Archived Zombie Villager Models

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
So with 1.9 came many changes to mobs. But the one I want to highlight today is the zombie model. Now before the update, there were generic zombies and generic zombie villagers.

But after the update, the latter has been expanded upon. Zombie villagers now have a different texture based on their profession. One reason for this change was to make it easier for players to choose which zombies to exorcise with weakness and a gapple. Whatever the true reason, we have new textures.

The reason I bring this up is because the current pack (v14) does not contain texture models for these new variations of a zombie villager.
Of course I know we will eventually add models for zombies, I wanted to make this thread to make an area for us to brainstorm on specific models for these zombies.

Sure, we could just have typical priests and blacksmiths. Or we could have other monsters be considered, like have actual vampire skins and actual bandit orcs, etc. Skeletons and zombies already share massivemob professions, so why not make zombies something new and keep skeletons as the professions?

Post below your opinions or suggestions :D
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
It seems like it would be fairly easy to spawn, say, Orc Chieftans as ZombieVillager:3 or whatever insead of zombie pigmen, and skin zombie villager 3 to look like an Orc. Seems like it would be easyish to do, and would certainly be fun to see. +1
I'll tag @Addrion who frequently works with MassiveMobs to see if this is a possibility at this time.