• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Zzarlo Illness, Ailor Purity And The Altalar Inquest

"They'll wish their mothers drowned them as babes once this sickness loses its grip on me!" Hengest croaks out to his squire through the door of his Crown Road abode.
"... Die Schildtheorie?" Well this is now the third time I've heard or read this document now, all for different reasons. I'm quite surprise that the Church doesn't know who penned it, but it matters not. The Church has given yet another reason to purge the Nelfin menace from the face of Aloria, and the details of it all could hardly matter.
Unless by some chance they ask me personally who wrote the document, I see no reason to disrupt this march of progress."

"If only we had more resources dedicated for a cure. It's not good to have the homeland wiped out by disease when the troops come back from the west. Researching a way to treat this plague should be the top priority. War preparations can me made easily enough, but we can't solely focus on that alone."
Johannes Wernher Ackermann's ashes rattle in an urn at an undisclosed location deep within Gaekraan.
"... Die Schildtheorie?" Well this is now the third time I've heard or read this document now, all for different reasons. I'm quite surprise that the Church doesn't know who penned it, but it matters not. The Church has given yet another reason to purge the Nelfin menace from the face of Aloria, and the details of it all could hardly matter.
Unless by some chance they ask me personally who wrote the document, I see no reason to disrupt this march of progress."

"If only we had more resources dedicated for a cure. It's not good to have the homeland wiped out by disease when the troops come back from the west. Researching a way to treat this plague should be the top priority. War preparations can me made easily enough, but we can't solely focus on that alone."

Ida would nod in agreement to the latter comment. "Soon...for the sake of the Empire and Ailor, soon."
Juliette was sitting towards the window of the nursery of the Wodenstaff estate, gazing at her daughter from a distance occasionally as she read a paper from her servant who had copied the gist of the paper. "Are they saying Ithanians are bad?" She asked aloud to the fairly empty room after a moment and crumbled the paper, "I'm not bad." She grumbled, glancing back towards her daughter before sighing and rising from her seat, taking her leave from the room with a frown.
Father would hear of the boards words upon his journeys into the main district, giggling in amusement, "Immolation, such a pretty way of putting it." The Alta-Altalar would hold a mirror up finally looking at his new rubber implants beneath his wired teeth. "Seems I have a foot in the grave already as they say, heheh."
Sevi grumbles as her own culture was not mentioned. Was she pure? Impure? She didn't know, but she knew this reverend was quite insane.
Hidden behind her fan, Olivia's lip curled in disgust when she heard the news. A servant, one of the bolder of the bunch, had brought it to her attention. Said servant was quickly dismissed with a flick of her fan and Olivia was alone once more save for the scent of exotic incense, barely masking the stench of death that had swallowed the city. Even on her ship, its disgusting fingers reached through the cracks of the sturdy oaken wood.

She fanned herself in attempt to disrupt the stench and cool her temper. The fire inside her burned as hot as ever and the passionate Ithanian was about ready to give up on Regalia as a whole and return to the Yang-Tzu Isles. There she had been happy. In love. Safe. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and hoped the stars would be out tonight to guide her in these troubling times.
Darius took a moment to let this all sink in, before ultimately bursting out into laughter. He couldn't contin himself, he just found this so... adorably moronic. "We brought forth the diesease? Did you even read the announcements?!" He was in utter disbelief at this mans pathetic attempts at pinning the blame, saddening and moronic attempts at getting noticed. "Reverend? Who allowed this madman to get in such a respected seat of power, huh?" After having spent a good few minutes composing himself, the Isldar made his way off, presumably to share the word of such dumbfounded grasps at straws.
Marcus Bigge

Marcus would read the letter through the eyes of his mask, smirking at the call for some sort of genocide upon the Nelfin races. A sigh emitted from under his mask, folding the paper and placing it on his desk. He couldn't wait to get out of this chamber and end his seclusion.