Preserved Sheet ༻ Nynx Darrath ༺

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Dec 2, 2018
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Theme 1 [x] | Theme 2 [x]






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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Full Name | Nynx Darrath
Nickname | Nynxy , Nynx
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Race | Life Isldar
Permanent Affliction | Warden Archon
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Age | Twenty-Two

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Beliefs | Nylani has always had a strong belief in being kind and keeping plans hidden, intentions quiet. Her faith strongly lies in Regulus, but also appreciate the aspects of Aurora.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Character Concept | While being very blunt in nature, she is kind at heart, even if it's the hard truth that comes first. Nynx enjoys meeting people and becoming friends with people, but close friendships are very rare for her. She often believes actions speak louder than words.​






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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Total Points | 14 Points, 1 Unused
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Constitution | 3
Defensive Point Buy | Recovery Pack
Training Point Buy | Bruteforce Pack
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Wisdom | 2
Scholarly Point Buy | Combat Theory Pack
Scholarly Point Buy | Affliction Knowledge Pack
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Primal Magic | 7 [ + 1 Snow's Kiss ]
Spell Point Buy | Melee & Ranged Combatforce, Displacing, Materialism, Casting, Blessings, Breaking, Control, Protection, Spellsword
Greater Mage Point Buy | Displacing, Blessings, Thanicism
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Constitution | 1
Language Point Buy | West Linguist Pack

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Life Isldar
Common Specials | Ageless, Scouring of Ellador. Manifesting Frost, Pristine Purity, Frostmancy, Soul Attuned, Planar Script, Wyvern Body, Soul Quickening, Farsight I, Farsight II, Farsight III, Wyvern Stables, Ellador Watwatcher
Life Isldar Specials | Death's Finality, Dragon Tongue, snow's Kiss, Ordial Betrayal, Aurora's Mark
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Crown Witch Archon
Common Archon Specials | Archon Eyes, Archon Mount, Archon Speech, Archon Design, Archon Wings, Archon Afflicted
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Spell Point Buy
7 Abilities | Arcane Knockback, Arcane Attraction, Healing Hands, Breaking Force, Strangling Brand, Saving Grace, Magic Throw.
21 Specials | Airwalking, Sparkwalking, Body Clense, Sanctum Vessel, Self Control, Health Call, Arcane Mastery, Rune Smithing, Emote Infuse, Life Wall, Chain Break, Memory Break, Arcane Wardrobe, Radiant Guise, Lightning Immune, Pocket Dimensions, Papercraft, Ward of Peace, Colorspray, Plant Growth, Mage Mount, Self Mutation
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Abilities From Racials
Scouring of Ellador | Element Control, Cold Immune, Arcane Sight, Altered Voice.
Frost's Kiss | Spellsword, Living Grimoire, Dazzling Display, Hex
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Languages
Native | Common, Sulvaley
West Linguist Pack






<< ◉Plot Hooks◉ >>

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Regalian Born:
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ House Darrath:
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Second Child, Restless Child:
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Claimed for review.​
@BeaneyBaby Your backstory is missing some information.
  • You don't need to describe anything physical here.
  • What was her childhood like? How did her parents raise her?
  • How did her parents acquire a wyvern without access to the holds?
  • Around the time she was ten, she became quite the master at fighting
    A ten year old isn't really going to be a master at fighting. They're more likely to start learning around this time.
@BeaneyBaby Your backstory is missing some information.
  • You don't need to describe anything physical here.
  • What was her childhood like? How did her parents raise her?
  • How did her parents acquire a wyvern without access to the holds?

  • A ten year old isn't really going to be a master at fighting. They're more likely to start learning around this time.
Finished! All updated.
Looks great for the most part, there's just one thing that needs to be fixed before I can give this the greenlight:
  • You have 3 Core Points left unspent. Please clarify whether you'd like to leave these for IC learning or allocated into another proficiency.
Go ahead and ping me for review when you've made the necessary changes, thanks!
Looks great for the most part, there's just one thing that needs to be fixed before I can give this the greenlight:
  • You have 3 Core Points left unspent. Please clarify whether you'd like to leave these for IC learning or allocated into another proficiency.
Go ahead and ping me for review when you've made the necessary changes, thanks!
I FIXED IT. She has another spell now. Ty for letting me know. o7
@Yurs I shuffled around points to make it seem accurate for my character's personaility.
  • Language: West Linguist Pack
  • Language: Empire Linguist Pack
You can only have one language pack. If there's a certain ability that's allowing you to have two that I'm not remembering here, make sure to indicate it on your sheet.
You can only have one language pack. If there's a certain ability that's allowing you to have two that I'm not remembering here, make sure to indicate it on your sheet.
I didn't realize that, I changed it out for a state pack ! o7
@microwavemmm Hello good evening, I edited stuff on her sheet in general, could overall use a lookover.
32 Specials | Snow Element, Cold Immune, Arcane Sight, Altered Voice, Airwalking, Sparkwalking, Dressage Cleanse, Armor Cleanse, Sanctum Vessel, Self Control, Health Call, Arcane Mastery, Rune Smithing, Dueling Brand, Emote Infuse, Life Wall, Prison Break, Chain Break, Memory Break, Arcane Wardrobe, Water Element, Wind Element, Nature Element, Floral Element, Spark Element, Light Element, Lightning Immune,
Hey there, you're only supposed to have 21 spell specials, please update this! (24 if using Snow's Kiss) (snow's kiss does not count towards greater mage)
Hey there, you're only supposed to have 21 spell specials, please update this! (24 if using Snow's Kiss) (snow's kiss does not count towards greater mage)
I was very scatter brain when updating this app and I hadn't updated it since before the recent prof updates. I fixed it. It's 28 due to an Isldar racial AND me adding another spell due to racial.
I will also be updating the life story soon so it makes sense.
I was very scatter brain when updating this app and I hadn't updated it since before the recent prof updates. I fixed it. It's 28 due to an Isldar racial AND me adding another spell due to racial.
I will also be updating the life story soon so it makes sense.
Isldar only have one Racial that allow them to take an extra spell, so I'm confused where you're getting the extra four specials from. Please cite it directly.