Preserved Sheet ⊱ Ysil Yahdga ⊰

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animal doctor number 211
Nov 5, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
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°•. ✿ .•°
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Basic Information
  • Full Name | Ysíl'la Laa'gacíe Yarrôwe |
    • Pseudonyms: Ysil Yahdga, Mama
  • Age | 232 - Born in the Rainy Season of 78 AC |
    • Birth Sign: Sagittarius
  • Race | Half-Fin'ullen |
    • Recessive Race: Half-Sentli
  • Gender | Female - She/They|
  • Sexuality | Pansexual |
  • Eye Color | Blue - Natural |

Core Concept

  • Ysil is a lively and spiritual folk healer who practices traditional medicine. She is deeply compassionate and loves providing for and aiding others. Ysil was previously a devout Estellon follower and Ordvaan and has since become more open about her spirituality. She is also a retired seafarer.
  • Quick Themes: Food creation, pirate shamaness, nature/seasonal magic, nature, mundane crafts and solutions.
⊰ | +20 Regals |
⊰ | +1 Decorated Staff |
⊰ | +1 Estel's Jewels Bracelet |
⊰ | +1 Herbalist's Knife |
⊰ | +1 Random Animal Oddity |
⊰ | +3 Ruby Flower Candies |
⊰ | +3 Colored Chalk |
⊰ | +1 Feather Earring |
⊰ | +2 Copper Hoop Earrings |
⊰ | +1 Tiny Copper Earring |
⊰ | +1 Wood Bracelet |
⊰ | +1 Bell Anklet |

Home Storage
Pear Mead
Preserves of Various Veggies
Butchered Mooan
Mooan Eggs
Nettlestalk Herb
Ruby Flower Herb
Sangcap Mushrooms [Courtesy of the
Golden Chestnut]
Assorted herbs [Courtesy of the Golden Chestnut]
Assorted Spices [Courtesy of the Golden Chestnut]
Beeswax [Courtesy of the Golden Chestnut]
Sugar [Courtesy of the Golden Chestnut]
Black and Green Tea [Courtesy of the Golden Chestnut]

Medical Bag
Suture Kit
Ruby Flower Tincture (Accelerates healing)
- A translucent red liquid that tastes and smells of alcohol housed in a large globular bottle.
Seba Iaat Gel (Analgesic)
- A translucent gel with a slight beige tinge housed in a round, widemouthed jar.
Ceá'llë's Herb Blended Elixir (Respiratory)
- A syrup infusion housed in a amber bottle. (1).gif
Proficiency Information
Wis: 7
X6 Medical Profs
X1 Alchemy
Magic Bolts
Magic Snare
Magic Distort
Magic Smog
Magic resist
Magic Barrier
Magic shove (edited)

Strength [0]:
Constitution [0]:

Rebound (Fin'ullen Racial)
Intelligence [0]:
Oceanic Pack (Fin'ullen Racial)
Wisdom [
Medical Stance
Medical Buff
Medical Revive
Medical Bolster
Medical Barrier
Medical Resist
Medical Rescue
X1 Alchemy
Dexterity [0]:

Faith [0]:
Magic [0]:
⊰ | Natl - Mother Tongue (10/10)
⊰ | Altalar - Father Tongue (10/10)
⊰ | Common - Free Language (10/10)
⊰ | Daen - Sailor's Speak (6/10) (1).gif
Appearance Information
  • Ysil's her appearance is mundane.
  • Ysil is 5'6 with average body fat and lightly tanned skin. Her hair is naturally auburn but is occasionally dyed.
⊰ | Right Ear - Lobe, Helix |

⊰ | Left Ear - Lobe, Upper Lobe |


⊰ | Large Alchemical Burn - Lower Left Abdomen |
⊰ | Small Cuts - Across Body, especially shoulders, arms, and hands. |
Life Story
  • Ysil was the first-born of Tillandsia and Papyrus Yarrôwe. She was born in a bustling Maquixtl river settlement in Daen.
  • Ysil favored caring for animals and was interested in spiritual things from a young age. She later went on to become a Ordvaan under the mentorship of her mother. Her father's Fin'ullen side of the family still made sure she was at least competent on the battlefield, though she favored using the magic she was born with to fight.
  • After a falling out with an unfaithful lover, Ysil went on to become an adventurer of sorts after meeting a crew in Daenshore. She spent many years on the high seas. This is where she honed her magic and learned much more about treating humanoid ailments versus the animals she was accustomed to caring for. Here she often questioned her faith. She also married her captain Esperanza.
  • In the events leading up to the Ranger Crisis, Ysil took responsibility of sailing her family off to Mandu, Regalia. There they settled and went about dealing in Daen-grown flora and fauna.
  • Ysil had lived in Regalia proper for some 3 years upon meeting a young girl which she adopted. During this time she studied alchemy. After her daughter's death Ysil remained in the city until the Clicker Crisis. After this horrific event she spent a year back with her family in Mandu. Just recently the elf has returned to the city to visit.
World View
  • Ysil is amicable with most races. Kathar and some Ordial-aligned are usually the exception, though they will simply experience scrutiny instead of any immediate hatred.
  • Ysil is typically amicable to people of most religions as long as the worshippers do not explicitly act in a way that endangers others.
  • Ysil has a deep love and respect for all that is living, treasuring animals and plants alike.
  • Ysil wants nothing to do with the reborn Allorn Empire. Though she may wonder about the new gods now and again, she has never had a taste for anything Allorn related.
  • Ysil has a complicated relationship with Estellon. While she has happy memories attached to her time as a Ordvaan under her mother's tutelage, the more she saw of the world the more she realized how much bad had been done in the name of her favored goddess. Her spiritual views are loose and though she still believes in being industrious, her faith in Exist religion specifically does not reach very far.
Plot Hooks
  • Ysil travelled for more than 60 years as an free-spirit on the high seas. There are many opportunities, especially in Daen states and Allar controlled territories which Ysil could have had the chance to meet other characters.
  • Ysil's is an animal doctor. She specializes in large farm animals but is capable of taking care of nearly every kind of animal.
Esperanza "Captain" Yahdga: Ysil's faithful partner. A Daen woman who met Ysil in Daenshore and forcefully recruited the Maquixtl after Ysil unknowingly exposed Esperanza and her shady trade deals at a tavern. They are faithful lovers, though Esperanza still spends much time at sea.
Tillandsia Yahdga: Ysil's aged mother and religious mentor. They still remain close.
Papyrus Yahdga: Ysil's aged father. He is responsible for their large family farm ever since moving to Regalia.
Eric Decimar: An old acquaintance now, Ysil and Eric have had little contact in the last several years.
Io'ella de Rivera-Yahdga: An old pirate friend which Ysil (perhaps) had a crush on. They have fallen out of contact. (1).gif
Fun Facts:
  • The walking stick Mama uses is actually a large Giving Tree branch. She adds carvings, feathers, and other keepsakes from her adventures whenever she can.
  • Mama mourns her daughter's death every Summer with blueberries and cookies as they were her favorite.
  • One reason Mama had constantly moved from place to place was that she saw each and every change as an opportunity from Estel herself to make her life better.
  • Mama smells like Dragonet Apples and Lanarra's Hand. Though recently she has taken a liking to Garden Wonder, a perfume she purchased at La Belle Vie.
  • Ysil speaks common with a Daen accent. She learned Common through her mostly Daendroque speaking crewmates.
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Changelog 2/20/17
-personality quotes
-updated relationships slightly
-Updated body build to fit new guidelines
I'd appreciate if the @Lore @Staff Roleplay could confirm that this character is still approved. It's missing the tag.
Changelog 8/20/17
- Reworked into the new format
- Changed Main Ambition
- Added School of Husbandry Skill
- Made a few small changes to the life story to fit the Husbandry changes

@HydraLana might need a quick re-look
@HoshiChomp12 My sole review point is that your life story exceeds the maximum of 900 words for the life story section. Please tag me once it has been cut down.

I will also note that at the age of 178 she would probably begin to look old. Aging for long-living elves has the from the ages of 150-180 their aging begins to resume. Make sure to make the needed minor adjustments concerning that she would not look so baby-faced and young anymore in her personality section.
Changes made in this color! I think it covers both the things you said =) @HydraLana
Changelog 1/30/18
- Increased age with the new year and her birthday in December
- Added Discipline of Planar Knowledge for a little spice
- Added source of Planar Knowledge to the Life Story
- Made a few small changes to the life story to fit current events

@HydraLana All changes were made in this color. Sorry if she's not allowed to be Expert in two things, especially seeing as they're not alike. I didn't know because she's so old maybe it was allowed. Thanks for you time! <3
Changelog 1/30/18
- Increased age with the new year and her birthday in December
- Added Discipline of Planar Knowledge for a little spice
- Added source of Planar Knowledge to the Life Story
- Made a few small changes to the life story to fit current events

@HydraLana All changes were made in this color. Sorry if she's not allowed to be Expert in two things, especially seeing as they're not alike. I didn't know because she's so old maybe it was allowed. Thanks for you time! <3
The main issue I see right now is that for both your Skills you need to a) choose one particular Discipline in the School of Husbandry to be leveled in and b) state that the Discipline of Planar Knowledge is from the School of Statesmanship. You also need to esnure that she continues to both practice and study in these knowledge levels if you want to remain Expert. Please tag me once the edit is in red @HoshiChomp12
The main issue I see right now is that for both your Skills you need to a) choose one particular Discipline in the School of Husbandry to be leveled in and b) state that the Discipline of Planar Knowledge is from the School of Statesmanship. You also need to esnure that she continues to both practice and study in these knowledge levels if you want to remain Expert. Please tag me once the edit is in red @HoshiChomp12
@HydraLana I made the changes! Also, I hope to make her work for Borkwood's new detective practice as a Planar specialist in her free time, so that should take care of the that. And as far as I know, Mama still cares for the d'Vaud's animals whenever they're ill or hurt. I hope that's enough to keep her levels, otherwise I'll be happy to set her down a notch. <3
You better add me to your relationships once I make an application for Beni! :) Also, is it okay if I 'steal' your application as a template for my character? Also, Ka-Chow, and... Ka-Chow, and...

You probably new it was me before you even read the post, just by seeing the Ka-Chow! (You've probably noticed I use every excuse to use a Ka-Chow possible.)
You better add me to your relationships once I make an application for Beni! :) Also, is it okay if I 'steal' your application as a template for my character? Also, Ka-Chow, and... Ka-Chow, and...

Yeah! Totally, go ahead and use the template :)
Changelog 3/2/18
  • Swapped out Talents for Proficiency
  • Edited Life Story to fit School of Alchemy
  • Cleaned it up a little bit
  • Added some pizzazz
Last edited:
  • +20 Alchemy (+10 School of Alchemy, +10 from Points)
  • +10 Quick Fingers (from School of Alchemy)
  • +15 Medicine (from Points)
  • +10 Surgery (from Points)
  • +10 Improvised Weapons (from Points)
  • +10 Planar Knowledge (from Points)
  • +5 Syndicate Contacts (from Points)
10 spent on the school+10+15+5+10+10+10 = 70

You're ten points over, please eliminate ten points from your Proficiencies section and tag me once that has been complete.
  • +20 Alchemy (+10 School of Alchemy, +10 from Points)
  • +10 Quick Fingers (from School of Alchemy)
  • +15 Medicine (from Points)
  • +10 Surgery (from Points)
  • +10 Improvised Weapons (from Points)
  • +10 Planar Knowledge (from Points)
  • +5 Syndicate Contacts (from Points)
10 spent on the school+10+15+5+10+10+10 = 70

You're ten points over, please eliminate ten points from your Proficiencies section and tag me once that has been complete.
@HydraLana Finished!~
Changelog 7/2/18
Mama Yahdga
  • Edited Proficiency for just a little more pirate gypsy flavor.
  • Edited Life Story slightly to adjust to the changes.
  • Clarification of looks under Basic information
  • Random aesthetic changes
@HydraLana <3

I know there aren't many posts on here, but could they be cleaned up please? I would like to reserve the second spot for further expansions in the future. If that's possible, thank you!
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My Review:
  • Please remove the Weapon of Choice as that is no longer part of the Character Application Template.
Mama is commonly seen as an eccentric young elf who is always as cheery as can be.
  • You say this yet you also state she appears to be 45 years old, that isn't young in Human standards and all Elves who look at her would surely realize she is getting older considering she isn't frozen in her 20s/30s. Please adjust whatever section is appropriate to better reflect the perception strangers might have of her.
  • In the Life Story: How does she feel about the Ranger Crisis that forced hundreds of thousands of her people on a trek that ultimately killed many of them and how does she feel about the collapse of the Wild Union as the Avanthar descend into civil war seemingly without any intention to protect her people in this dangerous time of war?
Please tag me once these edits have been done in green @HoshiChomp12
Finished.. partially! I hope the Ranger Crisis part isn't to off the wall. In the beginning Regalia wasn't involved so I thought maybe a small migration would be possible? I'm not sure of Regalia's foreign policy so lemme know! @HydraLana

how does she feel about the collapse of the Wild Union as the Avanthar descend into civil war seemingly without any intention to protect her people in this dangerous time of war?

This is one place where I'll need a little help if you would be able. I'm not sure what I could add. As a near pacifist and just one person, I'm not sure what she could think to do to attempt changing the face of war when she lives in Regalia. You have actually given me an idea for an Elven club of sorts for people going through a rough time or who have families still in Daendroc. I don't know if that would be anything. Maybe as a worshiper of Ellea she sees this as a stupid trick from her patron?
@HydraLana I'll be rewriting some more stuff. Sorry to stunt the review, but I wanted to make some changes regarding her age to fit her better. I will tag you when I'm finished!
Changelog 9/20/18
  • Edited Proficiency to conform to new changes in system
  • Random aesthetic changes
@HydraLana <3
Changelog 2/20/19
  • Prof rework
  • Changed age slightly to fit new restrictions
  • Name change??
  • Personality rework?
  • Life story rework
  • Aesthetics of course
  • Relationships?
Changelog 7/14/19
  • Switched back around profs because parlor magic was not for her lol
  • Updated Personality to one of the new formats because I figured I should stay half-way current.
Edits made in blue

@HydraLana thanks <3
Early on she adopted a young Lampar by the name of A'vela. They, along with a growing family, live together in the big city taking on odd jobs and selling the wares produced by the farms.
Her Life Story would appear to be out of date, and somewhat behind, Lampar are no longer a thing, and so I'd ask you to re-read the Life Story, clear away these out of date lore bits, and expand on the end of her story to somewhat more fill in what she's been doing of late.
Slowly getting the re-work of the life story done. It might take a little while as IRL got busier as I finally found a new job. Thanks for you patience Hydra. ❤️

I think I've done it. Re-wrote a bit and added a chunk. Lemme know whatcha think.

Changelog 9/21/19
  • Proficiency change for the new update

Hopefully I've done everything right!~ <3