Preserved Sheet Áskell Lillelandøya

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Aspiring clown
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
Basic Information
❅|Full Name: Áskell Trygve Lillelandøya
»|Nicknames: None
»|Aliases: None
❅|Race: Half-Maquixtl (Recessive Ailor)
»|Occult Status: None
»|Affinity: Marken (Harmonizing)
❅|Age: Twenty-Two
»|Birthday: May 27th
»|Zodiac: Gemini
❅|Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
❅|Sexuality: Pansexual
❅|Eye Color: Brown
Core Concept
❅|Character Summary: Áskell is a warrior and a born Marken, seeking to serve their beliefs in the Blood Covenant and bring glory to the faith, all the while seeking to gain more power and wealth for themself wherever possible.
❅|Religious Beliefs: Áskell is a devoted follower of the pagan faith of the Blood Covenant, viewing their Markenism as a blessing and seeking vengeance for the Bloodrot with it, though they masquerade as an Old Gods worshipper from time to time to avoid more unpleasant interactions.
❅|Strength: 7
Bruiser Point-Buy
Bruiser Slam Pack
Bruiser Parry Pack
Bruiser Feint Pack
Bruiser Agony Pack
Melee Point-Buy
Duelist Pack
Pursuer Pack
Hunter Pack
❅|Constitution: 4
Defensive Point-Buy
Counterplay Pack
Ironheart Pack
Recovery Pack
Protectorate Pack
❅|Wisdom: 0
❅|Dexterity: 0
❅|Magic: 0
❅|Charisma: 0

❅|Faith: 3
Cleric Point-Buy
Rebuke Faith Pack
Cleansing Pack
Weakening Ward Pack
❅|Common (Free)
❅|Skodje (Native)
❅|Mundane Appearance: Áskell is a somewhat tall and sturdily built Half-Maquixtl with brown eyes and hair, sides shaved into a long undercut usually tied up as a bun. Their facial features are somewhat scarred and weathered, but remain well defined nonetheless.
Life Story
❅|Áskell was born to two Marken, a Velheim Ailor mother and a Maquixtl father in the islands of Lillieland, both of whom were devout followers of the Blood Covenant.
❅|They were raised with an axe in their hands as soon as they could hold one, learning to fight from both of their parents through unrelenting training all throughout their childhood. Another key staple of their youth was the lessons of faith that were instilled in them by their parents, Áskell grasping firmly to the Blood Covenant and its ideals.

❅|As time passed, Áskell's Markenism eventually showed, inherited from their father, the young Half-Ailor learning to eventually control it and see it as a blessing from the Queen of Blood. In the first few years of adulthood, life passed quietly and normally for Áskell, until a growing restlessness set them on the path to Regalia.
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Minor amount of points moved around. Charisma was brought from three to one, getting rid of State Saboteur and Mount Husbandry, to bring Strength up to five and add Duelist Pack and Climbing Pack. Changes are marked in red!
Just a super quick change, Hunter Pack and Frenzy Pack were exchanged from Melee Weapon Point-Buy.
Just a super quick change, Hunter Pack and Frenzy Pack were exchanged from Melee Weapon Point-Buy.
Change looks fine, and so I'll re-approve this. One thing I'll say is that it might not hurt to make mention of their ears in the Appearance Info section, given that usually a strong indicator of being half-Nelfin! Even stating simply that they are "slightly pointier" would be good. Regardless.

Quick change, replaced Trajectory Pack with Blunt-Tip since that ability was gutted and I just forgot to take it off the sheet.
So sorry to put this into re-review so quickly already. Decided to do a long overdue rework of the character's packs. Frenzy Pack, Warrior Pack, and Climber Pack were switched over to Hunter, Demolisher, and Tactician packs in Melee Point-Buy. Ranged Point-Buy was replaced with Firearms packs, and both Parkour and Pickpocketing packs from Roguery were removed. One point was moved from Dex to Wisdom to add the Medical Pack from Artificing for IC learning. All changes are marked in red!
I snatch this application back. Bwhahaha!
So sorry to put this into re-review so quickly already. Decided to do a long overdue rework of the character's packs. Frenzy Pack, Warrior Pack, and Climber Pack were switched over to Hunter, Demolisher, and Tactician packs in Melee Point-Buy. Ranged Point-Buy was replaced with Firearms packs, and both Parkour and Pickpocketing packs from Roguery were removed. One point was moved from Dex to Wisdom to add the Medical Pack from Artificing for IC learning. All changes are marked in red!
All looks good, and no worries about changing things so quick. Changes of heart happen! Re-approved.