Preserved Sheet Zzalzah Al - Yaotl

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Your Supreme Overlord
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Bottom of the Sea
Tyberia Empire
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Zzalzah Al-Yaotl

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Al-Allar

  • Sexuality: Bisexual
Skill Information (Required)
  • Proficiency Points: 22 (Age)
    • +18 Medical Sciences (+10 Al-Allar, +8 Points)

    • +12 Alchemy Science (+10-Al-Allar, +2 Points)

    • +7 Food & Drink (+7 Points)

    • +5 Visual Arts (+5 Points)

  • Body Shape: Slim
    • Physical Stat: 0 (0+[0x2])

  • Languages Known (2)
    • Common (Fluent Reading and Writing)

    • Zasta (Fluent Reading and Writing)

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Yellow

  • Horn Color: White

  • Horn Style: Small Horns on her head scattered around

  • Scale Color: Teal

  • Clothing: Blue robe like clothes lined with gold thread.

  • Height: 5'4
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Zzalzah is seen as a very closed and shy Allar, she tends to sit in the corners or the ends of tables and discussions. She also looks to be a confused individual, often taking a long time to answer questions. Zzal can also be looked at as a weak Allar, being quite small, in height and body build.

  • Second Paragraph: She sees herself as a regular Al-Allar knowing a bit about Alchemy and also Medical things. She also has a lot of worry and anxiety about people potentially figuring out about her past, and how she lies about her identity. She tries to conceal everything about her past, though she fears people will find out about it, and causing her to lose more than she already has.

  • Third Paragraph: Zzal does not worry as much around those she knows, but it is always in the back of her mind. People that know her well know she is very kind to people and compassionate about her career. Some people she is close with also knows she loves to cook and bake, Being one of her favorite hobbies. She does not interact with any family, now having moved to Regalia. Any lovers she has/had she treats with the utmost respect and cares for them more than anything else.

  • Fourth Paragraph: She tries to fall under the role lawful good, though from her past she feels like she does not suit that after what she did before she fled home. She does not place religion high on her priorities, and would rather deal with life matters. Zzalzah hopes with abandoning her old life, to start over with a clean record and follow her morals and goals more, which include becoming a doctor, and being an active helper in her new Allar community.

Life Story (Required)


  • Hatched 284 AC from a Mu-Allar, but adopted by 2 Al-Allar.
    • Her mother was a healer, and her father was an Alchemist.
  • Llazzra was hatched quite small and was generally the smallest Allar in her Digmaan.
  • Her parents wanted her to follow their footsteps. Though she was closer to her mother so she chose to be a healer, instead of an Alchemist
    • Though she was still taught the basics of Alchemy, before she went to the School of Medicine
  • The Chrysant War was going on during most of this, neither of her parents went to war. Though her mother and father had to help the wounded very often
    • She does not recall most of the war, only that many Mu-Allar left for war, and her parents had to help heal injured.
  • She was eventually sent to The Halctus Academy in Daenshore.
School of Medicine
  • Llazzra started out, being quite small just as she was in her Digmaan.
  • Having a head start from her mother, she did very well in the school of medicine.
    • She would often be ahead of many people in her class, but still not the top of her class
  • She graduated the school and made the Oath of No Harming, and tries to live by it very much.
Recent Years
  • When she came home, she helped her mother as a healer. Being able to heal and do surgical procedures alone.
  • Her father while she was gone, got into a tussle with a Mu-Allar, which caused him to have his legs permanently damaged.
    • He stopped doing Alchemy, but he never got around to packing up his Alchemy things.
  • One day she was attempting to clean up her fathers things and she knocked the box of Alchemy things out of the window, which killed 5 people.
    • One of which was her mother.
  • This devastated her, which made her leave the Digmaan and flee to Regalia. In fear of getting punished for something she did not mean to do.
    • She also took most of her families money, knowing it would be very difficult for her father to live even with money. Now that he has no wife or daughter to help him.
  • She arrived in Regalia, then joining the Digmaan of Regalia, under Cro-Zzhin Yaotl.
    • She also changed her name to Zzalzah
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Was gonna do a peer review, but couldn't find much wrong. The personality is slightly low in content, maybe a few more sentences to the shorter onces. But other than that, issa good app.
Expand a little more on the fourth personality paragraph! It's a great app, just want to know a bit more on that.
Yes, that's great. Approved!
@Carlit0o I believe I fixed this app so it can be approved. I didn't make the changes in color because the only difference is redoing the whole "Skills" section, and removing body type from visual information
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