Preserved Sheet Zzassita Ozzteratta

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Self-Proclaimed Worst at Everything.
Feb 5, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Zzassita Ozzteratta
    • Alias: Daniyah Fadil
  • Age: 67
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
  • 60 Proficiency Points:
    • +20 Diplomacy (+20 from Slizzar Racial Boost)
    • +20 Espionage (+10 from Vilestate, +10 Slizzar Racial Boost)
    • +20 Forgery (+10 from Vilestate, +10 from Points)
    • +20 Syndicate Contacts (+10 from Vilestate, +10 from Points)
    • +10 Commerce (+10 from Points)
    • +10 Banking (+10 from Points)
    • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 from Points)
  • 60 Cultural Points
    • +20 Dancing (+20 from Points)
    • +10 Stage Performance (+20 from Points)
    • +10 Bodycare (+10 from Points)
    • +8 Pastry Cooking (+8 from Points)
    • +10 Instrumental Music (+10 from Points)
    • +2 Literature (+2 Points)
  • Languages
    • Zasta (10/10)
    • Common (10/10)
    • Ithanian (9/10)
    • Modern-Elvish (7/10)
    • Daendroqean (8/10)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Purple with black Sclera
  • Hair Color: Ombre between red and yellow
  • Hairstyle: Tied back in a large bundle of tentacle-like strands when unshifted.
  • Skin Color: Grey scales, red scales present when in a shifted state.
  • Height: 5'6
  • Body Build: This Varies depending on form, typically Average.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph:
    • Daniyah is often seen as someone rather hospitable and caring upon first meeting. To a stranger, she'll appear as an open book, willing to share her thoughts and experience on almost any situation. She actively selects her full-shift appearance to seem approachable and attractive, selecting an almost maternal appearance, and adapting her persona to boot. If one heard of Daniyah, opinions of her would be rather pleasant, she appears outwardly genuine.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Daniyah has almost complete confidence in her capabilities as a person. She feels that she is well-rounded as a person, and is a master of keeping up a falsified persona. That is to say, she plays a 'role' so well that she often finds herself believing her persona to be true, her true self being hidden under layer after layer of misinformation and adaptation to her surroundings. Daniyah has always been of cocky nature, always doing her best to outperform others in various tasks, especially when around those of her kin.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Daniyah acts rather open towards friends and family, she chooses to hold those close to her with a metaphorical vice-like grip. She rarely entrusts specific details to those that she is not bound by some form of contract, with a monetary pay. Daniyah will be genuinely hospitable to her friends, actively using her capabilities to pursue their wants and desires, even if they disprove of her dubious methods. Daniyah will be passively manipulative towards lovers, often making use of her Sensation Surge to encourage them to act in ways that she wishes for them to do. However, due to the hospitable persona she assumes, that even she believes to be true, she will never act in ill-will towards those whom she truly trusts.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Daniyah has a slightly conflicted morality, in that she is fine with using her capabilities to manipulate others, but she has the peculiar belief in genuine feeling. Being slightly desensitized due to years and years of 'faking it', Daniyah appreciates the development of true emotion far greater than simply manipulating the minds of others. She will use her capabilities to benefit herself and those around her to rather extreme ends, and those outwith her personal circle, or contractors, will be completely omitted from such care. As such, she dons a Chaotic-Neutral demeanour. She takes a self-sufficient standpoint in conflicts, and believes that rules are made to be bent to get things done, lines between good and bad are to be blurred.
Life Story
  • 0-20
    • Daniyah was born to a pair of Slizzar parents in the backwater streets of the Regalian Sewers during the winter of 238 AC.
    • Daniyah's parents parted almost immediately after her birth, as Slizzar nature drove them rather violently apart. In a means of not perpetrating murder, her parents separated.
    • The child Daniyah was given a name, Zzassita, however she adopted the name Daniyah, given to her by a gentleman of unknown alias. At the time, he referred to himself as Anderson.
    • Daniyah grew rapidly, slowly maturing over the course of her childhood. Her childish nature was brief, as she slowly recognised the state of the world, and typical struggle to survive in the sewers.
    • By the age of 14, Daniyah had already developed a knack for pickpocketing, and began to master the art of misdirection under the tutelage of Anderson, a practitioner of Undercroft. It was not until Daniyah was 19 that she realised the potency of words and how they were spoken.
  • 20-40
    • Daniyah departed from the care of Anderson at the age of 21, she took on the form that he found most attractive, and thanked him for all he had done. This fully-shifted form is the form she takes today, but it is far from the only form she has taken.
    • Daniyah wandered the Regalian Sewers for a decent period of her life, before wandering into the world that is known as the surface. She was bewildered by the many sights and smells there was to be had, and the different sort of person that she met there. The need to struggle to survive seemed, foolish to her.
    • Through the art of swindling and diplomacy, Daniyah became accustomed to life in the overworld, she worked many jobs, often utilising her Sensation Surge to attain the positions she desired, though she never remained in these positions.
    • Daniyah, during a job as a bar Hostess met a Vilestatesman by the name of Fajr, who saw her capability in the art of dubious discussion. He took her under his tutelage, and the two grew rather close during their time together.
    • From ages 24-34, Daniyah was tutored in the school of Vilestate by Fajr, and showed immense talent in the art of Forgery, and the creation of fraudulent papers.
  • 40-60
    • Daniyah and Fajr remained together for several years after her completion of her studies, the two continued to operate together in various missions of espionage and diplomacy. They accomplished their goals well, and were free to pass without a trace.
    • The pair gradually mastered the craft of Forgery together, developing techniques to create counterfeits of even the Colonial notes used for currency. They continued operating for the Regalian Empire, taking on various tasks of various degrees of importance, though nothing crucial was left to their care.
  • 60-67
    • Daniyah gradually moved away from Fajr, though keeps in contact to this day through the form of letters.
    • Daniyah wandered the world in search for new goals and aspirations to pursue, often finding herself in the company of various men as a means of keeping herself in the financial black. Daniyah became quite the tailored thief, and even enchantress during this time, a persona she'd soon come to accept, and abandon just as quickly.
    • Daniyah began to read the romance novellas of the Ithanians and Leutz-Vixe. Their fantastical tales of true love and strong emotions brought confusion to the Slizzar, using the wonder of Hindsight to provide her judgement on how situations were carried. After much pondering and contemplation, Daniyah came to realise the importance of being genuine towards others, and the benefits of honesty.
  • 68
    • Daniyah returned to the city of Regalia at the age of 68, now a seasoned veteran of vilestate, she is actively seeking out one to pass her skills onto, as well as a myriad of interesting folk to spend her time with.
Last edited:
Made the requested edits, also took 20 points from Forgery and dedicated them to Commerce and Banking.