Archived Zombies Are A Security Threat.

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Butter Elf the Wise
Aug 5, 2012
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With the current factions plugin, you can set your permissions so that players outside the faction can't destroy or even open doors in your land. For the most part, this is enough to keep would-be bandits out of your home.

In the case of wooden doors, however, zombies are still able to break them and leave your interiors exposed to raiders. I suggest making it impossible for zombies to destroy wooden doors that exist within claimed land.
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You could place the doors so when they are in the open state they are actual blocking the entrance this will stop zombies from trying to break them.[DOUBLEPOST=1357174284][/DOUBLEPOST]Or you could use iron doors and private them allowing them to be opened by hand.
Unless your house is in Wilderness, why do you care about this? I mean, zombies don't spawn in faction territory. If you house was unclaimed, you should be more worried about griefing...
Imboring, I've said nothing of unclaimed homes; only of homes within faction territory. If my home was unclaimed, I would be more worried about it being griefed. Don't take me for a fool. And our home is near wilderness. Wilderness is one chunk over from our front door. They spawn over there and flamenco dance over to our house and bust the door down.

Overlord, I'll try your first approach. Iron doors would ruin the woodsy feel of our house.
I didn't think that one through. I'd recommend a wolf to guard your doorstep as they attack any mob that comes near.
That sorta helps, but a player could just kill the wolf, lead a zombie to the door, back off, let the zombie bust down the door, then go in. I'll try using both you guys' methods.
Put a square of fences a block or two around your house with a fence gate in the direction of the door. That way, your perms are safe and you get access. Zombies can't jump over it or destroy it. It's a win-win situation not to mention it might make your house look a bit better.
I think we bubblewrap too many things. Edosaku's doors have been torn apart by zombies before, and had we not caught it, it would have allowed outsiders into our treasure rooms.


Isn't that thrill of danger a perk? It is for me, knowing there are workarounds and that we need to be cautious, like remembering to shut our doors and what-not.

I'm sure everyone has a different taste, but I like the idea that zombies can come crashing in through the gates. Makes it a little more exciting.
I think we bubblewrap too many things. Edosaku's doors have been torn apart by zombies before, and had we not caught it, it would have allowed outsiders into our treasure rooms.


Isn't that thrill of danger a perk? It is for me, knowing there are workarounds and that we need to be cautious, like remembering to shut our doors and what-not.

I'm sure everyone has a different taste, but I like the idea that zombies can come crashing in through the gates. Makes it a little more exciting.
And that might invite raiders (hug)
We're not big enough to need walls. But Ali, I guess you're right, now that I think about it.
To be honest, with the possibility of a discussion wether raiders should be able to temporarily break open wooden doors in the future, this seems to become kinda moot.
Personally I think the NPC's and the Minecraft wilderness are too easy. I am all for making this harder. It's kindof like "Good night dear, I'm going to harvest some experience and bonemeal now, be back in half an hour with over 9000 stacks of it"
I've not heard such discussion yet, Marty. Then again, I always leave /ch g, /ch t/ and /ch a whenever I log on. That sounds like a nice twist, though.
It was a forum suggestion, and I think a fair one. There's no logical reason why someone with an axe couldn't hack down a wooden door, besides some action might prevent raids from becoming stale and boring.
If that's the case, then there's no logical reason why someone can't open a chest that has a sign tacked onto its side, or dig some dirt that's in someone's faction land.
Partially true, which is why someone advocated making the deadbolt plugin sensitive to amount of days the chest has been used instead of days active. They are two different things though, one advocates more pvp and more interesting raids, the other advocates stealing, trolling and crying.
Yeah, I just saw Mech's deadbolt suggestion, and I love it. But I believe they both advocate stealing, trolling and crying, it's just that the door-busting idea also advocates revitalized pvp, so they both have pretty much the same negatives, but the latter just has a positive stacked on top of it. Which makes me wonder whether it's worth it. I suggest a trial period, if the door-busting idea is ever implemented, to see how well it would go over before setting it in concrete.
We need a deadbolt for chest shops, I keep finding mulligans and craftymans all over my new village :\
I've told you before you disregarding monkey, I'm to the close south of your ceardia base.
I had a zombie actually wander into my fac territory, it still was able to break through it. Not complaining i actually thought it was kinda funny.
I love that zombies can break down doors.

I once raided Renegades, and I was able to lead a zombie to their door, and it started banging on it. Sure enough, their leader came out to kill it, and instead got a face full of scimitar.

So yeah, this should certainly be kept it, imo.
I have a solution!!!!! make a gate, u know those fence, iron bar gate thingies.
just to add to my first post if you do use my first suggestion use can not use pressure plates to open the door from the inside. This is because when powered by redstone doors swich to the open state and when the redstone turns off they swich to the closed state. Because the door is placed so when it is in its open state it blocks the entrance and when closed to allows people through the door will close when you step on the pressure plate and open when you step off.
Personally I think the NPC's and the Minecraft wilderness are too easy. I am all for making this harder. It's kindof like "Good night dear, I'm going to harvest some experience and bonemeal now, be back in half an hour with over 9000 stacks of it"
I agree. Do any of you remember the first time you played minecraft? On a single player world, or whatever, (I myself played on a private multiplayer server with my dad the first time). Do you remember how you would watch the sun set in grim anticipation, and rush to your house to be safe from the horrors that lie beyond? These days, I've never feared the night. Zombies, skeletons, creepers, they are no threat. I can easily kill them, and if things get dangerous, I can easily outrun them to safety. I think things like zombies being able to break into factions are exciting, I want mobs to be a challenge again.
Well, if anyone comes across this thread with the same problem heres the solutions i thought of.

1. Iron door.
2. Piston door.
3. Build a 2 block high wall.
4. Place a few torches around and they wont spawn.
5. Use a redstone gate.
6. Place the door so the open position covers the doorway.
7. Claim a few more chunks.
8. Use a trapdoor (afaik zombies cant open them)
What if a vampire bandit got in your base? You could respond by smacking him in the face with the wooden door that your zombie neighbors conveniently left on the floor for you.
Why is this thread still alive ? :S Is it a... zombie thread perhaps 8-)
The pun burns my eyes...Igel will have to get me some eye replacement therapy. :S
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