prepared.

· Unholy (-75) - You shouldn't be fighting with this kit. You have Speed2 and Jump2, run away.

· UnarmedVulnerable (-50) - Unarmed doesn't deal much damage anyway

· MiningFatigue (-50) - You shouldn't be mining

· Nonivore (-50) - FeedAlways is enabled

· NightVision (+20) - Travel through the night

· Jump2/Haste2 (+100) - Clear those mountains

· Speed2/Haste2 (+100) - Run like the wind, bullseye!

· FeedAlways (+100) - Don't bother with eating foods

· FlyWater (+50) - To travel quickly through the water

Points: 145
Slots: 10
The Unholy Archer 135/10
Lots of fun in the minigames.



/t a Unholy
/t a UnarmedVulnerable
/t a MiningFatigue
/t a ArcheryExpert
/t a HungerStrike
/t a NauseaStrike
/t a HarmStrike
/t a PoisonStrike
/t a StarveStrike
/t a WitherStrike

This helped me win the first round of the pvp tournament :D
While my teammate squared off against one of them, I managed to hit a single arrow. 33% chance, and it worked :D

So ty <3

Axe/Sword/Unarmed Darkroom Kit
150/150 10/10

+20 NightVision
+40 PoisonImmune
+40 HealAlways
+50 Axe/Unarmed/Sword Expert ((Pick which ever you want))
+100 Speed2
+100 FeedAlways

-50 Archeryvulnerable
-50 UnarmedVulnerable
-50 Nonivore
-50 MiningFatigue
This helped me win the first round of the pvp tournament :D
While my teammate squared off against one of them, I managed to hit a single arrow. 33% chance, and it worked :D

So ty <3
Glad to hear it. It warms my heart to hear that someone may have taken an arrow to the knee and withered away.
Thread cleared of all off topic debate. Further continuation of the matter will be deleted. This thread is related to MassiveTraits builds. Thank you.

All people continuing to derail this thread will be punished. (cough @hentem @Jack The Unseen @AurelienBela. cough)
Lol, I find it cute how many people underestimate archery now. Most strike abilitys trigger pretty often with archery.

Mah build is secret , it builds around the concept of a scout.
I got a powerful kit for myself. Despite being a Non-Premium, I still know how to become a fighter!
Shadow Naga - Many men laughed at you. Now you can watch them gurgle within their own peril as little element can stop you.


All this adds up to 90 points used, and all 7 slots claimed!
I'll even add more loadouts as I come out with some more handy stuff!