Preserved Sheet Zzuassiell

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Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Zzuassiell
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Naylar - Mu-Allar
  • Main Ambition: Acquisition of new knowledge and the development of his trade.
  • Special Permission: Expert - School of Alchemy
Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: School of Alchemical Theory and History
  • Level: Expert
  • Source: Garnered an understanding and basic skill with Alchemy before arriving in Regalia where he officially joined the School of Alchemy honing his abilities further.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Slitted pupils with a bright yellow iris.
  • Hair Color: Horn color is of an ivory sheen.
  • Hair Style: Two larger horns which protrude from the back of the skull and a smaller multitude towards the back of the jawline.
  • Skin Color: A walnut with crimson accents.
  • Clothing: Zzuassiell bears a simple yet elegant waist cloth. The hue both a light magenta transitioning into a royal purple seek to complement his feathered reptilian body. Adorned along his wrists and ankles and tail are carefully crafted bands of gold which are inlaid with gemstones of his homeland of Sendras. Hung over his shoulder often is a basic leather satchel, an earthy stench radiates from it. The most defining piece of his attire he dons would appear to be the partial remains of a skull, that of a Sa-Allar.
  • Height: 5'10''.
  • Body Build: Average.
  • Weapon of Choice: As imagined being Mu-Allar, Zzuassiell would take precaution before engaging with any foe directly. Subtlety and patience were part of a great lesson he learnt from studying Slizzar tendencies. Plying his alchemical trade takes prevalence whenever he might face aggression, but if worse comes to worse; a careful plunging of a sickle he carries for gathering would do fine enough to most fleshy beings.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Zzuassiell is a peculiar specimen himself; perceived by others as a pensive and secretive creature, but to those whom worked with this analytical Allar describe him as rather quick-talking. Zzuassiell is hard to judge, behind the thick skull he dons slitted eyes which constantly dart around, thus his thinking-aloud speech may come off confusing to those not used to his personality. For most it might be difficult to grasp Zzuassiell's true nature from word of mouth. If he needs something from them or they from him he would be more accommodating, but beyond such he may just seem reclusive to his work.

  • Internally, Zzuassiell always strives for more. His confidence within his skills and actions speak for itself. He will never take accountability or feel regret for failure, simply believe every mistake to be merely a setback. To try and point out his failings or loss would only be met with denial and anxious muttering, the mask of pride he keeps cracking if proven with true logic. Zzuassiell's hubris glows often when stroked, he takes great satisfaction in his work. Though his arrogance may be his undoing.

  • Good walls make good neighbors, a practice Zzuassiell would apply to just about anybody indiscriminately, even close friends and hatchmates (even family). His privacy trumps all else, and all for good reason. To non-Allar, it may be difficult to understand his intentions or practices, his detachedness to a specimen. This is why Zzuassiell takes great measures in separating work from play. If the person in question were somebody experienced in dealing with him or perhaps a close family member or friend, than the word affable comes to mind. In the end all people are nothing but distractions and diversions to him; social interaction is a treat for afterwards when a job is complete.

  • Always in pursuit for answers and progress, the ends always justify the means. It is best to describe Zzuassiell as consequentialistic for that reasoning. His moral judgements dictated by the pragmatic nature of how he involves himself in his alchemical studies and research. Governed by impersonal logic, he refuses to let his conscience get in the way of how he conducts himself any longer. To detach himself from the outside world by working in private was one of many precautions he has taken. Personal and emotional connections will not dissuade him or cloud his judgement for what he believes is truly best in the bigger picture of his own mind.

  • (Optional) In spite of what is commonly preached and experience from the Void, being Mu-Allar, Zzuassiell in his own privacy worships the essence of the void and simply prays to understand its mysterious and powerful nature. He holds his own theories that the void essence may be applicable in the next steps of evolution for his kind; ever hopeful of a breakthrough within this thought of mind.
  • Expert Alchemist: His life has been almost entirely dedicated to the progression of his skills and knowledge. He could be considered an expert alchemist, but even that isn't enough for Zzuassiell to settle for. He has grown up within two vastly different societies, attributing much to his understanding of the discipline. Having significant knowledge in alchemical properties, recipes and ingredients, Zzuassiell dedicates much of his life to alchemical pursuits so that he may perfect his art and gain further expertise in Alchemy.

  • Improvised Weapons: Zzuassiell is accustomed to using various improvised weapons such as his sickle for the purpose of gathering herbs and his alchemical products. But over the years he has learned the balance and efficiency of these tools to such a degree that he can use them quite effectively in a defensive or even aggressive manner. Aside from actual tools, Zzuassiell, being an effective alchemist, would be more than capable of mixing quick concoctions from prepared substances toted around with him daily or strewn about his workspace.

  • Knowledgeable: You can never hold too much knowledge about the world and its inhabitants without experimenting he commonly puts. About herbs, their combinations, and various fauna. Being a highly skilled and dedicated alchemist, Zzuassiell feels it would be illogical and counterproductive to not know a little bit about everything. Like a sponge, he aims to understand the ins and outs of his trade, which can also be said for the people he works with or on.
  • Paranoid: Zzuassiell's paranoia over his research gets the best of him when working with others. He can be overly protective of his intellectual property, not trusting those whom he surrounds himself with for a plethora of reasons. They might get it wrong where he may be right, they may try to steal what he creates, the ebb and flow of his reasoning ever expanding as he thinks upon his suspicions. Hiding his research sometimes by almost ridiculous means even, such as Allar normally do with the stache of alchemical ingredients they keep.

    "It has to be me, someone else might get it wrong."
Life Story (Required)
267 AC - 282 AC
Youth, introduction to void essence, beginnings of learning Alchemy basics.

Zzuassiell hatched from his nest on the year of 267, born to an average sized clutch of hatchlings with multiple brothers and sisters. Having a somewhat simple early childhood being raised in equal parts by his mother and father and learning to get along with his brothers and sisters in the batch. As he grew on to the age where he would begin to learn as is the custom of the Allar, he quickly studied to read and write much faster than his respective siblings showing early signs of his prodigy. Eventually as he grew old enough to be properly tutored in the basics of alchemy from the ages ten to fifteen when it was deemed he was responsible and intelligent enough to do so.

During his childhood a fond memory of his would be his first ever visit to Hass Mul-As-Rassa; the roaring bonfires, dancing, and merriment as the tribes gathered around this sunken city of riches. The skies were dark, an outcast lit upon the jungle surrounding the lake as they rejoiced in teachings of the Void and their greatest victory as a species. Many thoughts were concocted this day, he was allured by the mysterious nature of this power which they celebrated, but even more so that his people were capable of even greater deeds.

282 AC - 292 AC
Early Adulthood, practice of Alchemy, coming of age and beginnings of his detachedness from others.

As he was reaching adolescence as he began to focus intensely on his studies, his prodigy becoming more apparent among his tutors and parents, however his parents began to feel concerned as his social skills would begin to become something to be desired. He began to spend a lot of time in the alchemical laboratories his people could provide to him, becoming detached from his family and friends to attempt to perfect his knowledge and skill in alchemy. On several occasions he had been carried home by loved ones from the laboratories as he had spent days at work without sleeping and sometimes without eating.

292 AC - 295 AC
Decision to leave Sendras, realization that there is more to the world, travel and arrival in Regalia.

Eventually it dawned on him that his people were far too limited in facilities for him to refine and expand what he perceived to be his genius. Taking it upon himself to travel to Regalia so that he might finally be introduced to something new, something more. The trek through jungle and off to sea was proving this to be a perilous venture. Scrounging as much of the discarded riches as he could find off old Al-Allar ruins along his way. Once reaching the coast, and further into Hadar he was more than capable of affording the travel necessary to reaching his final destination of Regalia.

295 AC - Present
Joining and acquisition of expert level within the School of Alchemy, status of current life.

Zzuassiell's first beginnings within the Empire were alien, though in relatively short timespan he hesitantly joined the School of Alchemy in Regalia, assisted by an eccentric benefactor which took interest in him. It was much to his disbelief when he had discovered how deep-seated the Al-Allar had become in representing Alchemy, it was laughable to him. For ten years of his time he spent within the organization; mostly studying and working dutifully in his own way, even if there were Al-Allar present. Loathing it all the while in private, Zzuassiell was determined to push past this 'hoop'. The day would finally come where he would be worthy of being considered an expert on their terms and so he seemingly departed. Even if they considered him an expert, to Zzuassiell's lament, he will never stop trying to become something more.

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Here's my review -
  • Personality and Abilities
    • The third paragraph should distinguish more clearly between his friends and family.
  • Talents
    • Please label each and every talent. By example, the first one should be something like, 'Expert Alchemist'.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.