Preserved Sheet Zyav Ipeshriin

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Sep 6, 2015
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Full Name: Zyaviokh Ravat Ipeshriin Mor-Kiir Raz-Rokh Marraanvaal
Commonly Known As: Zyav Ipeshriin
Race: Kathar
Cult: Pride
Age: 43
Sex: Female

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye Color: Pale Blue

♖Zyav is a void worshiper who pays reverence to both Odella and the Kathar Sire of Trickery. She is not overly zealous, only paying homage to her religion before events she deems significant.

♖A military strategist escaping the presence of the Allorn Empire in her homeland, Zyav is seeking a place to settle and watch how events on Daen progress. She is known to be a dramatic and classy, yet conniving Cult of Pride Kathar with a love of tricks. Alongside this, the Kathar also exhibits the aura of someone who is proud, yet chaotic, and perhaps more than a bit uncaring to anyone but her closest confidants.


Strength: 2
Thin Blades
Constitution: 2
Earthenware Craft Pack
Wisdom: 1
Volacrum Wisdom Pack
Dexterity: 2
Disguise Pack
Magic: 3

Source: Void
Earth Magic
Metal Magic
Sensor Magic
Charisma: 5
State General Pack
Empire Linguist Pack

Kathar Racials: As a Kathar, Zyav can use the abilities natural to her race. A list of these can be found below:

Magical Storage
Body Claws
Eyes of the Hunt
Hack Familiar
Magic Dagger
Essence Corrupt


Mutations: Zyav's only current mutation affects the nails on her hands, and makes them appear to be sharp, black claws.

Overall Appearance: Zyav has a lithe build, and a generally androgonous appearance that leans more towards being fluid, or feminine. She stands at a height of 6'1", and has pale, gray skin that is covered by a variety of tattoos. It can also be noted that she has long, black hair that is often gathered back from her face in an undercut updo.



♖On October 14th, 267 A.C, a Kathar was born in one of the Rokhs in Teled Varren. Shortly after her birth, she was unceremoniously abandoned by her birth parents and left in the care of a Future House.

♖The first few years of her life was spent in the Future House, where she received basic care and education. The young Kathar, yet to be named, proved to be a rather fussy, and as she learned to speak, bossy child. Her behavior eventually caught the attention of a Sweet-Mother, who decided to take her on as a ward. Not long after, the young Kathar was given a name, Zyaviokh, and taken to Rokh-Marraanvaal.

♖The newly named Zyav's adolescence was spent under the care and training of her Sweet-Mother. The Kathar's fussy side did not last long after her adoption, as her guardian had little tolerance for what they considered a flaw. One way that the behavior was broken was through the introduction of the game Thonq, which Zyav quickly took a liking to. Her guardian took note of this, and began to shape her for a potential future as a general.

♖Upon entering young adulthood, Zyav was sent to the Roktokaar College for War to receive formal training as a strategist and leader. She did well at the school, though did not opt to remain in Rokhara after graduation, and returned to Rokh Marraanvaal.

♖ There she remained, participating in various military conflicts in different ways, though she largely remained away of the front lines. In her time away from the strategist tents, she took up sculpting as a hobby. This continued until the rise of the Allorn Empire, and the subsequent subjugation of Teled Varren. Less than fond of the idea of serving the Altalar, Zyav fled to Rokhara.

♖Once there, though, she found she was unable to establish herself in a way that she liked. As such, she hatched a plan, and decided to take a 'vacation' to the city of Regalia, where she planned to wait, and watch the situation in her homeland unfold.