Preserved Sheet Zzenith Izu-asiriss

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Criminally mad with no batteries
Nov 7, 2020
Reaction score
Here (not Scottland).
BASIC INFORMATION || to note one's identity. 》

NAME» Zzenith Qelssaeri Izu-Asiriss
֎ [ Ailor Name ] Fiona Kirchenbach
֎ [ Nicknames ]
«AGE» 19
֎ [ Birthday ] 19th of August, 290 AC
«GENDER» Female
RACE» Izu-Allar
PREFERRED WEAPON» Preferably none, walking stick.


SKILL INFORMATION || to harness one's skillset. 》

֎ CORE [ 5 ]

֎ 5 Stave Combat

֎ HOBBY [ 9 ]
֎ 4 Writing Art
֎ 5 Gardening Art

֎ POINT-BUY [ 30 ]
֎ 3 Linguistics
֎ 24 Sorcery
֎ 3 Schooling - Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy

֎ [ 15 Core points and 1 Hobby point Left-over for IC-shenanigans ]

֎ ~8 Physical stat (5 + 0.5 x 5)
֎ Slim Body shape
֎ Average Body fat

֎ Common (Free)
֎ Zasta (Cultural & Parental)
֎ Alt-Regalisch (Linguistics)


SPECIAL TRAITS || to utilize one's abilities 》

֎ Body Mend 2
֎ Keen Mind 1
֎ Keen Mind 2
֎ Keen Mind 3
֎ Omniaware 1
֎ Sorcery Skill 1
֎ Empath Sense 5

֎ Flux Shift 5
֎ Flux Shift 6
֎ Element Control 6
֎ Element Control 7
֎ Magic Sight 2
֎ Glitter Control
֎ Magic Bolt 1
֎ Arcane Mastery 1 (Sorcery Skill 1)

֎ Exist Ocular - Silver


VISUAL INFORMATION || to show one's self. 》

EYE COLOR» Mutated Silver eyes (Vibrant Yellow)
SKIN COLOR» Yellow fading to blue, with black blotches (Dyeing dart frog)
CLOTHING» Traditional Allar fashion with Imperial culture mixed in with it. Glasses.


PERSONALITY & ABILITIES || to know one's nature. 》

ALIGNMENT» Chaotic Good
FAITH» Great Alchzech (2/10) Unionism (3/10)
֎ Qelssaeri only briefly learned about the Great Alchzech recently during her short visit to Zeerak, but she is looking to learn more.
֎ Qelssaeri's Ailor parents taught her about Unionism at an early age.


LIFE STORY || to know one's background. 》

֎ Qelssaeri Izu-Asiriss was born into a small and well-hidden void cult in Volosh. The blurred faces around her quickly taught her of their beliefs, supporting their claims with wild and flashy use of sorcery and magic, which they would begin to teach her at an early age. When she grew up, she was to follow in her parents' footsteps, convincing others with her natural affinity for the arcane. Qelssaeri's childhood was pleasant, in that sense, as she was well-cared for by other cultists.

֎ The cult grew steadily, and Qelssaeri was an arcane prodigy, trained well in both mystical and showy demonstrations of "higher power", as well as more subtle usage of her gifts to help her get around outside. Later on her peers took it even farther, hoping to improve her hiding by giving her silver eyes; the eyes of the exist. Surely no one would associate the sweet girl with voidlings now.

֎ Eventually, it all came to a harsh end. The cult was snuffed out after trying to take some Ailor children in. Qelssaeri failed to escape with the others, tripping over a step on the way out. Though the Ailor assumed she was also a captive and took her in, bringing her back to the Archipelago with them. She was given the name "Fiona Kirchenbach", and raised in a mostly normal household.

֎ For the first time, Fiona was also made aware of her naturally poor eyesight. This was quickly remedied with a big pair of glasses, and Fiona was introduced to a world of details she could see. She quickly discovered reading - first in Common, then in Alt-Regalisch as she was tutored in zur military language, and took up a particular interest in gardening on the side. Then at the humble age of 15, Fiona was sent off to the Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy. She was going to become something great, something her new parents could be proud of.

֎ While staying in the area for her schooling, she makes a rather unique friend. It turns out they discovered her sorcery, and offered to help her further her arcane skills. Fiona agrees, and her life suddenly gains a very different, hidden side. She learned more about the urban life, sorcery and some long-needed means of sel-defense, but never mentioned any of it to her parents. By the time she graduates, the young Allar learned to think a bit more for herself, and chose to take matters into her own hands from that point on.

֎ After returning to the crown Isle, Fiona travels back to Hadar for a year, re-learning her long-lost cultural roots. Her Ailor parents tolerate this as it was part of the new Imperial means of raising children, and even trying to respect her culture by giving her a more Zasta-sounding name. Zzenith's journey to Zeerak went smoothly, and she cherished the time she spent there and swore to return again someday. When one year passed, she headed to Regalia next for work, as her parents suggested. What adventures she will have and what stories she'll get to tell her parents through letters, has yet to be determined.

Thank you to @Qoll for showing me how to do aesthetics. To some degree.»
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《 RELATIONSHIPS || how others are perceived.

֎ TBA.
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《 EXPERIENCES || the journey so far. 》

֎ FutureTeller makes an application, but clearly is not awake enough to do a single thing right.
- I reworded and rephrased a few lines in the second half of the backstory, it now sounds nicer.
- I also added a birthday.

Both of these edits change nothing, so a re-review won't be needed, I just thought it'd be right to let you know (the sleep-deprived version of this story only lives on in our memories now).