Preserved Sheet Zzungo Mu-yaotl

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May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Zzungo Mu-Yaotl

  • Age: 44

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Mu-Allar

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)

Total Proficiency Points: 44

  • +20 Pole Combat Skill (+20 From points)

  • +20 Fast Blade Skill (10 From Racial +10 From Points)

  • +10 Athletic Training (10 From Racial)

  • +8 Blades Combat Skill (+6 From Points)

  • +6 Marshal Knowledge (+6 From Points)
Body Shape

  • Physical stat: 20 Pole Combat + 20 Fast Blade Skill + 8 Blades Combat + 10x2 Athletic Training = 68 physical stat

  • Body Shape: Ripped as per the Mu-Allar racial cap

  • Body Fat: Extreme low.

  • Zasta (Learned as a child)

  • Common (Learned in preparation to go to war with Regalia, Chrysant War, and continued learning afterwords)
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Yellow

  • Hair Color: Red Feathers.

  • Hair Style: Feathers starting at his forehead and snaking downwards.

  • Skin Color: A mix of green, blue, and purple scales.

  • Clothing: Jogro armor at most times, other times harem pants and a loose fitting shirt (Like Aladdin).

  • Height: 5'9 ft, 71 inches, 180 cm

  • Body Build: Ripped
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Zzungo Mu-Yaotl is a stoic and loyal warrior, often showing little emotion as he accomplishes his tasks. He devotes his life to his Digmaan, carrying out almost any order with great efficiency, sometimes carrying them out even if it may go against his morals, as he believes his Digmaan to have better judgement. On the outside he seems hard to get to know, because of his stubborn personality, however he quickly warms up to others so long as they do not offend him.

  • Second Paragraph: Zzungo is incredibly proud of his combat abilities, believing them to be his best way to contribute to the world. Honor is everything to Zzungo, a large reason as to why he follows Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl so loyally, not questioning his commands unless he firmly believes something to be wrong, or if he was asked what his thoughts were. He believes himself to be an extension of the Digmaan's will, his main purpose serving his people as well as family.

  • Third Paragraph: Though he is outwardly unwelcoming, he enjoys joking around with his family and friends, a much warmer person than one would initially believe. He is an Allar of high expectations however and will let his disappointment be known to those close to him should they let him or others down.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Honor is everything to Zzungo Mu-Yaotl, if challenged to a duel for his position as Rhax he would accept with no second thoughts, if they did not deserve to be Rhax, then they would not win. However, he may begrudgingly put this sense of honor aside if ordered to do something by the Digmaan Cro-Zzhin. He understands that he sets an example for the Jogro (guards) so he should always be on his A game in order to set a good one.

Life Story (Required)

  • Like most, Zzungo was born in Hadaria, in the year of 264 A.C, where he was raised by his Mu-Allar parents, fortunate enough to have been able to keep and raise their egg.

  • Zzorno and Zzuna both part of the Digmaan Tecpatl, where Zzungo was raised as a warrior from a young age, a promising talent, learning his role in life from a young age where it was drilled into him that he was merely a weapon of the Digmaan.

  • The spear would become Zzungo's weapon of choice, in a world where many prefered the use of a sword, the spear's reach would rule over them, what he lost in speed he made up in technique and ferocity.

  • Still a young warrior when the Chrysant War broke out, he followed Digmaan Cro-Ryzzun Tecpatl into battle, watching wide eyed as his own son slew him, taking up the name of Digmaan, winning the respect of Zzungo and many of the other Mu-Allar who then swore allegiance to Cro-Zzhin (Carlito).

  • The war would not end for many years to come, and he would continue to work his way up in the ranks of the Mu-Allar, fighting tooth and claw until Cro-Zzhin called for a surrender, trusting the judgement of the Digmaan who had kept him alive thus far, he followed him to Regalia.

  • Present (Happened in rp)

  • In the new city of Regalia there was another Digmaan vying for control, Digmaan Vazziss, and for the most part, he was quite far in the lead. But in this time he had become lazy, seeing this Cro-Zzhin asked Zzungo to challenge the Rhax of Vazziss to an honor duel, a duel which Zzungo won, winning over many of the Digmaan Vazziss' followers.

  • After this Cro-Zzhin Yaotl's influence spread throughout the city and Zzungo continued to act as his trusted Rhax, sent back to Hadaria for a time for reasons kept secret.

  • Making his return to the changed city in the winter of 306 A.C. Zzungo continues to serve the Digmaan, carrying out his will in protecting the Allar from the new threats of the Darkwald as well as the Sendrassian Allar.

Thanks for your application and your substantial patience buddy!

Got some stuff for you to pour through before we continue.

  • Body Shape: Please remember that points that come with your racial proficiencies do not contribute to Physical Stat. Only the points you allocate from your age total count towards your Physical Stat. Shift them accordingly, and keep in mind your total count if you want to upkeep your body type.
  • Personality and Abilities
    • In your second paragraph, I get a feel for your character's moral and mental strengths; we also ask you think about his worries and general anxieties, as it's important that you think of these when generating a character. Please shift part of your paragraph towards this.
    • In your third paragraph, please extend it by a couple of sentences.
    • Your fourth paragraph generates a series of interesting anecdotes on your character's strength of will in a specific situation - it doesn't, however, speak more to your character's *broad* morality (which is what we're asking you to search a little for). I recommend redrafting this brief paragraph in order to make your moral code more thought-out. (tl;dr honor =/= morality in this case)
  • Life Story
    • Change your birth date to 263.
    • You knew I'd harp on this one! In general, you have forty-four years to work with between your birth and the "present" day. The material past your "Present" heading is interesting to have, but should not necessarily encompass half of your character application's 'life story'. On the contrary, you should take the first five bullet points and at least triple the length in order to meet our quality standards. Search for your own anecdotes: what powerful relationships affected your character's trajectory? What pivotal moments built your character's personality? You clearly mean to build your character as a 'tool' for a power greater than him, but he doesn't have to be a simple tool without his own depth and dimensions.
Let me know if all of this makes sense! I'm happy to talk about this in more detail. The protocol for here on out will be 1) make your edits in a different color and 2) tag me once you feel you've reached a stopping point.

Gotta reject for inactivity brother, feel free to post again with changes.