Preserved Sheet ✦ Maeraddyth Wyrmwood

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The Antagonist
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score


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[ Some are Born to Sweet Delight, Some are Born to Endless Night. ]

Full Name: Maeraddyth Wyrmwood
➽ Chosen Name: Merith Wyrmwood
Nicknames: Mer, Merry, Meri and Myth
Know Alias: Praxis, Lady Wyrmwood
➽ Age: 306
Birthday: October 23, 1 A.C.
➽ Gender: Female.
➽ Race: Altalar.
Subrace: Half Central and Half Maritime.
➽ Sexuality: Spearsexual.
Status: Taken | Married to her Spear.
➽ Preferred Weapon: Spear.
Secondary: Fists.

Position in Regalia: Merith came to Regalia in the interests of destroying it and marking it into Vampire hands. She has since built up a Coven and become a thriving force against the Regalian Guard. Her home is the Coven Cistern in the City's Sewers and has been in Regalia for a couple of months.
➽ Upbringing: Merith was born in Daendroc in a wealthy city like most Altalar. She was born to a Maritime Father and a Central Mother, along with two siblings. Two older brothers by the names Myrnin and Overn. The rest of her family is scattered across Daendroc far and wide in similar Altalar cities.

➽ Secondary Ambitions:
➽ To improve her throwing skills.
➽ To continue to expand Vampire history and learn of the ancients of her time.
➽ To make new Vampire history, and find Vampire related secrets and deep history.


[ We make up Horrors to Help us Cope with the Real Ones ]

Proficiency Points: 70 | Gains +5 in whatever weapon they wield at any given time.
➽ Combat:
➽ +20 Pole Combat Skill (+10 Racial Bonus | +10 Points Spent)
➽ +15 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Points Spent | +5 Mutations)
➽ +10 Throwing Combat Skill (+10 Points Spent)
➽ Knowledge:
➽ +10 Historical Knowledge (+10 Racial Bonus)
➽ +10 Underworld Knowledge (+10 Points Spent)
➽ +10 Magical Knowledge (+10 Points Spent)

➽ Sanguinology Information.
➽ Dimenthism Information.
➽ Sciences:
➽ +5 Medical Sciences (+5 Points Spent)
➽ Body:
➽ +15 Athletic Training (+15 Points Spent)
Body Shape: 70
Physical Stats: +10 Pole +10 Throwing +10x2 Unarmed +15x2 Athletic = 70 Physical Stat.
Body Build: Athletic.
Body Fat: Low Body Fat.
Altalar Ring: Inactive.
➽ The Ring of Power of Cae'Maen.
Vampire Mutations: Ancient von Kërle Vampire.
➽ Harlord Varghul.
➽ Harlord Chasing.
➽ Harlord Bloodening.
➽ Harlord Blackstrike.

Ancient Pact.
➽ Ancient Blood Armor.
Ancient Blood Leap.
Ancient Drawing.
Languages: 2/3
➽ Modern Altalar | 10/10 (Childhood Language)
➽ Common | 10/10 (Traveling)

Audacious: Merith is very reckless in terms of the law and other people's properties and the like. She is extremely defiant towards people's laws and if they have her hostage because she doesn't fear the repercussions on herself. This leads to people being very annoyed by her as well as dangerous maims and possible death for trying to be cheeky and rude and defiant towards others.


[ Don't Trust the Heart, It wants your Blood ]

Original Eye Color: Chartreuse Green.
Current Eye Color: Crimson Red, Charcoal Black Eye Whites.
➽ Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde.
➽ Hair Style: Short and Fluffy.
➽ Skin Color: Deadly Pale.
➽ Clothing: Red Armor, normally with leather and black boots and gloves.
➽ Height: 6"1'

Facial Features: Merith has a pristine face, that angles around to be very rounded making her cheeks look rather puffy. Her eyes in turn are beady but a normal size, the pupils Chartreuse Green originally but now after becoming an ancient her eyes are Crimson Red with black eye whites. The Altalar's nose is small and round mirroring her round cheeks. Her lips are plump, and almost always set in a neutral or very strict line. Her face is always a singular emotion of flatness and indifference, making her hard to read. Her teeth, are centered with two long canines or as most people call them fangs. Her ears on the other hand are long and elegant like any Altalar's would be, lobes soft to the touch. Her hair, which is always keep down straight with perhaps a braid or two tucking it back, is a strawberry blonde color and rather fluffy. Her face and facial features seemingly look untouched in terms of imperfections or scars, the same goes for her neck.
➽ Body: Merith stands at the height of six feet and one inch, rather short for an Altalar. She is Athletic due to various training in combat, and has zero disabilities when it comes to body movement. Her muscles lean towards being ripped, though she can never really reach the point of being truly ripped her muscle similarly indicate towards that body mass. Much like a ripped person the elf therefor also is low on body fat. The Altalar like most of her kin is a deadly pale, due to being a vampire for so long. Again like most of her kin, Merith is devoid of all body hair except that on her head. Merith has a brand of a hand print set on the small of her back, as well as a tattoo of a bat on her wrist. Other than this, the Altalar is devoid of other markings.
➽ Appearance and Accessories: Merith has a very Gothic style, a style she believes is a deep part of vampire 'culture'. This means that colors she relates well to are those of a darker nature, and normally if she can she wears gothic styled outfits. This means that the normal attire is red armor that has bits of leather attached. As well as black boots and gloves. However, she does still gage herself in dark grey jewelry for her ear's and rings, which she doesn't wear often to avoid distraction in combat. If there is anything that Merith always carries around, it's a spear. Normally her blood-sung one made for her by a friend. She also often carries around a couple regals, two daggers and a three-set of throwing knives.

Blood-Sung Spear: A spear made of blood, with a faint dull red glow similar to a crimson witches eyes. The design on the handle seemed to be red vines, curling up along the handle all the way from the blade to the end of the handle. The end of the handle had a ball on it with a Varghul face carved into it on the bottom. The blade itself had a small wedge on the side for capturing blades.
➽ Voice: Merith has a very monotone voice almost, sometimes it's hard to tell if she's kidding or not. Besides this she speaks at a normal pace however, and has a tendency to snarl or growl depending on who she is speaking to. She has no accent, knowing common pretty much fluently by now. She often speeds in commands and is very snappy and quick to bark.
➽ Modern Altalar | 10/10
➽ Common | 10/10


[ I am No One's Blessing, I'll Just Bring You Harm ]

Option One: Main Pick.
➽ Happiness and Contentedness:
➽ Merith expresses her happiness by smiling, though she is normally very monotone and strict looking, she can smile and will if there is something that pleases her. This is normally only around her kin however, to which she opens up more and partakes in the casual joke and taking a break from her usual mean demeanor.
➽ Experiencing Fear:
➽ Merith responds to her fears by trying to fight them because in Merith's mind the only way to overcome fear is to face it head on. This leads to there being few things she actually fears, but when those things come around and present themselves as her truest fears even with her stubbornness she can easily freeze up. One thing is certain, Merith never runs from anything. Ever.
➽ Experiencing Stress:
➽ Merith doesn't deal well with stress, it is something that always leads to her getting frustrated and upset and wild. She is rash and snappy under stress, and is prone to wild attacks and angry tantrums. These are often hard to de-stress herself from, and will take a good beat to someone else or to herself to calm her down from whatever is bothering her.
➽ Law and Authorities:
➽ Merith as a vampire is clearly against any Authority projected at her, but in terms of the law and guards she tends to try and keep a straight head when dealing with them. She sees no reason to probe the beast unless they get in the way of what her people need. Anyone trying to give her authority outside of the guards, however, will swiftly be ended or ignored.
➽ Other Races:
➽ Merith being an Altalar clearly thinks they are the best over all other races, however, due to being a sanguine Merith is tolerate of all races if they are under the disease. The other cattle is disrespected no matter the racial structure they come from, though other Altalar are given a bit more leniency in those matters.
➽ Religion and Faiths:
➽ Merith is a vampire so when she was turned she turned her back on her Religion, The Faith of Estel, and became disgusted by every religion she came across. She could never be convenience to follow any religion again. The only thing that could be seen as slightly religious is the connection that Merith feels to the void due to her affliction. This doesn't mean she follows Void Worship, just sees a connection to it.
➽ Arcane and Magical:
➽ Merith is interested in Magical aspects of the world, but never in learning them herself. She has studied many things in the magical realm and often uses the knowledge in her everyday life. She will likely never learn magic for herself as she feels it takes away from actual skill in battle, sometimes that Merith values and doesn't wish to ever break.
➽ Family:
➽ Merith has completely disowned herself from her parents and other extended family on the fact that they aren't vampires. Therefore, she has forged herself a new family with her coven and they are the only thing that Merith truly cares about and will act happy and open towards. The only people of her blood family that are still in good graces with Merith are her brothers Overn, Ssyl and Myrnin who are all three vampires.
➽ Most Proud Of:
➽ Merith is strangely enough is very proud in her vampirism. She is proud to be gifted and wants nothing more than to spread it around to other people and show them the wonders of having the gift. She is proud in the ability it gives her and the new family she has forged through it. It makes her feel powerful and in control of herself and those around her.
➽ Merith as well is very proud in her abilities in combat. After leaving her home she focused on becoming strong and a warrior, and through the training she's had over the years she's become very confident in her fighting abilities. They are something she uses and trains in everyday.
➽ Motivation:
➽ Merith is most motivated by her Coven, the people who need her and depend on her for living and safety. Considering the love Merith holds for other kin and for her people this is a huge factor in her everyday life. She is always thinking of the best thing for her people and what moves to make next to make sure they make it through another year. They are her biggest motivators for her actions.
➽ Though Merith is motivated by the need to keep her people safe, she is also heavily motivated by her need for power and control. She is very intent on making sure the people in the Coven respect her, as well as the people of Old Town and the Sewers. This pretty much already goes along with her motivation for protecting and keeping her kin safe, so it works out well for her needs and prime motivation.
➽ Biggest Insecurity:
➽ Merith's biggest insecurity is her emotions, especially the softer more romantic ones. She is afraid of not understanding romantic gestures and furthermore afraid of being too closed off and unresponsive. She doesn't want to completely come off as a robot or turn away people that she loves and wishes to be close to. It always harps at the back of her mind and is the reason she tries to avoid talking about her feelings and emotions.
➽ Biggest Fear:
➽ Merith's biggest fear is being cured of her gift, her vampirism. She can't imagine life without it anymore after having it for so many years and can't imagine the thought of having to leave her people. There is nothing she wouldn't do to get away from being cured. In fact she'd rather even face death then have to face the fact of not having her gift.
➽ Merith's other biggest fear is to lose her kin, leaving behind members of the Coven or having them cured is a big fear for Merith. As much as she fears herself being cured, she fears it just as much for her kin. She'd rather risk herself than watch her people suffer and it's one of the many reasons why Merith is so strict about keeping her people safe. She believes she is failing as a leader if she lets any of her people suffer being cured.
Option Two: Flavor Pick.
➽ Alignment:
➽ Lawful Evil.
➽ Personality Type:
➽ The Inspector.
➽ Religion:
➽ Faith of Estel.
With Vampirism: 0/10
Without Vampirism: 10/10

Quirks: Merith has a habit of only feeding from those she hunted herself. She also has a habit of crossing her leg under herself. Smoking has also become a bad habit in substitute for drinking.
➽ Skills:

➽ Acrobats.
➽ Smuggling.
➽ Medical Assistance.

Gothic Styles.
Castles and Churches.

Regalian Empire.


[ Well That's Unfortunate ]

➽ Childhood:
➽ Born to Central Altalar Mother and Maritime Father in Daendroc, in an Altalar city of old. Named Maeraddyth. Pushed into art and history right away, studies began for the young child. She grew up rather normally, heavily thirsty for the gain of knowledge and the study of medicine. Which her mother deemed a valuable thing for her to learn.
➽ Teenager:
➽ As Maera grew she was an avid faith worshiper, this meant that she was determined to make her Year of the Bright Star trip. As she did this year long trip she knew that she wished to align herself to the Outer-Court of Cae'Maen. Thus she did and gained her Ring of Talea.
➽ Maera left after this, because her thirst for knowledge overtook her, hearing of strange happenings starting with the archdemon only mentioned in whispers the elf turned her attention to the Hedryll Kingdom. She traveled across the seas into the Northern Belt, where her quest to figure out about the evil that sought there began.
➽ This is where the first mistakes came in to play. Being unknowing of the dangers that lied ahead Maera quickly found herself intertwine in the mad hordes of things that had started to plague the lands. However, at the time that Maera came in, these vampires had already started forming groups and developing. Maera thinking she could study more soon fell an easy victim to the plague and her time as a vampire began.
➽ Young Adult:
➽ Maera learned among her new kind, developing with them as they learned to make their first Covens lead by Desprinces. As the Vampires developed blood mutations and began to forge armies so did Maera. Quickly she was brought aboard military forces, learning with the troops to fight. During the next few years of her life she helped spread vampirism along the coast of Ellador.
➽ The Greater Vampire Wars soon began as the Regalia empire wished to fight back the vampires that had quickly spread. Maera fought in these wars, honing her skills and learning more and more about the battles that had to be faced. The war left Marea with many bad memories and lost friends, but she lived.
➽ As the vampires spread away from Ellador to provide better blood sources for their Covens and kin. Marea went with them. She found herself helping settle a Coven in the grounds of her place of birth, Daendroc. Here in the coastal cities of Daen, Maera watched the changing of the lands and the building of her kin.
➽ Adult:
➽ The more time passed the more Maera helped her kin learn to adjust. They learned to fit in more, adapt to the cattle that surrounded them. This is when Maera began to change herself to fit the standards of her hunting environment, thus adapting the name Merith.
➽ Merith felt like it was all going right, but the cattle grew stronger than she suspected. In a turn of faith Merith lost everything she helped to build. Defeated and lost she fled Daendroc to the Dorkarth states. A place that she felt could feed her safety and forgive her for her failures.
➽ Merith spent years in Dorkarth, helping build the knowledge of Vampires. Learning about herself and the mutations and developments of all Vampires. During her time in Dorkarth she grew older and during 250 A.C. or so, Merith inherited Ancient powers. With her new abilities she knew that she couldn't stay on Dorkarth. She couldn't let her failures keep repressing her. Thus she left Dorkarth, in search of a place to invest time into building another Coven.
➽ Present:
➽ As Merith traveled in search of a new Coven to bond herself to. She learned of the lack of the spread of the gift. Her rage in this was unkempt, she wouldn't let it stand. She moved the lands infecting where she could and teaching. Though she did not begin a new Coven.
➽ This continued until the time of 307 A.C. In which Merith finally decided to head into the heart of the enemy itself. Regalia, a place she had long blamed for the destruction at Hedryll. She was determined to make things right. To defeat the enemy at it's core. So here she started a Coven, helped build it up. As it still remains in the current.

➽ Overn: Merith's brother, one she trusts to give her advice and help the Coven grow, she doesn't have that close of a bond with him as she does Myrnin however. (@PaladinoGui )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Family Bond.
➽ Myrnin: Someone Merith has always been close to and has always almost looked up to. He taught her a lot about the world and she'll never forget it, and he's always there if she ever needs him. (@Lord_Immortal )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Family Bond.
➽ Paeral: Merith's adopted Son. She saw great potential in him, being unable to ever have children of her own she was quick to adopt him as her son. Pulling him under her wing for teaching, and perhaps learning. (@Trig__ )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Family Bond.
➽ Zest: Merith's more recent adoption after being asked to take care of the child by a special someone. She pledged to help raise the child. (@AWildResi )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Family Bond.
➽ Kara: Merith's so to speak daughter, never formally adopted but she has a close bond with the child and as well as her other two children has pledged to protect them from harm. (@AWildResi )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Family Bond.
➽ Coven: The people of her Coven are Merith's world, and she loves every single one of them and even though she isn't close friends with all of them she considers them as her family and loves them with all her heart.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Overall Friendship.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Family Bond.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Overall Caring.
Close Friends:
➽ Jineup: Someone Merith trust a lot, and likely the person who is close to Don to knowing things about Merith. The two have a very playful friendship, a rare thing when it comes to Merith. (@QueenOfKarma )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Overall Friendship.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Overall Caring.
➽ Llomaro: Merith thinks that he's strange but perhaps that's something she really likes about him. He is a somewhat mutual interest to Merith and they have built a strange but friendly relation towards one another. (@NoRezForYou )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction.
➽ ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Friendship.

➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Caring.
➽ ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Hatred.
➽ Rennyn: Ren was one of the first people to be Merith's friends when she had no one, and it's why she can't seem to ever be mad at him or push him away. Even though they are on different sides Merith really cares about him and wants what's best for the Crimson Witch. (@Ebrima )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction.
➽ ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Friendship.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Overall Caring.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Hatred.
➽ Zaan: Merith's special someone. It's hard to directly explain the bond that she shares with Zaan. However, she knows it's something that's a good type of complicated. (@Caelamus )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Romantic Interest.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Crushing.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Overall Friendship.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Overall Caring.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Hatred.
➽ Stanley: Merith's always cared deeply about Stanley, he was lost and she watched him grow and learn. Of course she also taught him. She's very proud of the person he is today. (@Ded Jok )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Overall Friendship.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Overall Caring.
➽ Khalid: A good friend of Merith's that has helped her learn much about Regalia, and the minds of those within it. He is a teacher to her and her people. (@TheBioverse )
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Overall Friendship.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Overall Caring.
➽ ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Overall Hatred.
Last edited:
Reserved/Small Bump.
Proficiency Points
  • Small typo in Rogue Training, I'd assume it should say +8 Points Spent rather than 5.
Well done, make that quick edit and you'll be on your way.

Hey! @TheVigilantWolf I'm sorry to bother you so soon again. But I decided to change bloodlines. I've been back and forth with myself constantly about what would fit best with my character and having a really hard time deciding and after a bit of thought, I realized that for Merith Dorkarth just doesn't work. So all I did was change the mutations to Von Kerle! Sorry for any inconvenience.
@TheVigilantWolf Hey! We recently got upped to Greater Gang status so I included those points in my app, also I switched around some of my other points to better suit the character and based off what I've used in RP and what I didn't use! Changes marked in RED.
Hey man, so sorry to do this to you but I re-wrote the whole thing. I felt like it wasn't an in-depth view of my character and added a lot more to make her, in all honesty, less cringy!

...Also better Aesthetics.

Note: I picked both Personalities even though you just pick one, I wanted to try both and to add flavor and such!
@TheVigilantWolf Sorry to bother again so soon...once again I had a lot of like inner-conflicted with the mutations I picked and I changed three of the Ancient ones to reflect my character better. I marked them in this color.