Preserved Sheet Zuhr Berehad

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Right Proper Bastard
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Zuhr Berehad
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Keleden Songaskian
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
Core Concept
Zuhr Berehad is a cheerful, colorful and friendly... Necromancer. He loves to meet new people, experience new things and generally have a good time while smiling all the while. Despite his openly jovial nature, his past is entirely a mystery as he absolutely refuses to speak about it. Other than that he is a Keleden Mage from Kankagner.

A book for reading, 10-50 Regals, a small padded leather bag with a handful of various strange objects and reagents.

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 6
    • Enchant Bolts
    • Enchant Defense
    • Enchant Protect
    • Enchant Shift
    • Medical Barrier
    • Medical Rescue
  • Dexterity: 1 (Magic Aesthetic)
    • Escape Artist
  • Magic: 7 (Ordial)
    • Sinistral Puppet
    • Sinistral Mindvex
    • Sinistral Implode
    • Radiant Feather
    • Radiant Shield
    • Radiant Push
    • Radiant Barrier
  • Faith: 0
    • Exorcism (Songaskian)
    • Sacred Revive (Songaskian)
  • Common
  • Sofaal
  • Death-Speech
Visual Information:
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Left side long and fluffy, right side cut very short
Skin Color: Dark Tan
Tail: Smooth, black scaled tail with a pointed tip that reaches to slightly drag on the floor if left down. Often held around his waist like a belt.
Scales: Black dragon scales that cover his neck and shoulders as well as forearms.
Horns: Black horns that sprout from his forehead and curve to point straight backwards.

Plot Hooks:
  • Zuhr refuses to talk about his past in almost any capacity aside from vague statements.
  • Despite his strong ties to necromantic magic and dark Ordial powers, Zuhr is a rather cheerful, colorful and 'happy go lucky' seeming person.
  • The necromancer has a love of sweets, specifically baked goods.
  • Zuhr is highly protective of family and friends and will not hesitate to draw on dark magics to defend them from any perceived threats.
  • He has a deep seeded mistrust of Qadir.
  • Zuhr is married to a Velheim man named Vedrfolnir AND an Anglian man named Aedrich.
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